Vocabulary - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Read and complete the chart Did you play with your friends today
(133) 4.4 التقييم 86 التعليقات المشاركة

(D Vocabulary 1 Look, read, and match. رابط الدرس الر www.ien.edu.sa New Message Hi there! My best friend 'e-mailed me yesterday. He worked in his garden all day. First, he said the flowers looked dry and their leaves were brown because they ²needed water. When he tried to water the plants, he noticed that his dad never ³fixed the hose. So, my friend 4 watered the plants and the flowers with a bottle. When he finished, he 5planted some new flowers. The garden is now beautiful. He stopped working in the garden at 4 o'clock. because a cousin invited him to play video games at 5 o'clock. My friend can't play video games at his house because someone ³robbed his family and took their computer. But ... Hey, how did he send this e-mail then? Did he use a school computer? I need to ask him. Bye! a 1 b C Do you want to play video games? d f g h 3 23.6 Listen, point, and say. 3 Read and circle the correct words. 1 My dad needed to plant/fix my computer. It doesn't work. 2 Mona needed / invited all her friends to her house. 3 The teacher's e-mailing / fixing Ali's mom to tell her about the game. 4 Badr stopped / fixed the hose for Ahmed. Now he can water the garden again. 5 They watered / robbed the plants three times yesterday because it's so dry! 6 I couldn't find my laptop at home. I think someone robbed / fixed us! 7 We stopped / planted studying for a bit and relaxed in the garden. 8 My dad needed / invited to buy more plants for the garden. istry of bucation 24-1446 40 TopGoal 1 Combo_2024.indb 40 14/4/24 3:24 PM


Look, read, and match.

شرح Look, read, and match. حل Look, read, and match.

Listen, point, and say.

شرح Listen, point, and say.

Read and circle the correct words My dad needed to plant / fix my computer. It doesn’t work

شرح Read and circle the correct words My dad needed to plant / fix my computer. It doesn’t work حل Read and circle the correct words My dad needed to plant / fix my computer. It doesn’t work

1 Read and complete the chart. Did you play with your friends today? SCORE Did you win? 3 Grammar SCORE 3 0 Yes, I did. We played soccer. No, we didn't. The other team scored more goals. Simple Past - Questions and Short Answers like the movie? play soccer at school? Yes, he 2 1 Did he score many goals? climb the tree? No, he 3 2 Read the answer and check (✓) the correct question. 1 a Did she play with her friends at school? b Does she play at school every day? Yes, she did. 2 a Did you invite your classmates to your house? b Did Charlie invite his classmates to his house? No, he didn't. 3 a Did Sally climb the tree at school? b Did Charlie and Tom climb the tree at school? Yes, they did. 4 a Do you like to play video games with your friends? b Did you play board games at Jack's house? No, I didn't. 3 Write, ask, and answer the questions with your partner. Write their answers. Activity play soccer water plants climb a tree send an e-mail invite friends Question Answer وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 41 41 3 14/4/24 3:24 PM


Read and complete the chart Did you play with your friends today

شرح Read and complete the chart Did you play with your friends today حل Read and complete the chart Did you play with your friends today

Read the answer and check (true ) the correct question Did she play with her friends at school?

شرح Read the answer and check (true ) the correct question Did she play with her friends at school? حل Read the answer and check (true ) the correct question Did she play with her friends at school?

Write, ask, and answer the questions with your partner. Write their answers.

شرح Write, ask, and answer the questions with your partner. Write their answers.
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