EXPANSION Units - Mega goal 1 - أول ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Big Changes
Unit2: Careers
Unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
Unit4: The Art of Advertising
Term 2
?Unit5: Did You Hurt Yourself
Unit6: Take My Advice
Unit7: You’ve Got Mail
Unit8: Wishful Thinking
Term 3
Unit9: Complaints, Complaints
Unit10: I Wonder What Happened
Unit11: If It Hadn’t Happened
Unit12: What They Said
EXPANSION Units 9–12
نشاط unit1: Big Changes
نشاط unit2: Careers
نشاط unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
نشاط unit4: The Art of Advertising
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Did You Hurt Yourself
نشاط unit6: Take My Advice
نشاط unit7: You’ve Got Mail
نشاط unit8: Wishful Thinking
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5-8
نشاط unit9: Complaints, Complaints
نشاط unit10: I Wonder What Happened
نشاط unit11: If It Hadn’t Happened
نشاط unit12: What They Said
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
وز 128 عليم + EXPANSION Units 5-8 1 Language Review A. Give your advice or opinion about the following. Use should or shouldn't. You don't think it's a good idea to talk on the cell phone while you're driving. You shouldn't talk on the cell phone while you're driving. 1. You think it's a good idea for your friend to take a math course. 2. You don't think it's a good idea for Saif to skate without a helmet. 3. You think it's a good idea for the police to do something more about crime. 4. You don't think it's a good idea for your friends to travel without a hotel reservation. B. Now rewrite the sentences above using had better. You'd better not talk on the cell phone while you're driving. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Complete the sentences or write sentences using ought to. It's really a very good show. You ought to see it. 1. She has an important exam tomorrow, so 2. Faisal, aren't you freezing in that T-shirt? 3. It's past midnight. Don't you think 4. That car just went through a red light. D. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns. 1. I finished the project all by Nobody helped me. 2. If you want to make sure that nothing goes wrong, do it 3. The students organized the project 4. The president 5. The airbag 6. We painted the house. said he was going to solve the problem. was OK, but the triggering mechanism didn't work. so we didn't have to spend any money on labor. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 128 ? 30/4/24 2:03 AM

O E. Substitute the words in parentheses with one of the following two-word verbs: break down, get along, give up, put off, take up, throw away, turn down. 1. His friend 2. | 3. Mr. Johnson 4. The meeting was 5. My business partner and I smoking several years ago. (stopped) swimming in order to keep fit. (started) an offer to work in Paris. (refused) until further notice. (postponed) so we went our separate ways (were not friendly) 6. Don't your old bottles! Give them to us for recycling. (discard) 7. The president arrived late for the opening ceremony because the limo (stopped running) F. Complete the sentences with the following words: although, as soon as, in spite of, so, when. 1. Do you know 2. The plane arrived on time 3. Mr. Johnson will be back? the bad weather. the guests complained to the manager, the hotel didn't fix the dripping faucet. 4. They couldn't repair my laptop, 5. I'll tell you about the results of the exam they gave me my money back. I know them. go out and G. Write sentences with I wish. I must stay indoors as it's rainy. 1. I received an average grade in math. 2. My friend gossips a lot. 3. Ahmed can't come to the game. 4. I'm not very tall. 5. I don't speak German. I wish the weather was good so that I could play football. H. Complete the conditional sentences using your own information. 1. If I had the time, 2. If I lived in 3. If I could change something about myself, 4. If I could be someone else, 5. If I could travel anywhere, وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 129 129 30/4/24 2:03 AM

وز 130عليم + EXPANSION Units 5-8 2 Reading Before Reading Read the three articles and underline the details that tell you about the history of each game. PLAY BALL! FOOTBALL Forms of football have been played for thousands of years by various civilizations. As far back as 2500 B.C.E., the Chinese played a form of the game and called it Tsu Chu. The natives of the Pacific Islands played the game using their hands and feet, and they used coconuts and animal bladders as balls. The Inuits of northern 5 8 Canada played football on ice and used balls filled with caribou hair and grass. Other Native Americans played on fields that had enough space for 1,000 players to be playing at the same time, and matches usually lasted for more than one day. The games were so rough that the players often got broken bones. In Mexico and Central America, people invented the rubber ball and played in courts 40 to 50 feet (12 to 15 meters) long surrounded by walls several feet high. In the middle of each wall, there was a stone with a hole in the middle or a wooden ring, and the idea was for players to hit the hard rubber ball through the hole or ring. But it was not until 1863 in England that the first set of rules was put together to make football the game it is today. Football was spread throughout the world by British sailors and settlers, and all major innovations in the game such as leagues, professionalism, and international matches originated in England. BASKETBALL In 1891, Dr. James A. Naismith, a physical education teacher at a school in Springfield, Massachusetts, in the United States, was asked to create a game that could be played indoors during the harsh winters. So Naismith put up two peach baskets on opposite walls of the gymnasium and got his class of 18 students to play a game of "basketball." The team that dropped the ball into the basket more times won. At first, a football was used, but in 1894, it was decided that the ball should be 32 inches (81 centimeters) around and weigh 17.6 ounces (500 grams). In spite of all the changes that have taken place since then in the game of basketball, the size of the ball has remained the same, but the weight has increased to 21 ounces (600 grams). The baskets used in early games had the bottoms in them, and after each goal, someone had to climb a ladder in order to get the ball out and put it back into play. In 1906, open baskets were introduced, which allowed the ball to pass through, and as a result, the pace of the game became faster. In the beginning, no backboards were used either. Therefore, fans sitting behind the basket would push away the ball when the opponent was going to score. Also in the early days, each team was made up of nine players. It wasn't until 1897 that the five-player team became official. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 130 30/4/24 2:03 AM

