LESSON - CONNECT PRIMARY 6 Term 2 - سادس ابتدائي

What are these words connected to? Look and write beat
هبة رجب
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Look. Write the words. Listen and check artifact

شرح Look. Write the words. Listen and check  artifact

Look at the pictures. Say two words. Your partner says Yes if they match and No if they don’t. Can they explain why?

شرح Look at the pictures. Say two words. Your partner says Yes if they match and No if they don’t. Can they explain why?

What are these words connected to? Look and write beat

شرح What are these words connected to? Look and write beat

Complete the sentences with some of the words from Exercise 3 We’ve played all these board games – let’s

شرح Complete the sentences with some of the words from Exercise 3 We’ve played all these board games – let’s

Look and complete the sentences with the prepositions behind

شرح Look and complete the sentences with the prepositions behind
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