IoT Concepts - Internet of Things - ثاني ثانوي
Part 1
1. IoT Fundamentals
2. The IoT in Our Lives
3. Building IoT applications with Arduino
4. Building an IoT cloud application
Part 2
5. IoT Advanced Applications
6. ++IoT Programming With C
7. IoT messaging
8. IoT Wireless Sensor Network Simulation
1. IoT Fundamentals In this unit, students will learn about the fundamental concepts behind the Internet of Things (IoT), its history throughout recent years, and how it is an integral part of emerging technologies. Students will also learn about the main components of smart objects, which form the basis of an Internet of Things system. Learning Objectives In this unit, you will learn to: > Define what the Internet of Things is. > Discuss the evolution of the Internet of Things. > Understand what the Internet of Things does. > Discuss the Internet of Thing's Impact on emerging technologies. > Define what a smart object is. > Classify smart objects and their usage. > Distinguish between the various types of sensors for smart objects. > Distinguish between the various types of actuators for smart objects.

In this unit, students will learn about the fundamental concepts behind the Internet of Things (IoT),
Learning Objectives
Lesson 1 IoT Concepts Link to di www.len edux What is the Internet of Things? We currently live in a world where virtually anything imaginable can be online, communicate with other devices or people and facilitate new services that improve our lives. The world is undergoing a significant technological transformation from self-driving drones carrying food orders to wearable sensors monitoring our health. This progression is collectively known as the Internet of Things (IoT). The main objective of the loT is to connect devices not already part of a computer network, whether private or public like the Internet. so that they may share data and interact with people and other objects. IoT is a change in technology that will enable devices to perceive and manage the physical environment by making objects autonomous and integrating them into an intelligent network. Internet of Things (IoT) A network of devices that are autonomously able to sense, monitor, or interact with the surrounding environment, in addition to collecting and exchanging data. Any Device Anybody Any Anywhere Figure 1.1 The Internet of Things connects deviors and people with evil Anytime IoT Device Any Network When devices and equipment can detect their environment and be remotely controlled across a network, the physical world and computers can be tightly integrated. This integration permits Productivity, automation and cost reduction enhancements in almost every aspect of our lives. Now, the goal is to "connect the unconnected" and convert all objects to loT devices, creating new applications on an intelligent network. A physical object connected to a network that can gather and transmit data, be identified across that network and communicate with other loT devices or platforms. ليم 15 - בקוע "I

What is the Internet of Things?
Smart Objects Connected objects, or smart objects, are the objects that exchange data over a network. The interface with a user can be a simple one like a thermostat switch, a more complex one like that in a modern car, or an app with many features on a smartphone. However, there will also be many cases where the smart object does not have any "user interface", but instead has autonomous sensors and actuators interacting with their environment without human intervention. A sensor learns and measures its environment and an actuator can alter the physical world. The connected objects are divided into two categories: digital-first and physical-first. Digital-first objects are devices like smartphones, smartwatches, or home alarm systems that are necessarily designed to include digital/electronic interaction with the environment, while physical-first objects are every day objects that require the addition of sensors or actuators to become smart objects. Refrigerators or lamps do not use and exchange data unless we enhance them by adding specific sensors, microcontrollers and antennas to connect them to the digital world of the internet of Things. Digital-first smart object net st 199 Figure 12 Digual first and Physical first smart objects The History of the Internet of Things The concept of using sensors on physical objects and interacting with them over a network is not new. In the 1980s, some university students tried remotely tracking the contents of a soda vending machine. Technology at that time was more limited, and the internet was not available. As networks grew to become accessible to any computer in the world and hardware companies advanced the miniaturization of chips, Central Processing Units (CPUs) and sensors, more technology applications were developed. The Internet, and the World Wide Web (WWW), evolved out of the original ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), established in 1969, into a significantly more sophisticated network based on the Internet Protocol (IP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). In April 1995, when the US government decommissioned the network backbone, an open framework for worldwide connectivity was built, and the Internet, as we know it today, was born. The unique IP address for each network device is the foundation for this connected world. Every device can connect to other devices using a unique code: smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, cars, washing machines, lighting systems, front door locks, and credit card terminals. IP addresses are assigned to all lo T-connected devices. It may be a public IP address used to identify the device over the Internet or a private IP address used to locate a device on a local network. A router identifies these devices based on incoming requests and routes requests and data accordingly. Unique dress Patio IP packets IP packets IP packets To connected devices Router 12 Internet Figure 13 IP routing process over the Internet Router 1--0-- Server

