Two Friends Out in Nature - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط

5 Outdoor Fun Two Friends Out in Nature 1 15.1 Listen, look, and number. a Earth b 25.2 Listen, point, and say. www 5 of batuca em 24-1446 58 land TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 58 waterfall رابط الدرس الر mountain lake island hill desert d e cave field forest countryside Which places in nature do you like visiting? 14/4/24 3:25 PM

Two Friends Out in Nature

Listen, look, and number Two Friends Out in Nature

شرح Listen, look, and number Two Friends Out in Nature

3 Look and write. 1 وزارة التعليم E arth 4 f 7 (10) 2 3 m. 5 6 00 8 h_ 9 W 11 C_ 12 Vocabulary d. 4 5.3 Listen, read, and complete. 5 All around the 1 Earth . In the east, north, west, and south. Let's take a tour, and find out what it's about. In the north we see a high 2. where a 3 Into the 4 runs from above, below where flowers and trees grow. In the south there is an There is a big 6 5 too. 5.4 Listen again and chant. 6 Draw and guess with your partner. Guess what I'm drawing. C_ Behind the forest, there is a 7 with a 8 Look at the you can walk through. There is just sand. in the east. No forest or lake, no hill or cave. Nothing grows on that land. Over in the west, I can see lots of It's the green 11 10 there. a place we can enjoy and share. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 59 Is it a lake? No, it isn't. Guess again. 59 5 14/4/24 3:25 PM

Two Friends Out in Nature

Look and write Earth

شرح Look and write Earth حل Look and write Earth

Listen, read, and complete All around the Earth In the east, north, west, and south. Let’s take a tour, and find out what it’s about

شرح Listen, read, and complete  All around the Earth In the east, north, west, and south. Let’s take a tour, and find out what it’s about

Listen again and chant.

شرح Listen again and chant.

Draw and guess with your partner Guess what I’m drawing

شرح Draw and guess with your partner Guess what I’m drawing