Literature - Hello! Beyond Words Term 1 - أول اعدادي

5 Literature

uess the meanings of the words, then read and listen to the story and check your answers geocache clues coordinates

An Unusual Hobby

شرح An Unusual Hobby

Read and understand a short story about an unusual hobby

5 Literature

Read the story again. What is geocaching? Would you like to try it? Why?

Read the story again and number the events in the correct order Nermine loves geocaching but is worried about telling her new classmates about it

Read the sentences and circle T (true) or F (false) Geocaching is a type of outdoor treasure hunt

Find eight key words in the story to complete the summary

شرح Find eight key words in the story to complete the summary

Do you think Nermine was right to not want to say anything about her hobby at first? Why?