Lesson IoT Networking Technologies - Internet of Things - ثاني ثانوي
Part 1
1. IoT Fundamentals
2. The IoT in Our Lives
3. Building IoT applications with Arduino
4. Building an IoT cloud application
Part 2
5. IoT Advanced Applications
6. ++IoT Programming With C
7. IoT messaging
8. IoT Wireless Sensor Network Simulation
180 Lesson 2 IoT Networking Technologies Line to digital lesson www.len.edu.sa OneM2M Architecture Versus IoT World Forum Architecture The rapid development of machine-to-machine (M2M) communications has resulted in the creation of loT architectures. These architectures help accelerate the adoption of M2M applications and devices including the Internet of Things. The oneM2M architecture and the IoT World Forum Architecture are considered widely known loT architectures. The oneM2M architecture designs loT solutions with only the devices and their applications in mind. The loT World Forum Architecture is used to design loT applications while considering technologies such as data storage, data processing, network connectivity, and edge computing. OneM2M Architecture Dealing with the variety of devices, software, and access methods is one of the biggest issues when developing an IoT architecture. By creating a horizontal platform design, oneM2M architecture is building interoperability standards at all levels of the Internet of Things stack. Based on the oneM2M architecture the loT functions are separated into three layers: the application layer, the services layer, and the network layer. At first look, this architecture may appear basic and relatively generic; however, it is very rich, encourages interoperability via IT-friendly APIs, and supports a vast array of loT technologies. Applications layer The oneM2M architecture prioritizes connections between devices and their respective applications. This domain contains application- layer protocols and integration with business intelligence (BI) systems. Services layer This layer is represented as a horizontal structure across industry- specific apps. Horizontal modules at this tier comprise the physical network on which T apps operate, the underlying management protocols, and the Bardware. Examples include cellular backhaul communications, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) networks, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), Software Defined Networks (SDNs), etc. The topmost layer is the common services layer. 173-1445 Machine-To-Machine (MZM) Machine-To-Machine, or M2M, is a term that describes any technology that enables networked devices to exchange data and carry out tasks without human intervention. one MM Software-Defined Network (SDN) Software-Defined Network (SDN) is a network architecture where the network is controlled through software- based controllers.or Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) instead of specialized hardware devices. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Multiprotocol Label Switching directs data between nodes based on specified labels and tags, not network addresses.

OneM2M Architecture Versus IoT World Forum Architecture
OneM2M Architecture
Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
Software-Defined Networks (SDN)
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
Network layer This is the loT devices and endpoints' communication domain. It consists of both the devices and the communications network that connects different types of networks like wireless mesh networks and point-to-multipoint systems. Poird-to-mullipoint system A Point-to-multipoint system provides various pathways from a single network node to multiple destination nodes. Network Layer Services Layer Communication Techinatories • Networks + Communication Devices and Hardware Applications Layer Figure 13. one M2M architecture layers Home Application ■ Automotive Applicauan Applications talk to the APIs to communicate to sensors Smart and non-smart gadgets frequently communicate with one another. In other cases, machine-to-machine communication is unnecessary, and devices merely connect with usecase- pecific apps in the loT application domain across a Field Area Network (FAN). The FAN is the host complex component of the communications network since it is primarily responsible for providing "last-mile" communications to end devices. The device domain also consists of the Fateway device, which provides connections to the core network and serves as the boundary 2173-1485 between the device and network domains. 181