Smart Objects
The History of the Internet of Things
The decrease in size and increase in capabilities in just a few years is obvious for anyone that used a desktop computer a few years ago and is using a smartphone today. Although much smaller, the smartphone is faster, has more memory and can easily connect to a wireless network with its own battery. Additionally, it integrates several sensors: camera, microphone, Global Positioning System (GPS), magnetometer, accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity sensor, and ambient light sensor. So, suppose a computer has limited requirements in processing power, local data storage and a few sensors. In that case, it can be a tiny device that can even be embedded in other physical objects. The Internet of Things era is commonly considered to have begun around 2008. Around this time, more devices became Internet-connected, and the Internet of Things became a reality, Kevin Ashton, a computer scientist, is credited with using the term "Internet of Things" for the first time in 1999 while working for a large multinational company. He used the term to describe a new concept involving tracking tags and computers with sensors connected to the Internet that can gather data to enhance the company's supply chain operations. The Phases of the Evolution The evolution of the Internet went through four phases, which also defined the development of the Internet of Things. Connectivity Phase In the early years of the Internet, only organizations and universities had Internet connectivity. Internet connection was uncommon for the typical individual. This phase linked individuals to the Web to easily access information. Networked Economy With the advance of technology, connection speeds continued to increase, and connectivity was no longer the primary obstacle. This phase focused on maximizing efficiency and profit through networking. Immersive Experiences This era is defined by the emergence of social media, collaboration, and widespread device availability. Human interactions have been digitized, and applications are gradually transitioning to cloud infrastructure. Internet of Things The final phase concerns the communication and transaction of data between almost every device connected to the Internet to provide solutions and experiences for various industries. fpopoethany التعليم 123-1445 Internet of Things Networked Economy Immersive Experiences Figure LA. The evolution of the Internet

The Internet of Things era is commonly considered to have begun around 2008
The Phases of the Evolution
it is essential to recognize that the loT is a collection of interconnected technologies and frameworks. Like the Web connects computers and content, the lot connects devices, data, and people. Moreover, as more technologies and systems interconnect, and data gathering accelerates, this interconnected world gains power and provides value. Emerging technologies, such as the lot, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics, drive the digital transformation known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0. 40 What the Internet of Things Does The lot has led to technological breakthroughs and the creation of new types of products and services. The most important point is that loT enables the transmission of gathered data from a room to a data center across the globe. The data can be processed along with other information in a central location, and an action can be made to happen in the room via an actuator. For example, a thermostat senses the temperature and humidity in your room. The algorithm that processes these two values combines them with weather forecast data in your city and switches on the air conditioning system based on an Al algorithm that minimizes energy consumption. All this happens in real-time and without human intervention. وزارة التعليم 21173-1445 14 <><> Actuator Control Sensor Data Data Exchange Figure 3 Thermostat senses the temperature in your room

It is essential to recognize that the IoT is a collection of interconnected
What the Internet of Things Does
loT applications are categorized into four main domains: Consumer, Commercial, Industrial, Infrastructure. Wearables or smart homes fall into the consumer loT domain, commercial lot is found in schools, offices and retail shops, industrial loT is the large scale use of loT devices in factories, farms and transportation, and energy and water management comprise the infrastructure loT domain. Consumer Commercial Industrial Figure 1 for man coming of plan Infrastructure As loT becomes an integral part of technology solutions, it is increasingly mixing with other technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics, either using them to improve loT applications or augmenting them with loT-enabled objects. The result is that a collection of existing and emerging technologies is applied to solve old or new problems in the most efficient way. Table 1.1 shows applications of emerging technologies that are enhanced through loT technologies. Table 1.1: Enhanced applications through lot. Application Automation Computer Vision Natural Language Description Machines and technologies that aid in automation can be found throughout history The capacity to automate an activity frequently results in increased speed, efficiency, safety, and cost. Today, automation is what enables intelligent homes, intelligent buildings, and intelligent factories. It includes lighting controls, smart speakers, security systems, intelligent home products, and robots. Sensors paired with Al algorithms enable computers to understand photos and videos in the same way as humans but often with superior capabilities Face recognition, helping dranes and vehicles steer and avoid collisions, and improving machine learning models for assessing the accuracy of chemotherapy and other treatments through the analysis of photos and scans are all current applications of the technology In industrial applications, this approach can increase the fault detection rate by 90 percent or more in various processes. This field employs linguistics, computing, and Artificial Intelligence to understand and Implement human language Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant are exemplary NLP user interfaces. Nonetheless, voice interfaces are becoming increasingly prevalent on linked devices and equipment. This technique is also applied to chatbots and (NLP) automated web services requiring typing or speaking. Nowadays, researchers are developing methods for systems to recognize emotions and sentiment 2173-1

