Take My Advice - Mega goal 1 - أول ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Big Changes
Unit2: Careers
Unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
Unit4: The Art of Advertising
Term 2
?Unit5: Did You Hurt Yourself
Unit6: Take My Advice
Unit7: You’ve Got Mail
Unit8: Wishful Thinking
Term 3
Unit9: Complaints, Complaints
Unit10: I Wonder What Happened
Unit11: If It Hadn’t Happened
Unit12: What They Said
EXPANSION Units 9–12
نشاط unit1: Big Changes
نشاط unit2: Careers
نشاط unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
نشاط unit4: The Art of Advertising
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Did You Hurt Yourself
نشاط unit6: Take My Advice
نشاط unit7: You’ve Got Mail
نشاط unit8: Wishful Thinking
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5-8
نشاط unit9: Complaints, Complaints
نشاط unit10: I Wonder What Happened
نشاط unit11: If It Hadn’t Happened
نشاط unit12: What They Said
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
6 Take My Advice A وزارة التعليم Asma is chatting online with Sahar. Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. hungry lose control fitness turn down pressure avoid Asma123: I'm looking at an advice website for teens right now. It's really cool. Sahar227: Really? What's the address? I want to check it out, too. Asma123: www.helpsite-4u.com Sahar227: Why are you looking at this site? Asma123: Well, it's my weight... and junk food. You know... Sahar227: Wait. So if this is about weight and food, are you looking at the page about (1) ? Asma123: That's right, and I just found a list here that should help. Sahar227: Yeah! I see it. The list shows what types of food you shouldn't eat. Asma123: Look at the first thing on the list. You should (2) and fat. carbohydrates Sahar227: Do you eat too much fast food? Asma123: No, not too much. Normal, quantities. I don't eat sweets either! Sahar227: Good. You had better not! Asma123: I never eat too much at home but something comes over me when I see a fast food restaurant and I (3) Sahar227: Asma123: Oh Asma, that's crazy. You spend so much time on fitness exercises and running. Why do you want to throw it all away? I don't. But when people want to eat and they start ordering burgers and fries I start getting (4) and end up ordering myself. Sahar227: You should have told me about it sooner. We could have avoided unhealthy fast food. I am not too crazy about it myself. I wouldn't have trouble eating grilled chicken and salad! Asma123: I would. I could never (5) when I am under exam (6) a burger and fries, especially. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 275 Unit 6 275 30/4/24 2:05 AM

6 Take My Advice B Read the conversations. Choose the more appropriate modal auxiliary. Write it in the blank. Ahmed: My brother is always going out with his friends. He never has time for me. What (1) (might / should)_ I do? Fahd: Ahmed: I wouldn't worry about it. My brother does the same thing. Or you (2) (could had better) talk to him. I already have. He says he's really not interested in spending time with me. He thinks I'm too young. But he said we (3) (had better / might) football game together tonight. watch the Patient: Doctor: I can't seem to lose more weight. I haven't been careful about what I eat, but I go to the gym five times a week. Maybe I (4) (should shouldn't) bother going to the gym. Let me explain. If you work out for an hour and then eat a piece of cake, you're taking in more calories than you burned at the gym. The gym is important. You (5) (could / should) go to the gym, but if you do, you be more (6) (ought to / might) careful about your diet. Mrs. Smith: How's Brian? Mrs. Jones: OK, I guess. He's on the school football team. But Mrs. Smith: he's still on a strict diet. He never eats fast food or any of the food that other kids eat but he is happy because he is fit. It's great for kids to know what they want! If Brian is happy he (7) (could ought to) continue his diet. I have an idea. He (8) (might / had better) explain to the other kids that eating this way helps his football skills. What do you think? 276 Unit 6 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 276 30/4/24 2:05 AM

