Language in Context - Mega goal 1 - أول ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Big Changes
Unit2: Careers
Unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
Unit4: The Art of Advertising
Term 2
?Unit5: Did You Hurt Yourself
Unit6: Take My Advice
Unit7: You’ve Got Mail
Unit8: Wishful Thinking
Term 3
Unit9: Complaints, Complaints
Unit10: I Wonder What Happened
Unit11: If It Hadn’t Happened
Unit12: What They Said
EXPANSION Units 9–12
نشاط unit1: Big Changes
نشاط unit2: Careers
نشاط unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
نشاط unit4: The Art of Advertising
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Did You Hurt Yourself
نشاط unit6: Take My Advice
نشاط unit7: You’ve Got Mail
نشاط unit8: Wishful Thinking
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5-8
نشاط unit9: Complaints, Complaints
نشاط unit10: I Wonder What Happened
نشاط unit11: If It Hadn’t Happened
نشاط unit12: What They Said
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
O 10 I Wonder What Happened 4 Language in Context Look at the picture and imagine what had happened before Mr. and Mrs. Jones got home. The children had cooked dinner. رابط الدرس الرقمي 5 Listening A. Listen to the two strange events, and complete the chart. Write the strange events in the What Happened? column. Erika's house What happened? Speculation/possibility Fred and Mildred's ranch B. Write your own idea about why it happened in the Speculation/Possibility column. Compare ideas with other students. 6 Pronunciation Listen. Note the er ending in the following words. Then practice. crater driver recover water discover 7 About You In pairs, ask the questions and have your friend answer. Then switch roles. 1. Have you ever seen a meteorite? ::::2. Have you ever heard or read about unusual incidents that were hard to explain? 3. Have you ever seen a puzzling sight like those on page 152? Talk about your experience. و156 عليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 156 30/4/24 2:03 AM

Look at the picture and imagine what had happened before Mr. and Mrs. Jones got home The children had cooked dinner

8 Conversation ? Find and underline examples of er at the end of words and practice reading the conversation in pairs. Samir: Excuse me. What's going on? Greg: Samir: Greg: Samir: Greg: Samir: Greg: Samir: When I got to the park, a crowd had already gathered around that weird thing. over there. Gee! I wonder what it is. Beats me! It must have fallen from the sky. Do you have any idea what it might be? Whatever it is, it's man-made. It looks like part of a satellite to me. Or it might be the remains of a weather balloon. No, it can't be. I've seen weather balloons before, and that's not the type of equipment they have. You see those lights flashing? And there's a humming sound coming from it. It must be a communications satellite. Or maybe one of those UFOs. You never know. ( 3 Real Talk Excuse me. = a way to start a conversation with a stranger Gee! an exclamation to express surprise Beats me! I have no idea! You never know. = Anything is possible. About the Conversation 1. What had happened before Greg got to the park? 2. What does Samir think the object could be? 3. What does Greg think it might be? Your Turn Your Ending What does Greg say? 1 Yeah. We'd better call the police. 2 It might be a time bomb. Let's get out of here. 3 I'm going to stick around to see what happens. 4 Your idea: FYI* UFO Unidentified Flying Object A. Role-play the conversation with a partner. Speculate about the object found in the park. B. Imagine you are a reporter. Give a report about what happened at the park. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 157 *FYI: For Your Information 157 30/4/24 2:03 AM

Find and underline examples of er at the end of words and practice reading the conversation in pairs.

Role-play the conversation with a partner. Speculate about the object found in the park