You ve Got Mail - Mega goal 1 - أول ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Big Changes
Unit2: Careers
Unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
Unit4: The Art of Advertising
Term 2
?Unit5: Did You Hurt Yourself
Unit6: Take My Advice
Unit7: You’ve Got Mail
Unit8: Wishful Thinking
Term 3
Unit9: Complaints, Complaints
Unit10: I Wonder What Happened
Unit11: If It Hadn’t Happened
Unit12: What They Said
EXPANSION Units 9–12
نشاط unit1: Big Changes
نشاط unit2: Careers
نشاط unit3: What Will Be, Will Be
نشاط unit4: The Art of Advertising
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Did You Hurt Yourself
نشاط unit6: Take My Advice
نشاط unit7: You’ve Got Mail
نشاط unit8: Wishful Thinking
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5-8
نشاط unit9: Complaints, Complaints
نشاط unit10: I Wonder What Happened
نشاط unit11: If It Hadn’t Happened
نشاط unit12: What They Said
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
7 You've Got Mail! A Ahmed has a problem and needs help from his friend Mohammed. Read the emails. Write a sentence to complete each email. Use the word in parentheses. Reply Reply to all To: Forward Delete Subject: inconvenience Hi Ahmed, I got your email. Don't worry. I'm not busy right now. (inconvenience) You're not inconveniencing me at all. Reply Reply to all Forward Delete To: Subject: wonder Hi Mohammed, Ok. Here is my situation. I sent my boss an email last Thursday. He hasn't answered me yet, and it's been four days! (1) (wonder) Forward Delete Reply Reply to all To: Subject: spam Hello Ahmed, Don't worry so much. Do you remember that time I thought you weren't answering my emails? You were, of course! Although you sent emails, I didn't get them. It was a technical problem. My computer was not sending your emails to my inbox. (2) (spam) Reply Reply to all Forward Delete To: Subject: apologize Mohammed, Oh, no! What do I do now? Just before I read your email, I sent my boss another email. I was impolite in it because I thought he was not paying attention to my previous email. I thought he was mad at me. (3) (apologize) 1. be on the road Nm 2. import B Match each expression with its definition. a. be excited about b. benefit from 3. take advantage of c. be on a trip 4. urgent 5. look forward to d. very important e. bring in from another country C Complete the sentences with your own words. 0 because I'm on the road right now. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. 2. Even though you're far away, 3. I took advantage of every wonderful minute of my vacation because 4. I will be in your town for a few days and all the hotels are full. Do you think 5. I'm looking forward to MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 285 ? Unit 7 285 30/4/24 2:05 AM

7 You've Got Mail! D Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions about, against, for, of, on, in, and to. 1. My brother is dreaming. 2. I'd like to apologize 3. I look forward 4. I'm thinking Can you come? 5. She's tired 6. We succeeded the street. 7. My grandmother asked 8. They're insisting buying a motorcycle. not answering your email sooner. having dinner with you next week. having a dinner get together this weekend. going to school every day. saving the big tree in the park across learning to use email. having new computers in school next year. 9. When are you going to apologize Abdullah E forgetting his graduation day? 10. We look forward meeting your new friend. 11. He decided getting a job for the summer. 12. Ibrahim asked taking you to the desert. Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions about, of, or to. 1. My cat is used sleeping in its basket. 2. I'm tired studying for my biology test. 3. My whole family is excited going to visit my aunt in Abha. 4. You are capable doing a lot better in math. 286 Unit 7 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 286 30/4/24 2:05 AM

F G وزارة التعليم 7 You've Got Mail! Complete the sentences about you and the people in your life. Use prepositions with gerunds. 1. My friend looks forward. 2. My parents are interested 3. Our English teacher decided 4. I'm tired 5. I'm going to ask 6. My sister/brother is thinking 7. My mother insists 8. My school's football team succeeded 9. I asked 10. My friend has always dreamed Complete the sentences. Use although or in spite of 1. he works very hard, he doesn't make much money. 2. Ali still has problems with Russian studying every night. 3. Teresa walked to school the rain. 4. he bought his ticket early, he still didn't get a good seat on the plane. 5. Maha loved the new Seth Anderson novel, she didn't like the film. 6. his broken leg, he still went on the ski vacation. 7. He wasn't ready when the taxi arrived, he got up early. 8. he emailed his résumé to the company, he still had to fill out an application. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 287 Unit 7 287 30/4/24 2:05 AM

7 You've Got Mail! H Complete the sentences. Use the verb in parentheses. from him. (hear) 1. I'll send you an email as soon as I 2. Noura will call her parents when she 3. My computer tells me when I 4. As soon as you 5. Will you clean your room when you at her hotel. (arrive) spam. (get) a right at the light, you'll see my house on the left. (take) 6. My neighbors turn on the TV loud as soon as I home this afternoon? (get) to sleep (go). 7. Will you cheer tomorrow night when the football players to play? (start) 8. Todd will be tired tomorrow when he work. (finish) 9. The teacher will tell us our test scores as soon as they ready. (be) 10. He is going to get a job as soon as he from college. (graduate) Match the sentence parts. 1. He was so sick 2. The food was so good. 3. There were so few people 4. We had so little time 5. They were so busy 6. The noise was so loud 7. She was so tired 8. I was so happy. a. we had to wait in line for an hour. b. I wanted to shake hands with everyone. c. we almost didn't make our flight. d. we all sat in the front row at the conference. e. we had to cover our ears. f. I ate too much. g. he didn't go to work. h. she fell asleep on the bus. 288 Unit 7 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 288 30/4/24 2:05 AM