C Read the situations. Then give your advice. Use the verbs in parentheses. 1. Hameed has invited Ibrahim over to his house to play video games. Ibrahim likes Hameed and would like to be his friend. But someone else told Ibrahim that the reason Hameed invited him is because he wants to play the new video game that Ibrahim bought last week. What should Ibrahim do? a. (could) b. (should) c. (had better not) وزارة التعليم 6 Take My Advice 2. Amira could not find her gym shoes so she borrowed her younger brother's shoes. They are very comfortable but they are different from girls' shoes. Amira is happy to have them but she is afraid that her friends will tease her. What should she do? a. (might) b. (should) c. (ought to) 3. Paul is the best player on the school basketball team. This year his father is helping the gym teacher to coach the team. Although this seemed like a good idea, it's not working out well. Paul's father is always yelling at him and telling him he's not good at basketball. Paul seems nervous and isn't doing well. That's hurting the team. The other players are worried, especially because some important games are coming up. What should the other players do? a. (shouldn't) b. (should) c. (had better) Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 277 Unit 6 277 30/4/24 2:05 AM

6 Take My Advice D Write two-word or three-word verbs next to the definitions. Use the verbs, particles, and prepositions in the box. Some are used more than once. E F LL give with put take throw turn get away down off along up 1. stop doing 2. postpone 5. refuse 6. begin 3. discard 4. be friendly 7. accept a bad situation Complete the sentences with two-word and three-word verbs. Use each of the verbs from exercise D once. Put the verbs in the correct form. A. Raymond is getting very annoyed at himself. Last month he decided to (1) smoking. So he (2) the pack of cigarettes that he'd just bought. Then his friend told him that this was a bad time to quit because it was a very stressful time at work. His friend said that he should (3) quitting for at least another month. Raymond decided that there was never a good time to quit smoking, so he (4) his friend's advice. Now Raymond hasn't had a cigarette in three weeks! B. Paul is tired of work. Every time he goes to work, he never (5) boss. Paul thinks that he should find a new job-or maybe (6) completely different career. his Complete the conversation with the correct two-word or three-word verb. Put the pronoun object in the correct position. Sam: I hate cleaning the garage! I always (1) (put off / it) Mel: There's a lot of junk in it! How do you (2) (put up with / it) need it all? Why don't you (3) (throw away / it). as long as I can. ? Do you really Sam: That's not easy to do. Mel: Sure it is. Just (4) (throw away / it) you have. Sam: I can't (5) (throw away/them) They're important for me. It's simple. Look at all the footballs They remind me of all those games. Mel: Hmmm. You can really be difficult sometimes. I don't know how your footballs (6) (put up with you) 278 Unit 6 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 278 30/4/24 2:05 AM

Write two-word or three-word verbs next to the definitions. Use the verbs, particles, and prepositions in the box. Some are used more than once. 1. stop doing

6 Take My Advice G READING Read the article. Some Family Advice Eppie Lederer and Pauline Phillips were identical twins. In 1955 Eppie Lederer won a contest. The prize was to write an advice column for the Chicago Sun Times newspaper. In 1956 Pauline Phillips began writing an advice column for the San Francisco Chronicle. Both columns became very popular and were soon being published in many newspapers. At one time, each column-"Ann Landers" and "Dear Abby"-had nearly 100 million readers around the world! Eppie Lederer ("Ann Landers") and Pauline Phillips ("Abigail Van Buren") had a significant influence—on individuals and on important issues. For example, Phillips often called people who sounded very depressed in their letters. “They say, 'You're calling me?' After they start talking, I can suggest they get professional help.” In this way, she saved people's lives. In 1971, when the U.S. Congress was reluctant to pass a law devoting money to cancer research, Lederer asked her readers to write letters. Congress received more letters than it had in its entire history-and passed the law. Over the years, both columnists said that people's problems had remained basically the same. But the work was always interesting. Phillips said, “I can't wait to get to work in the morning." For one thing, there's no typical letter writer-women, men, teenagers all write about their problems. And, as Phillips said in response to a question, “There's no reason to make up anything. There's nothing weirder than what I get in the mail." Above all, they were committed to helping their readers. Is it just a coincidence that these two famous advice-givers were twin sisters? Maybe—but maybe not. Jeanne Phillips, Pauline's daughter, helped her mother write “Dear Abby." She was a teenager when she started to help her mother. Margo Howard, Lederer's daughter, now writes an advice column called "Dear Margo." "It must be in the genes," says Jeanne Phillips, only partly joking. وزارة التعليم Complete the sentences. 1. "Ann Landers" was really 2. "Abigail Van Buren” was really 3. 4. helped her mother write a column. who is daughter, writes an advice column called “Dear Margo." Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 279 Unit 6 279 30/4/24 2:05 AM