IoT applications are categorized into four main domains:
Table 1.1: Enhanced applications through IoT.
Application Machine Learning Edge Al Advanced Analytics Robotics Augmented Reality (AR) Virtual Reality (VR) Blockchain درارة التعليم Description This technology, a subfield of Al. interprets and predicts Future outcomes for various scenarius using mathematical models trained on "training data." Machine learning helps globally distributed systems inside the Internet of Things complete tasks without explicit programming. It is particularly beneficial for monitoring, forecasting, and telemetry applications Increasing numbers of digital devices are capable of performing local processing. Sensors on a device, such as a robot or autonomous car, transmit this data as the edge Al system performs the calculation, and the device stores the results. In certain Instances, it may also transmit this data to the cloud. This architecture enables devices to run faster, more Intelligently and with less energy It drastically alters the operation of autonomous devices and extends the battery life of sensors by years. Because data is frequently dispersed, the IoT alters how analytic procedures are carried out. This implies the requirement for software to assemble and Interpret the appropriate data, Manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, Financial services. energy, telecommunicanons, and home automaton are among the Industries that benefit from lot-centered analytics. Autonomous machines, such as drones, mobile robots, and autonomous vehicles, are growing rapidly due to onboard artificial intelligence and powerful sensor technology: A new concept has been introduced the Internet of Robotic Technologies (IORT). It refers to systems that observe events around them, calculate the data onboard and via the cloud, and then use this information to act in the real world. AR's strength lies in its capacity to integrate, modify, and augment the virtual and actual worlds. In the consumer market, AR smartphone apps are used to improve Images, digitally try on clothing, and play games. Vanous glasses and goggles aid in various jobs, from training to engineering Text and graphics are generated by a rendering engine that receives the appropriate data from the 1oT and delivers it to a device Immersive and Intuitive, 3D computer-generated simulations require an IoT infrastructure. Today's videoconferencing systems, for instance, are transforming Into VR places where Individuals from all over the world can join a meeting, participate in a webinar, or attend a virtual conference through a 2D screen such as a laptop or smartphone or dedicated headgear. VR enables the assembly of pieces from various physical locations within a single virtual world. The distributed ledger technology, which was first connected with digital currency, plays a crucial role in the Internet of Things. It can monitor and authenticate data as it traverses devices, databases, and microservices. Thus, it can aid with automation and detect infractions such as tampering. This is particularly beneficial in a highly decentralized loT context where data connnually passes across organizations, servers, and systems, 2073-1 16

Machine Learning
The Components of an IoT Application An loT application consists of hardware, software and infrastructure components. Some of them are essential, and others depend on the type of application. The key component is the "thing", the loT device that interacts with its environment in different ways. The loT device may have sensors or actuators, but it must have a microcontroller with its power supply, memory and a network connection module that exchanges data through a network. Some loT devices may have screens or buttons for user interaction, and others are completely hidden from the human eye. Connectivity is critical and usually is accomplished through the Internet via specialized loT gateways and optimized network protocols. It enables the loT device to connect to local or centralized computing devices, the loT cloud. The "thing": the IoT device They can be simple computers or cloud servers in large data centers, even in other countries. The server handles data storage and processing to decide if commands for specific actions will be sent back to the loT device. Data analytics are generated to provide useful insights on the loT application use, especially when thousands or, in some cases, even millions of devices are involved. You will explore all the components of an IoT application in detail in the next lessons. Table 1.2: Examples of tot devices around us Smart TV Smart earbuds Smart home controller (like Alexa) Mesh WiFi system Smart thermostat with room sensors Fitness or health tracker Smart air conditiona Lights with smart switches and intelligent lamps Smart power plugs Air quality monitor Electricity consumption meniter -cometed refingerator Home security system with sman doorbell camera حرارة التعليم Garage door with smart lock 2173-1455 Figure 1.7 Google home Smart Assistant

The Components of an IoT Application
16 Exercises 1 Read the sentences and tick True or False. 1. The lot is a network of interconnected devices that communicate with each other. True False 2. The lot includes devices that are not connected to the Internet. 3. Smart objects work exclusively without human input. NO 4. Digital-first objects are devices that only send and receive data. 5. The WWW originally evolved from the ARPAnet project. 6. During the Immersive Experiences phase, social media helped accelerate the use of big data. 7. lot and Al research are advanced simultaneously to develop common applications. 8. Data from IoT sensors cannot be used for VR applications. 9. Smart objects communicate exclusively with each other. 10. Something as simple as a garage door cannot be part of an IoT system. 2 Define the main characteristic of the Internet of Things that separates it from other emerging technologies. Present your ideas below. صراية التعليم

Read the sentences and tick True or False The IoT is a network of interconnected devices that communicate with each other
Define the main characteristic of the Internet of Things that separates it from other emerging technologies. Present your ideas below.
3 Consider which was the most critical technological advancement in recent history that made the loT possible? Present your ideas below. 4 Which of the four phases of the Internet do you think was the most disruptive technologically and economically? Present your ideas below. 5 Which of the emerging technologies that drive Industry 4.0 do you believe is most Impactful to the economy? Present your ideas below وزارة التعليم 0-1445 10

Consider which was the most critical technological advancement in recent history that made the IoT possible? Present your ideas below.
Which of the four phases of the Internet do you think was the most disruptive technologically and economically? Present your ideas below.
Which of the emerging technologies that drive Industry 4.0 do you believe is most impactful to the economy? Present your ideas below.
29 6 Search the Internet for an example of an IoT application that utilizes Computer Vision and NLP and describe it. Present your findings below. 7 Search the Internet for Information about a VR application that generates virtual environments with input data from loT sensors. 8 Search the Internet for information about how blockchain technologies help create decentralized loT systems and applications. وزارة التعليم

Search the Internet for an example of an IoT application that utilizes Computer Vision and NLP and describe it. Present your findings below.
Search the Internet for information about a VR application that generates virtual environments with input data from IoT sensors.
Search the Internet for information about how blockchain technologies help create decentralized IoT systems and applications.