Listen and Discuss - Mega goal 1 - أول ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Big Changes
Unit2: Careers
Unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
Unit4: The Art of Advertising
Term 2
?Unit5: Did You Hurt Yourself
Unit6: Take My Advice
Unit7: You’ve Got Mail
Unit8: Wishful Thinking
Term 3
Unit9: Complaints, Complaints
Unit10: I Wonder What Happened
Unit11: If It Hadn’t Happened
Unit12: What They Said
EXPANSION Units 9–12
نشاط unit1: Big Changes
نشاط unit2: Careers
نشاط unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
نشاط unit4: The Art of Advertising
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Did You Hurt Yourself
نشاط unit6: Take My Advice
نشاط unit7: You’ve Got Mail
نشاط unit8: Wishful Thinking
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5-8
نشاط unit9: Complaints, Complaints
نشاط unit10: I Wonder What Happened
نشاط unit11: If It Hadn’t Happened
نشاط unit12: What They Said
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
12 What They Said 1 Listen and Discuss Read what each person said and how it is reported. Examine the differences. رابط الدرس الرقمي And now we would like to bring you the news of the day. NEWS I will build a sports complex, and I will not raise taxes. བྱུང The candidate for mayor said he would build a sports complex, and he would not raise taxes. www The on-the-scene reporter said that the powerful storm the night before had knocked down many trees, and some areas of the city were still without power. وز 180عليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 180 Ew The powerful storm last night knocked down many trees, and some areas of the city are still without power. According to recent studies, pomegranate juice is healthy because it lowers blood pressure, and pumpkin seeds seem to improve memory. The doctor said that, according to recent studies, pomegranate juice was healthy because it lowered blood pressure, and pumpkin seeds seemed to improve memory. 30/4/24 2:04 AM

The interviewer asked the professor if intelligent life existed elsewhere in the universe. The professor answered that there wasn't intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. He said that the positive proof was that no other life form had bothered to make contact with us. Professor Marvin, does intelligent life exist elsewhere in the universe? Mr. Hollyfield, can you tell us about the results of the exam? They scanned my head and found nothing. No, there isn't intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. The positive proof is that no other life form has bothered to make contact with us. The interviewer asked Mr. Hollyfield, the famous TV presenter, if he could tell us about the results of his exam. He replied that the doctors had scanned his head and had found nothing. Quick Check ✓ A. Vocabulary. Match the words and the meanings. candidate 1. proof 2. 3. 4. scan bother a. make the effort b. get an image with a computer c. evidence d. person trying to be elected B. Comprehension. Answer true or false. 2 Pair Work Find sentences that are reported in the texts you read. Make questions for those reports and ask them to your friend. See the example below. What did the reporter ask the professor? He asked him if there was intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. 1. 2. The candidate said that he wouldn't raise taxes. The doctor said that pumpkin seeds helped fight cancer. 3. 4. The professor said that there was no life on other planets because no one had contacted us. Mr. Hollyfield told the interviewer that the doctors hadn't found anything wrong with him. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 181 181 30/4/24 2:04 AM