6 Take My Advice H Read the emails and reply with advice. To: Reply Reply to all Forward Delete Print Subject: Hello, Please help. I don't know what to do. I lent my book to a friend of mine and we have a test tomorrow. It's too late to get it back and I only have my notes from class. How am I going to study? Any ideas? 280 Unit 6 وزارة التعليم Hi, To: Reply Reply to all Forward >Delete Print Subject: Reply Reply to all Forward >Delete To: Subject: Reply Reply Reply to all Forward Delete Subject: Reply I am having some difficulty with the math homework. I would ask my father but he is away on a business trip. I am really not good at math, as you know. I know you are in a different group so we don't do the same things. Should I call someone or do as much as I can and then ask for help tomorrow? What would you do? To: Reply Reply to all Forward >Delete Print To: Subject: Hello, I am desperate. I think I have lost my cell phone. I remember putting it in my bag but it's not there. I am trying to remember if I let anyone borrow it this morning. Do you remember? We were talking when Sabah interrupted us and I don't remember what I did with it. I am afraid to tell my parents. I have already lost two cell phones! I had promised to be careful with this one. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 280 Reply Reply to all Forward >Delete To: Subject: Reply 30/4/24 2:05 AM

6 Take My Advice I Look at the pictures. The younger man is asking his father for advice. Decide what the advice is about (e.g. choosing a university, changing jobs, buying a new car/house). وزارة التعليم 1. Complete the chart with as many words as you can under each heading. Nouns Verbs Adjectives 2. What advice does the father give his son? Write sentences using some of the words that you listed. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 281 Unit 6 281 30/4/24 2:05 AM

6 Take My Advice J WRITING Imagine that a friend has written to you for advice about a problem that he/she has at school or work. Complete the chart with the information required. Use it to write a reply to your friend. 282 Unit 6 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 The Problem The cause of the problem Your solution to the problem Description of the problem First detail of the problem Second detail of the problem Third detail of the problem Dear Desperate Friend, MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 282 30/4/24 2:05 AM

وزارة التعليم K Complete the conversation. Use much, many, often, lot, lots, few or little. Scott: Hi Ahmed! You look well. I think you're (1) were, too. Have you lost a (2) 6 Take My Advice thinner than you weight? Ahmed: Hi, Scott. Nice to see you're back in Riyadh. Yes, I did lose a (3) kilos this year. Scott: Were you on a diet or something? You were eating a (4) junk food last time we went out. Ahmed: Well, I'm not really on a diet, but I'm more careful about what I eat, and I feel (5) healthier these days. I don't eat (6) of 99 junk food now. I eat a (7) of fruit now, too. Scott: How (8) fruit do you eat? Ahmed: About two pieces of fruit at day, or more. I always have a (9) morning and take some with me when I go running. bit in the Scott: How (10) do you go running? Ahmed: Every day. I'm doing a (11) of training for the marathon, so I run for at least an hour before work. What about you? How (12) hours of exercise do you get? Scott: Oh... I don't exercise (13) here. I go to the gym a (14) times a week when I'm back home in the States. But it's so hot here! I have to drink (15) of water all the time. Ahmed: How (16) glasses of water do you drink every day? Scott: I don't think about it (17) How (19) but I know I need a (18) do you have to stop for a drink? Ahmed: When I'm running, I don't drink (20) drops when I stop. But I have a (21) Scott: Hey! You're making me thirsty. Let's have a (22) refreshment together now. break and have a Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 283 Unit 6 283 30/4/24 2:05 AM

6 Take My Advice L M Write the possible solutions for each problem. There may be more than one possible answer. take medicine take painkillers take vitamins relax drink warm tea or milk take cough syrup use a skin cream stay in bed 1. sore throat 4. stress 2. rash 3. flu 5. toothache 6. feeling tired Write the adjectives for feelings on the chart below. Add any other feelings adjectives you know. afraid bored angry excited glad great nervous sick relaxed bad fine/OK happy sad sleepy strong terrible tired wonderful Positive + Negative - N Answer the questions. 1. What do you do when you have a headache? 2. What do you do when you have a toothache? 3. What do you do when you feel anxious and stressed? 4. How do you feel when you have the flu? 5. How do you feel when you exercise? 6. How do you feel when you meet new people? 284 Unit 6 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 284 30/4/24 2:05 AM