Network layer
IoT World Forum Architecture The loT Reference Model introduced at the loT World Forum specifies a series of levels with control flowing from a center point to edge layers, which consists of sensors, devices, machines, and other intelligent end nodes. In general, data moves from the edge layers of the stack to the center. By utilizing this reference model, we may accomplish the following: ⚫ Divide the loT challenge into subproblems. • Determine the various technologies at each layer and their interrelationships. ⚫ Define a system whose components can be supplied by several vendors. ⚫ Define interfaces in a manner that promotes interoperability. ⚫ Define a layered security paradigm that is enforced at level transition points The laT Reference Model is similar to the OSI Networking Model. 182 1000 ALT Layers Collaboration and Processes (Involving people and business processes) Applications (Reporting, analysis and control) Data Abstraction (Aggregation and access) Data Accumulation (Storage) Edge Computing (Data element analysis and transformation) Connectivity (Communication and proccessing) Physical Devices and Controllers (The "Things" in loT) Figure 5.14: lot World Funum Architecture layars Layer 1: Physical Devices and Controllers Layer The IoT Reference Model's initial layer is the physical devices and controllers layer. This layer contains the "things" of the Internet of Things, such as the many Pendpoint devices and sensors that send and receive data. These "things" can range in size from practically tiny sensors to enormous manufacturing machinery. Their main task is to generate data and allow control across a network. 2173-175 Figure 5.15 Devices & Controllers laver

IoT World Forum Architecture
Layer 1: Physical Devices and Controllers Layer
Layer 2: Connectivity Layer The role of the connectivity layer is the transfer of data in a reliable and timely manner. This covers transmissions between Layer 1 devices and the network, as well as transmissions between the network and Layer 3 information processing (the edge computing layer). As you may have seen, the connection layer comprises all networking parts of loT and makes no distinction between the last-mile network (the network between the sensor/endpoint and the IoT gateway, addressed later in this chapter), the gateway network, and the backbone network. GOOD O Figure 5 16 Connectivity layer Layer 3: Edge Computing Layer Edge computing is Layer 3's role. This layer focuses on data reduction and transforming network data flows into information that is ready to be stored and processed by higher levels. One of the fundamental ideas of this reference model is that Information processing be initiated as close to the network's edge as is feasible and as quickly as is possible. Layer 3 also performs the examination of data to see whether it may be filtered or aggregated before being transferred to a higher layer. This also permits data to be reformatted or decoded, which facilitates further processing by other systems. Fgwe 517 Digo Computing laver Tiguio 518 Data Accumulation layer Tigure 5 19 Data Abstrammon layer Figure 5 20 Applications laver Layer 4: Data Accumulation Layer Captures and saves data so that programs may access it when necessary. Converts event-based data to formats that can be queried by other services. Layer 5: Data Abstraction Layer Reconciles diverse data formats and ensures consistent semantics from varied sources. Using virtualization, verifies that the data set is full and consolidates data into a single location or several data stores. Layer 6: Applications Layer Utilizes software programs to interpret data. Applications are able to monitor, regulate, and generate reports depending on the data analysis. 21 مارو التعليم Layer 7: Collaboration and Processes Layer Consumes and distributes application data. IoT's utility stems from the fact that sharing and collaborating on loT data frequently involves numerous Collaberaton P Processes layer steps. This layer can alter company operations and offer loT's advantages. 2173-1465 183

Layer 2: Connectivity Layer
Layer 3: Edge Computing Layer
Layer 4: Data Accumulation Layer
Layer 5: Data Abstraction Layer
Layer 6: Applications Layer
Layer 7: Collaboration and Processes Layer
184 Short Range Communication Network and Protocols RFID and NFC Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near-Field Communication (NFC) are communication technologies that enable the short-range connection between loT devices and a network. RFID and NFC are used to store and retrieve data remotely. They consist of a radio transponder, radio receiver, and radio transmitter and use electromagnetic fields to automatically recognize and track tags attached to smart objects. Each tag sends or receives digital data when activated by an electromagnetic interrogation pulse from a nearby RFID or NFC reader device. RFID enables the tracking of tools, equipment, inventories, assets, and people through tags that are attached to them. If a tag is close to a reader, it can be read even if it is not visible. These tags can be read in bulk, unlike barcodes which can only be read one at a time, and they can be read within a case, carton, box, or another container. NFC is generally used to exchange data between devices within a range of around 4 centimeters. It is used for contactless credit card transactions, to replace digital office or hotel keys, and to simplify the connection and setup of devices such as headphones. The main difference between RFID and NFC is that NFC is designed for secure data exchange, making it appropriate for financial transactions, while RFID is mainly used for applications where we need to identify unique items wirelessly. Table 5.2: RFID vs NFC Feature RFID Usage Frequency 125kHz-2.45GHz Connection Range Maximum 100m Communication One-way Communication Advantage Able to recognize long distances NFC 13.56MHz Within 10cm (short distance) Two-way communication High security Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANS) and Protocols Sensors and other Internet-connected objects require a means for transmitting and receiving data. This section discusses Personal Area Networks (PAN) and close-range communication. In an IoT ecosystem, sensors and actuators can communicate through copper lines or Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANS). WPAN Personal Area Network (PAN) A Personal Area Network (PAN) is a computer network used to connect electronic devices within a user's workspace. gabileزارة التعليم Sensor device Internet Figure 5.22 WPAN network

