Do you remember - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي
After-School Fun
Outdoor Fun
House Accidents
Workbook: Welcome
Workbook: Family Events
Workbook: Chores
Workbook: Stories
Workbook: After-School Fun
Workbook: Outdoor Fun
Workbook: House Accidents
Workbook: Wildlife
Do you remember? 1 Look and complete the chart with an Adverb of Frequency. -always always never often sometimes usually W 204-1446 2 Order the words to make sentences. 1 usually /1/ on / days /./school/ get up / at seven o'clock I usually get up at seven o'clock on school days. 2 bed/We always / go to /read our / we /. / new / before / comic books. 3 Saturdays / our/house /. / My / sometimes / lunch / have/at/on/ aunt and uncle 4 often / My/go/to/ weekends / . / the /park / friends / on / 5 my homework / the /1/ morning / . / never / in / do 3 Write sentences using the Comparative form. 1 My sister / short / me My sister is shorter than me. 21/think/ math / difficult / English 3 Pandas/friendly / bears 4 My kitten / big / my mom's cat 5 Parrots / intelligent / snails 122 acion TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 122 14/4/24 3:29 PM

4 Read and complete with the Superlative form of the adjectives. My cousin Layla is the most popular (popular) person in my family and at school, too. She is the 2 (kind) person I know and the 3 (intelligent). In class, she is the 4 (good) student. She makes people feel happy, too. I think she is the 5. (happy) person in our family. Layla always makes people laugh, and we all have a great time with her. I'm the (young) in my family and also the 6 in my class! Layla helps me understand the 8 7 (bad) at science (difficult) things. She makes me feel good because she says we can't be good at everything. I love reading and writing stories, and Layla often says I write the 9 (interesting) stories in the world! 5 Complete with the Present Progressive form of the verbs in the box. de 1 A: What help not study are you doing now? B: I'm doing my homework. 2 At the moment, I the garden. 3 They 4 We watch my grandma water the flowers in a TV program about the biggest animals in the world. today at school. It's Saturday! 6 Read and complete with was, were, wasn't, or weren't. Yesterday 2 was a bad day in the morning. First, the water for my shower, and then there 3. any bananas for breakfast! | cold and hungry! It 5 a good start to the day! At breakfast, my classmates texted me about the history test at school. We 6 happy about a test on a Monday morning! We 7 prepared because our teacher didn't tell us about the test! At nine o'clock, we 8. cold 4 in the classroom, waiting fifteen minutes for our teacher, but there was no teacher! Where 9 our teacher? At ten twenty, the teacher opened the classroom door, holding a chocolate cake and balloons! The teacher was laughing! There 10 special day. It 12 a school celebration! a test! It 11 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 123 123 W 14/4/24 3:29 PM