Vocabulary - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي
After-School Fun
Outdoor Fun
House Accidents
Workbook: Welcome
Workbook: Family Events
Workbook: Chores
Workbook: Stories
Workbook: After-School Fun
Workbook: Outdoor Fun
Workbook: House Accidents
Workbook: Wildlife
(D Vocabulary 1 Look, read, and match. رابط الدرس الر www.ien.edu.sa New Message Hi there! My best friend 'e-mailed me yesterday. He worked in his garden all day. First, he said the flowers looked dry and their leaves were brown because they ²needed water. When he tried to water the plants, he noticed that his dad never ³fixed the hose. So, my friend 4 watered the plants and the flowers with a bottle. When he finished, he 5planted some new flowers. The garden is now beautiful. He stopped working in the garden at 4 o'clock. because a cousin invited him to play video games at 5 o'clock. My friend can't play video games at his house because someone ³robbed his family and took their computer. But ... Hey, how did he send this e-mail then? Did he use a school computer? I need to ask him. Bye! a 1 b C Do you want to play video games? d f g h 3 23.6 Listen, point, and say. 3 Read and circle the correct words. 1 My dad needed to plant/fix my computer. It doesn't work. 2 Mona needed / invited all her friends to her house. 3 The teacher's e-mailing / fixing Ali's mom to tell her about the game. 4 Badr stopped / fixed the hose for Ahmed. Now he can water the garden again. 5 They watered / robbed the plants three times yesterday because it's so dry! 6 I couldn't find my laptop at home. I think someone robbed / fixed us! 7 We stopped / planted studying for a bit and relaxed in the garden. 8 My dad needed / invited to buy more plants for the garden. istry of bucation 24-1446 40 TopGoal 1 Combo_2024.indb 40 14/4/24 3:24 PM

1 Read and complete the chart. Did you play with your friends today? SCORE Did you win? 3 Grammar SCORE 3 0 Yes, I did. We played soccer. No, we didn't. The other team scored more goals. Simple Past - Questions and Short Answers like the movie? play soccer at school? Yes, he 2 1 Did he score many goals? climb the tree? No, he 3 2 Read the answer and check (✓) the correct question. 1 a Did she play with her friends at school? b Does she play at school every day? Yes, she did. 2 a Did you invite your classmates to your house? b Did Charlie invite his classmates to his house? No, he didn't. 3 a Did Sally climb the tree at school? b Did Charlie and Tom climb the tree at school? Yes, they did. 4 a Do you like to play video games with your friends? b Did you play board games at Jack's house? No, I didn't. 3 Write, ask, and answer the questions with your partner. Write their answers. Activity play soccer water plants climb a tree send an e-mail invite friends Question Answer وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 41 41 3 14/4/24 3:24 PM