Update - Mega goal 1 - أول ثانوي


كتاب النشاط


كتاب النشاط

Listen and practice reading the conversation in pairs Yasmin is in Jeddah, visiting relatives. She and her cousin, Amal are invited to a wedding reception at the end of the week

حل Listen and practice reading the conversation in pairs Yasmin is in Jeddah, visiting relatives. She and her cousin, Amal are invited to a wedding reception at the end of the week

Listen and check true or false. 1. Yasmin can't use this type of credit card because she doesn't have an account.

حل Listen and check true or false. 1. Yasmin can't use this type of credit card because she doesn't have an account.

Role-play a conversation like the one above with a partner. Use expressions from Decide about the following first which city you are in

حل Role-play a conversation like the one above with a partner. Use expressions from Decide about the following first which city you are in

4PronunciationListen. Note the rising or falling intonation. Good morning. Can I help you? No, not at all.


Make a list of things that make you feel stressed. Tell a partner

حل Make a list of things that make you feel stressed. Tell a partner

Write two or more important things that cause stress in your peers Give some advice for handling these things Copy the organizer below into your notebook and write your note in it Then use it

حل Write two or more important things that cause stress in your peers Give some advice for handling these things Copy the organizer below into your notebook and write your note in it Then use it

Tips for Dealing with Stress

Match the words with the meanings 1. strain

حل Match the words with the meanings 1. strain

Look at the list you made of things that make you feel stressed. In groups, ask others if the same things stress them out