Language in Context - Mega goal 1 - أول ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Big Changes
Unit2: Careers
Unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
Unit4: The Art of Advertising
Term 2
?Unit5: Did You Hurt Yourself
Unit6: Take My Advice
Unit7: You’ve Got Mail
Unit8: Wishful Thinking
Term 3
Unit9: Complaints, Complaints
Unit10: I Wonder What Happened
Unit11: If It Hadn’t Happened
Unit12: What They Said
EXPANSION Units 9–12
نشاط unit1: Big Changes
نشاط unit2: Careers
نشاط unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
نشاط unit4: The Art of Advertising
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Did You Hurt Yourself
نشاط unit6: Take My Advice
نشاط unit7: You’ve Got Mail
نشاط unit8: Wishful Thinking
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5-8
نشاط unit9: Complaints, Complaints
نشاط unit10: I Wonder What Happened
نشاط unit11: If It Hadn’t Happened
نشاط unit12: What They Said
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
E 1 Big Changes 4 Language in Context Find out the following information about your partner. Then introduce him/her to the class. 1. Full name 2. Where he/she lives 3. Where he/she was born 4. Where he/she grew up 5. About his/her family background 5 Listening رابط الدرس الرقمي 6. About his/her relatives 7. About his/her interests 8. How long he/she has been interested in them Your idea: Listen to the information about immigrants in the past. Answer true or false. 1. 2. 3. mj 4. 5. ம் 6. Many immigrants came to the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The voyage across the ocean was hard, but most immigrants had comfortable compartments on ships for sleeping and eating. Many of the immigrants were poor. At Ellis Island, the role of officials was to give immigrants information about the United States. People who were sick had to go back to their native countries. Ellis Island became known as "Heartbreak Island" among immigrants. 6 Pronunciation A. In English, speakers stress, or emphasize, words that they think are important. These are usually content words like nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Listen and note the stress. Then practice. My mother was born in Riyadh. Where did you grow up? Mona is going to college in Qassim. Have you ever visited Europe? B. Choose some sentences from the texts you read on page 6. Underline the words that you think are important in each sentence. Practice reading the sentences aloud stressing the words you underlined. 7 About You In pairs, ask the questions and have your friend answer. You can ask questions about each other or people you know. Then switch roles. 1. Where is your family from? 2. Have members of your family ever emigrated? Where did they immigrate to? 3. What problems do immigrants to new countries face? 4. Do you have relatives in other cities/ countries? Have you ever visited them? 5. Are there many immigrants where you live? Where do they come from? وزارت 0 تعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 10 30/4/24 2:00 AM

Find out the following information about your partner Then introduce him/her to the class. 1. Full name

Listen to the information about immigrants in the past Answer true or false 1. Many immigrants came to the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s

8 Conversation Underline the important words in the conversation. In pairs, read the conversation aloud. Stress the important words including in fact, you see, by the way and fit in. Saud: Hans: Saud: Hans: Tell me about yourself. I was born here in Berlin, but my family is from Leipzig, in what was East Germany. They moved over to the West soon after the German reunification. How about you? I'm from Dubai, but my grandparents were from Germany. In fact, they were from Berlin. So I guess you still have family here. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Saud: I'm afraid we lost touch with our relatives. Hans: And how long have you been here? Saud: Hans: Saud: Hans: Saud: I've been here for almost three years. You see, I have a German passport because of my grandparents. So I can work legally in this country. By the way, what do you do? I'm a biologist. I do research in a lab for at pharmaceutical company. Do you miss Dubai? Quite a bit. But I've got a good job. I've made lots of friends. I fit in OK... I'm happy here. HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITAET ▲ Humboldt University in Berlin Real Talk In fact, You see = expressions used to add information, often surprising information By the way = expression used to introduce a new topic = fit in be part of About the Conversation In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Then switch roles. 1. Where is Hans' family from? 2. How long has his family been in the western part of Germany? 3. Has Saud kept in touch with his relatives in Berlin? 4. Why is he allowed to work legally in Germany? 5. Is he thinking of going back to his native country in the future? Your Turn Role-play a conversation like the one above with a partner. Give information about your family. Include the following: • place of birth • ⚫ where your parents and grandparents are/were from • ⚫ if you still have relatives in those places • what other languages your parents and grandparents speak/spoke ⚫ what your parents/grandparents do/did • MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 11 11 30/4/24 2:00 AM