LESSON - CONNECT PRIMARY 6 Term 2 - سادس ابتدائي

Read the story. What were the boys playing and where?
هبة رجب
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Listen and number the photos What’s your favorite story?

شرح Listen and number the photos What’s your favorite story?

Listen again and match Nadia buys a cuddly toy for

شرح Listen again and match Nadia buys a cuddly toy for

Listen again and choose the correct word I really like the setting

شرح Listen again and choose the correct word I really like the setting

Read the story. What were the boys playing and where?

شرح Read the story. What were the boys playing and where?

Read again and choose the correct words

Listen. Do you hear /f/? Put the words in the correct part of the table. Listen and check

شرح Listen. Do you hear /f/? Put the words in the correct part of the table. Listen and check

Listen and complete the tongue twisters bear

شرح Listen and complete the tongue twisters bear
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