Short Range Communication Network and Protocols
Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANS) and Protocols
Non-IP Based WPANS Protocols Zigbee Zigbee is a WPAN protocol based on the IEEE 802.15.4 foundation that is designed for cost-, power-, and space-constrained commercial and residential loT networking. Zigbee can form networks, discover devices, secure the network, and manage the network. Zigbee does not provide data transport services or an application execution environment. Zigbee is essentially a self-healing mesh network. The following table illustrates the main components of a Zigbee network. ZigBee Table 5.3: Main components of a Zigbee network Component Zigbee controller (ZC) Zigbee router (ZR) Zigbee end device (ZED) Description A highly capable device used to build and initiate network functions on a Zigbee network, able to assign logical network addresses and allow nodes to join or leave the mesh. This optional compenent handles a portion of the mesh network by assigning logical network addresses and allowing nodes to join or exit the mesh. This is a simple straightforward endpoint device, such as a light switch or thermostat, that has the necessary capabilities to communicate with the coordinator. Zigbee addresses three distinct data traffic types. ● Periodic data: The rate of periodic data delivery or transmission is determined by the applications (for example, sensors periodically transmitting). When an application or external stimuli happens at a random pace, intermittent data is produced. Semer Intermittent data: A light switch is a nice example of intermittent data ideal for Zigbee. Light switch Repeated low-latency data: Zigbee assigns transmission time slots and can have very low latency, making it suitable for computer mice and .keyboardsارت التعليم 2173-1445 Mous 185

Non-IP Based WPANS Protocols
186 There are three fundamental Zigbee topologies: Table 5.4: Zigbee topologies Component Star Topology Cluster Tree topology Mesh Topology Description A ZC containing one or more ZEDs. Only extends two hops, limiting the distance between nodes A dependable link with a single point of failure at the ZC is also required. A multi-hop network that uses beaconing to extend coverage and range. ZEDs are endpoints, although ZC and ZR nodes can have child nodes. Child nodes communicate only with their parent nodes Parent modes can communicate upstream or downstream with their children, A central failure point remains a problem. Any source device can be routed to any destination device Utilizes tree- based and table-based routing methods. To execute routing functions. ZC and ZR radios must be powered at all times, draining battery life. Routers within a specific range of each other are permitted to interact directly. The primary benefit is that the network may expand outside the line of sight and has redundant pathways ZED) ZED ZIO ZEO (ZED ZR ZC ZED) ZC ZED) ZED ZEO ZR ZR ZED ZID פון2 ZED Star Topology Cluster Tree Topology ZC ZR وزارت ال 2173-1485 Hap When a packet is passed from one network segment to the next, this is a hop. Beaconing Beaconing in networking is a periodic digital broadcast, like a lighthouse beacon. ZED ZR ZED D ZR ZR D ZED Mesh Topology Figure 5. Zigbee topologies

