Reading - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي
After-School Fun
Outdoor Fun
House Accidents
Workbook: Welcome
Workbook: Family Events
Workbook: Chores
Workbook: Stories
Workbook: After-School Fun
Workbook: Outdoor Fun
Workbook: House Accidents
Workbook: Wildlife
Reading رابط الدرس 1 Look and match. 1 global warming- 2 coastal 3 glacier 4 melting 5 habitat a b 2 Read and answer the questions. Northern Lights < > d e C ALASKA IS IN THE U.S.A., NEAR THE ARCTIC. IT HAS A COLD, DRY, POLAR CLIMATE, BUT IT IS CHANGING BECAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING. mount Fairbanks A Anchorage KENAI Juneau In the past, the weather was very cold, and the ground was completely covered in snow in the north. There was also a lot of coastal sea ice and large glaciers. But now, the weather is warmer. The temperatures are going to be rising, and, as a result, the sea ice is going to be melting. It's also not very snowy anymore in Alaska. The snow and ice are melting, so polar bears are losing their habitat. The temperatures today are around -20 °C in January and 10°C in July. The weather is still cold in the winter, but warmer than in the past compared to the last 50 years. Experts say that Alaska is going to get two degrees hotter by the year 2050. In the past, the weather was cool in the forests in the south, but now there are more hot, sunny days. This can cause forest fires which destroy habitats and harm animals. Alaska 1 Where is Alaska? It is near the Arctic. 2 What was the weather in the north like before? 3 What is the weather in the north like now? 4 Are the temperatures going to rise in the future? 5 What was the weather in the forests like before? 6 What is the weather in the forests like now? 3 Look and describe the pictures. Say how the climates are different. a b d 8 istry of bucation 24-1446 102 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 102 In picture D, the leaves are brown. And it's cloudy. 14/4/24 3:28 PM

Look and describe the pictures. Say how the climates are dierent.
1 Read and match. Nouns Word Work and Writing Adjectives a rainy b cloudy c snowy d sunny e windy 1 sun 2 rain 3 snow C 4 wind 5 cloud 2 Look, read, and write. 1 2 3 4 1 The sun (n) is in the sky. It's sunny (adj) today. 5 2 The (n) is blowing in the trees. It's going to be 3 There were lots of (adj) tomorrow. (n) in the sky. It was very (adj) yesterday. 4 The 5 There's (n) is falling in the streets. It's very (n) everywhere. It's very (adj) today. (adj) today. 3 Think and write weather words. nouns weather adjectives 4 Write about your favorite season. Use the questions to help you. 1 What's your favorite season? 2 Why do you like winter, spring, summer, or fall? 3 What changes do you see in nature? 4 What's the weather like? 5 What activities do you do in :this season? وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 103 My Favorite Season 103 8 14/4/24 3:28 PM

Write about your favorite season. Use the questions to help you.