Project - Internet of Things - ثاني ثانوي
Part 1
1. IoT Fundamentals
2. The IoT in Our Lives
3. Building IoT applications with Arduino
4. Building an IoT cloud application
Part 2
5. IoT Advanced Applications
6. ++IoT Programming With C
7. IoT messaging
8. IoT Wireless Sensor Network Simulation
Project Connections with the MQTT protocol are used in real-world projects. The same architectures for communication through publishers, brokers and receivers can be applied to various other domains. We will create a smart garden solution that is connected and monitored through the MQTT protocol This architecture can then be scaled to a more industrial application for large smart gardens. 1 Create a new circuit with an Arduino board, a temperature sensor, a soil moisture sensor and a phototransistor. 2 Create another Python script that will be the receiver for the data collected by the Arduino. The user will be prompted to choose which topic to listen to and then it will create a client to subscribe to that topic. It will store the messages and it will display an alert if there is a spike in the latest values. 3 Create a final Python script that will subscribe to the topic with all the readings and will save them in a JSON file. The user will be prompted as to whether they want to listen to the broker and collect data or create visualizations for the readings that are already stored. وزارة التعليم 3173-1445 306 Run the three Python scripts simultaneously, adjust the environment of the Arduie to update the data readings and observe the outputted results.

Connections with the MQTT protocol are used in real-world projects
Create a new circuit with an Arduino board, a temperature sensor, a soil moisture sensor and a phototransistor
Create another Python script that will be the receiver for the data collected by the Arduino
Create a final Python script that will subscribe to the topic with all the readings and will save them in a JSON file
Run the three Python scripts simultaneously, adjust the environment of the Arduino to update the data readings and observe the outputted results
Wrap up Now you have learned to: > Analyze the layers of a Smart City Architecture. > Publish messages by using the MQTT protocol. > Create Python script to publish messages to MQTTX Client. > Store reports on a JSON Data file. > Perform data analysis operations on a JSON data file using Jupyter Notebook. KEY TERMS City Layer Client Data Center Layer MQTT Server Message Broker Phototransistor Services Layer Prototype Publisher Quality of Service Receiver Street Layer Subscriber Tilt Sensor Tracker 307

Now you have learned to Analyze the layers of a Smart City Architecture
KEY TERMS City Layer