7 You've Got Mail! J READING Read about the Morse Code. International Code There are a great many different ways to communicate today. We correspond by email, fax, letter, telephone, and cell phone. Every day, electronics and technology help make communication clearer and faster. Samuel Morse developed the Morse Code in the 1840s. This type of communication uses a system of short electrical signals called "dots" and long electrical signals called "dashes" to communicate. For example, the international call for help is sent with these signals: ·/- ./. You would say it like this: "Dot, dot, dot, dash, STU A Ј B K C L D M V E • W О LL F G - H P R - Y Z dash, dash, dot, dot, dot." Three dots stand for the letter S and three dashes stand for the letter O. When this SOS signal is sent, it means that someone is in trouble and needs help. Before telephones, Morse's system was used for rapid communication in Europe and America. Wooden poles carrying wires were set up so the electrical signals could be sent over the wires from one place to another. One person would tap out the code while a person in another place would listen to the message, write the code down, and translate it into letters and words. This "telegraph" system was widely used during the 1800s. Although it seems slow now, compared to today's technology, Morse Code is still sometimes used when emergencies occur today. This type of communication works best because it gets through interference better and works with very simple radios. Sometimes this is the only and best way to communicate during emergencies. You can learn more about the Morse Code using the Internet. There are even schools that offer courses in its use. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Write T for True or F for False. 1. Morse Code is faster than email. 2. Morse Code is a system of dots and dashes that are transmitted electronically. 3. The telephone is older than the telegraph. 4. Morse Code has been around since the 1740s. 5. You can still learn Morse Code today. 6. Morse Code is used during some emergency situations today. MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 289 Unit 7 289 30/4/24 2:05 AM

7 You've Got Mail! K Answer the questions. 1. What is your favorite form of communication? Why? 2. Do you need to communicate fast? Why? 3. How often do you write letters? Why do you write them? 4. How do you communicate with family members? 5. How do you communicate with friends? ☐ Read the situations and write how you would communicate in each case and why. email letter cell phone landline telegraph text message face to face 1. You are at the mall. Your friend hasn't turned up and it's getting late. You want to go home, so you need to get in touch with your brother to get a lift home. 2. Fahd is at work. He wants to let his family know that he is going to be late, but he can't use his cell phone and someone else is using the phone in the office. 3. You are in the country. There is no Internet connection and your cell phone is not working. You want to let your family know that you will be returning by train the next day. 4. You are upset with your friend and you need to talk to him/her about it. You don't like it when your friends talk to other people about you and your plans. 290 Unit 7 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 290 30/4/24 2:05 AM

7 You've Got Mail! M Look at the picture and write as many words as you can about what is probably happening. Use the words to write sentences that are joined by so ... that. 1. 2. 3. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 291 Actions Unit 7 291 30/4/24 2:05 AM

7 You've Got Mail! N WRITING Complete the chart. Use it to help you write about who you communicate with and how you communicate with them. 292 Unit 7 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 How I communicate Who do I communicate with? How do I communicate with them? Why do I communicate with them that way? MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 292 How I Communicate 30/4/24 2:05 AM

Read the information. Complete the conversation. Use used to and didn't use to. 7 You've Got Mail! How Technology Has Changed Communication The 1970s and 1980s • People sent letters and cards through the mail. • • Students often passed handwritten notes in class. • People used pay phones on the street. The 1990s Omar: Yahya: • People started using cell phones. • People started sending emails. • People sent e-cards over the Internet. Did you know that on special holiday days people cards through the mail and not over the Internet? Yes, I did. And a lot of families (1. send) (2. have) a whole drawer full of envelopes and stamps so that they didn't have to keep going to the post office. (3. not/have) cell phones. Omar: I know. Before the 90s, most people Yahya: Right. People (4. use) pay phones on the streets! Omar: They probably (5. carry) a lot of change in their pockets to make those calls. Yahya: Can you believe that students (6. write) notes to each other on small pieces of paper and pass them during break time at school? Yahya: Omar: Isn't that crazy? I can't imagine being out and about without my smartphone! Me, too. I'm glad I didn't live back then! P Read the answers. Write questions. Q: Where did Ali use to live? وزارة التعليم A: Ali used to live in the country. 1. Q: A: Fahd used to check his email all the time; even when he was on vacation. 2. Q: A: Yes, people use to leave messages on telephone answering machines. 3. Q: A: No, they didn't. Students used to write on chalkboards. 4. Q: A: No, I didn't. I used to stay up really late every night. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 293 Unit 7 293 30/4/24 2:05 AM

7 You've Got Mail! • Complete the sentences with: There is or There are. Write the number of each sentence in the correct place on the picture to show where the objects are. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 ± 5 6 N∞0° 6. 7. 8. some letters on the coffee table. a magazine on the floor. a newspaper on the kitchen table. a tablet computer on the sofa. a cell phone on the kitchen chair. six books on the armchair. a pen and some paper on the kitchen table. a telephone on the shelf next to the books. 1 R Complete the paragraph with a, an, the or no article (-). (1.) The the digital world today. (2.) what is happening in (3.) cell phone has completely changed the way we communicate and interact with modern cell phone, or smartphone, is all you need to be informed about world around you. From (4.) cell phones you can not only emails, go make (5.) on (8.) Nowadays, there is no longer a need to own more than one device: (10.) calls and send (6.) text messages, but you can send (7.) Internet, buy things, bank online, listen to (9.) news in real time and much more. cell phone covers it all. 294 Unit 7 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 294 30/4/24 2:05 AM