Grammar - Mega goal 1 - أول ثانوي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Work with a partner. Make sentences that start with the if-clauses in exercise A and end with your own ideas
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(63) 4.8 التقييم 14 التعليقات المشاركة

8 Wishful Thinking 3 Grammar وزا 16تعليم Conditional Sentences with If-Clause: Imaginary Situations Use conditional sentences to talk about imaginary or hypothetical situations in the present. Use the simple past in the if-clause. Would is often used in the main clause. If I found a million dollars, I would keep it. I wouldn't take it to the police. The contraction of would is 'd and is used with all subjects: I'd, you'd, he'd, she'd, we'd, they’d. They'd be happy if they had time to take a vacation. Conditional Sentences with Might and Could Might can replace would in conditional sentences to express possibility. If I had extra money, I might take a vacation to Hawaii. Could can be used in the if-clause. It means "if someone were able to.” If I could travel anywhere, I'd go to Tahiti. Could can also be used in the main clause. It means “would be able to." If we had more time, we could play another game of tennis. Verb: Wish Use wish for things you want to happen but probably won't. wish in the present I don't have much time. I wish I had more time. رابط الدرس الرقمي in the future I have to study today. I'm not rich. I can't go to the mall. He won't lend me his car. I wish I didn't have to study today. I wish I was/were rich. I wish I could go to the mall. I wish he would lend me his car. Note: Was is usually used in informal spoken English with /. I wish I was a millionaire. Read each example in the grammar section. Find sentences in the texts you read on the previous pages that are similar and underline them. A. Match the sentence parts. 1. If I were a very rich person, 2. If I saw someone who was stealing in a store, 3. If I had more experience, 4. If I could say something to the president, 5. If I had to leave my home, 6. If I could choose any destination, a. I'd tell him to cut taxes. b. I might live with my aunt. c. I'd travel to New Zealand. d. I wouldn't have to work. e. I'd apply for the job. f. I'd call the police. B. Work with a partner. Make sentences that start with the if-clauses in exercise A and end with your own ideas. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 116 30/4/24 2:02 AM


Conditional Sentences with If-Clause Imaginary Situations

شرح Conditional Sentences with If-Clause Imaginary Situations

Work with a partner. Make sentences that start with the if-clauses in exercise A and end with your own ideas

شرح Work with a partner. Make sentences that start with the if-clauses in exercise A and end with your own ideas حل Work with a partner. Make sentences that start with the if-clauses in exercise A and end with your own ideas

Work with a partner

شرح Work with a partner حل Work with a partner

2281 O C. Discuss the following situations in a group. What would you do? 1. Someone took your shopping cart by mistake in the supermarket. 2. You're in a hotel and you see a famous writer. 3. You lent a friend some money, but the person didn't return it. 4. You lent a friend a dress or a suit for a special occasion. When he/she returned it, it had a big stain on it. 5. You saw someone cheating on a test. D. Problem Solving Work in groups. Pretend your city has the following problems, and you are the government official in charge of solving them. What would you do? If I were mayor, I would build a rail system to connect various parts of the city. poor public transportation no recycling facilities old schools crime traffic poor health services few sport facilities poor telephone service. few libraries pollution too much garbage expensive housing E. Use the verb wish to complete the sentences. In some cases, more than one verb form can be correct. Your best friend is a wonderful person, but he/she talks too much. I wish that my best friend didn't talk so much/wouldn't talk so much 1. Your friend eats too much junk food and you think it's unhealthy. I wish my friend 2. A friend asked you to go surfing, but you don't know how to surf. I wish I 3. Your parents won't let you go out tomorrow night. I wish my parents 4. It's raining again. I wish it 5. You want to buy someone a present, but you don't have enough money. I wish I 6. You have to wear a uniform to school, and you don't want to. وزارة التعليم I wish we Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 117 117 30/4/24 2:02 AM


Discuss the following situations in a group. What would you do? 1. Someone took your shopoing cart by mistake in the supermarket.

شرح Discuss the following situations in a group. What would you do? 1. Someone took your shopoing cart by mistake in the supermarket. حل Discuss the following situations in a group. What would you do? 1. Someone took your shopoing cart by mistake in the supermarket.

Work in groups. Pretend your city has the following problems, and you are the government official in charge of solving them. What would you do?

شرح Work in groups. Pretend your city has the following problems, and you are the government official in charge of solving them. What would you do? حل Work in groups. Pretend your city has the following problems, and you are the government official in charge of solving them. What would you do?

Use the verb wish to complete the sentences In some cases more than one form can be correct

شرح Use the verb wish to complete the sentences In some cases more than one form can be correct حل Use the verb wish to complete the sentences In some cases more than one form can be correct
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