Table 5.4: Zigbee topologies
Bluetooth Bluetooth is a low-power wireless communication technology widely utilized in devices ranging from mobile phones to keyboards and gaming consoles. Bluetooth has been used extensively in IoT deployments for some time, as the primary device for beacons, wireless sensors, asset tracking systems, remote controls, health monitors, and alarms when operating in low energy mode (LE). In a Bluetooth WPAN, a number of Bluetooth events can occur. The two fundamentals are: Advertising Initiated by a device to warn scanning devices of the existence of a device requesting to pair or relay a message contained in an advertising packet. Connecting This event describes the process of pairing a device with a host, In Low Energy mode (LE), a device can carry out a complete communication utilizing only the advertising channel. Alternately, communication may involve pair-wise bidirectional communication and necessitate a formal connection between the devices. Devices required to make this sort of connection will begin the formation procedure by listening for advertising packets. In this situation, the listener is considered an initiator. If the advertiser transmits a connectable advertising event, the initiator may submit a connection request using the same physical channel it received the connectable advertising packet on. The advertiser can then decide whether to establish a link. If a link is established, the advertising event concludes and the initiator is referred to as the master and the advertiser as the slave, Bluetooth terminology refers to this connection as a piconet, and connection events take place. The connection events between the master and slave all occur on the same beginning channel. After data has been transferred and the connection event has ended, frequency hopping can be used to select a new channel for the pain. Bluetooth network App Sensor Senor Figure 5 24 Bluetooth network Sunsur D Figure 3.25 Bluetooin connectivity 187

188 IP Based WPANS Protocols GLOWPAN IP networking over low-power RF communication systems is intended for devices with limited power and space that do not require high bandwidth networking services. The protocal is compatible with various WPAN communications, including IEEE 802.15.4, Bluetooth, and sub-1 GHz RF technologies, as well as Power Line Controller (PLC). The primary benefit of 6LOWPAN is that even the most basic sensors may be IP- addressable and function as network citizens via 3G/4G/LTE/Wi-Fi/Ethernet routers. IPV6 can adequately cover an estimated 50 billion Internet-connected devices and continue to do so long into the foreseeable future. IPV6 is hence well-suited for loT expansion. 6LOWPAN networks are mesh networks that exist on the outskirts of bigger networks. The topologies are adaptable, allowing for ad hoc and disjointed networks with no ties to the Internet or other systems, or they may be linked to the backbone or the Internet through edge routers. Various edge routers can connect multiple 6LOWPAN networks; this is known as multi-homing. In addition, ad hoc networks can emerge without the need for an edge router's Internet access. Edge routers create 6LOWPAN mesh networks on the perimeters of larger, conventional networks. They can also facilitate IPVG-to-IPV4 swaps if necessary. Datagrams are handled similarly to an IP network, which offers some advantages over proprietary protocols. All nodes inside a 6LOWPAN network share the IPv6 prefix established by the edge router. Throughout the Network Discovery (ND) phase, nodes will register with the edge routers. ND governs the interaction between hosts and routers in the local GLOWPAN mesh. Multi-homing enables numerous 6LOWPAN edge routers to operate a network; for instance, when failover or fault tolerance requires various media (4G and Wi-Fi). Thread Thread is an IoT networking protocol based on IPV6 (GLOWPAN). Its primary objective is home automation and home networking. Thread is IP-addressable and is based on the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol and 6LOWPAN. It shares similarities with Zigbee and other 802.15.4 variations, but differs significantly in that it is IP-addressable. This IP protocol is based on the data and physical layers of 802.15.4 and the security and routing characteristics of GLOWPAN. Thread is also mesh-based, making it a viable option for residential lighting systems with up to 250 devices per mesh. The advantage of Thread is that by providing IP addressability in very small sensors and home automation systems, one may reduce power consumption because the protocol does not require application state persistence at the network layer. This also means that the edge router hosting a Thread mesh network does not need to handle application layer protocols, hence reducing its power and processing requirements. Being IPV6 compatible and having all dmmunitarios encrypted using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), it is naturally secure. 2173-1445 Figure 3.20 WPAN networks