+ VOLLEYBALL Volleyball was officially included in the Olympic Games in 1964. It began as an indoor sport, created by William G. Morgan, a physical education director, in 1895. The game borrowed characteristics from tennis and handball and was originally designed for older players. Volleyball is played on a court, divided by a net. The game begins with a team player serving the ball; tossing it in the air and hitting it with his hand or arm, over the net and into the other team's court. The receiving team must prevent the ball from falling on the ground. Each team is allowed to touch the ball 3 times before hitting it back, over the net. Individual players may only touch the ball once. Each turn after serving is called a "rally." Each team tries to ground the ball on the opponent's court and win the rally. If a team commits a fault it loses. Common faults include a double hit by the same player, grounding the ball outside the opponent's court, missing the net or touching it during the game; a net foul, and a foot fault, when the foot of the player who is serving crosses over the boundary line or the court. Players have to observe a considerable number of rules and develop techniques such as spiking and blocking that require mastery of the vertical jump so players can hit the ball when it's above the top of the net. After Reading Answer true or false. 1. 2. 3. 4. mj ம் 5. 6. Although football had been played for hundreds of years, the set of rules for the current game was only established in 1863. If the Native Americans had played on regular-size football fields, there wouldn't have been enough space for all the players. In Central America, the idea was for players to hit the ring with the ball. Before basketball, people weren't used to playing sports games indoors during the hard winters in the United States. In the early days of basketball, the game ended as soon as one of the players managed to drop the ball into one of the baskets. Each team tries to win the rally by grounding the ball on each other's court. Discussion 1. What is your favorite sport? Describe how it is played. 2. Are you a fan of any particular team? What do you do when your team wins? 3. Who is the most popular sports star in your country? What do you think about sports celebrities being looked upon as role models? 4. Nowadays sports like football and basketball are big business and generate billions of dollars all over the world. What do you think about sports as a business? 5. What would you do if you were a famous sports star and earned a lot of money? How would you behave? 6. The passion for sports can sometimes result in violence. What can be done to prevent that? 3 Writing ▼ وزارة التعليم Choose one of the discussion questions above and write your answer. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 131 131 30/4/24 2:03 AM

What is your favorite sport? Describe how it is played.
وز 132 عليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 + EXPANSION Units 5-8 4 Chant Along If I Were a Millionaire If I had a million dollars, I would be a millionaire. I would spend a lot on diamonds That would sparkle everywhere. I would buy my friends all presents, I would treat them to a trip, I would buy myself a mansion, I would drive a brand-new car. sail with me if I sailed the seven seas? Would you Would you come with me if I took a trip to Mars? And would you stand by me if I lost all that I had? Would you still be my friend through good and bad? 4033 MERTOR PLZ 'Cause I wouldn't have a house. There would be no Cadillacs. There would be no trips to Mars. MTS There'd be pizza and choc cookies. If I lost all that I had, Would you still be my good friend? And for better and for worse, Would you like a wish to send? ABLE-T MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 132 30/4/24 2:03 AM

+ Vocabulary A. Find words in the chant that mean: 1. a very wealthy person 2. stones used in jewelry 3. a large impressive house 4. a famous car brand B. Find five words and/or phrases in the chant that indicate a rich lifestyle. 1. 2. 4. 5. - 2 3 4 C. Find an expression in the chant that means: through good and bad Comprehension 1. Where would the person live if he were a millionaire? 2. Where would he sail? 3. What would he and his friend eat if they were poor? 4. What does he want to know from his friend? Discussion Do you know anyone who had a fortune and lost it all? What happened? 5 Project 1. Research a very famous person. 2. Complete the organizer with details about the person in note-form. 3. Use your notes/organizer to present your findings to the class. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Name Why this person is famous Where this person lives What this person does Important events in his/her life MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 133 A Famous Person Howard Hughes ▼ R1376 133 30/4/24 2:03 AM

Where would the person live if he were a millionaire?