IP Based WPANS Protocols
Long Range Communication Networks and Protocols Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) link sensors to a local network, but not necessarily to the Internet or other systems. The loT ecosphere will encompass sensors, actuators, cameras, smart-embedded gadgets, vehicles, and robots at the most remote locations. Long-term, we must deal with the Wide Area Network (WAN). LoRaWAN Low-Power Wide-Area (LPWA) wireless technologies are ideally suited for long-range and battery-powered endpoints. Frequently, LoRaWAN topology is referred to as "star of stars" topology. Endpoints exchange packets via gateways functioning as bridges, with a central LoRaWAN network server. Endpoints communicate directly with one or more gateways, whereas gateways connect to the backend network via regular IP connections. The same packets can be received and transported by many gateways. When duplicate packets are received, the network server is responsible for de-duplication. Unlicensed LPWA technologies give new options for private corporate networks, broadcasters, and mobile and non-mobile service providers to deploy loT infrastructures, solutions, and use cases. The ecosystem of endpoints is expanding fast and will undoubtedly be the deciding factor between the various LPWA technologies and solutions, such as LoRaWAN. Smart cities operators, broadcasters, and mobile and non-mobile services providers are addressing the need for regional or national IoT infrastructures, which are vital for enabling use cases for consumer markets. LoRaWAN Gateway LoRaWAN Node Figure 5.27: LoRaWAN 'stal of stars" topology Cellular Networks (5G) The most common kind of communication is cellular radio, especially cellular data. Prior to the development of cellular technology, mobile communication devices had limited coverage, shared frequency space, and were effectively two-way radios. Cellular Networks are excellent at carrying data in both directions at fast speeds, but at the expense of range and battery consumption. SG is the next-generation IP-based communication technology that is being developed to succeed 4G cellular networks. Additionally, 5G enhances bandwidth, latency, density, and user expense. 5G aims to be a single umbrella standard that encompasses all cellular services and categories, as opposed to building Publisunce servites and categories for each use case. 3173-176 Table 5.5: Main features of modern 5G networks Features Description Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) Ultra Reliable and Low-Latency Communications (URLLC) Massive Machine Type Communications (MMTC) 189

Long Range Communication Networks and Protocols
Cellular Networks (5G)
190 Exercises 1 Read the sentences and tick ✓ True or False. 1. The OneM2M architecture contains a data layer. 2. VPN services can be used in the services layer of an One M2M architecture. 3. In the loT World Forum architecture, the Applications layer can contain monitoring services. 4. NFC technologies are used for long-range communication between devices. 5. The Zigbee protocol communicates through UDP network channels. 6. The Zigbee router is responsible for the self-healing properties of mesh networks. 7. The advertising event of Bluetooth communications sends data packets to nearby devices. 8. Thread is not a mesh-based network protocol. 9. Smart city network systems do not need Long Range Communication Networks and Protocols. 10. The 5G network is a low-power technology. 2 Classify the key layers of the oneM2M architecture for loT systems. حرارة التعليم True False

Read the sentences and tick True or False The OneM2M architecture contains a data layer
Classify the key layers of the oneM2M architecture for IoT systems
3 Analyze the main layers of the loT World Forum system architecture. 4 Identify the main characteristics of RFID and NFC technologies. 5 Categorize the two main types of WPANS and provide examples for each type. sha التعليم 1-4445 TMT

Analyze the main layers of the IoT World Forum system architecture
Identify the main characteristics of RFID and NFC technologies
Categorize the two main types of WPANS and provide examples for each type
6 Identify the three key components of a Zigbee network. 7 Distinguish the two fundamental events occurring during a Bluetooth connection. 8 Describe the two main IP-based WPANS protocols. وابة التعليم 1-1445

Identify the three key components of a Zigbee network
Distinguish the two fundamental events occurring during a Bluetooth connection
Describe the two main IP-based WPANS protocols
9 Define the "star of stars" topology that LoRaWAN networks use. 10 Analyze how 5G technologies have evolved from 4G network technologies. مرارة التعليم 145 101

Define the "star of stars" topology that LoRaWAN networks use
Analyze how 5G technologies have evolved from 4G network technologies