Project - Internet of Things - ثاني ثانوي
Part 1
1. IoT Fundamentals
2. The IoT in Our Lives
3. Building IoT applications with Arduino
4. Building an IoT cloud application
Part 2
5. IoT Advanced Applications
6. ++IoT Programming With C
7. IoT messaging
8. IoT Wireless Sensor Network Simulation
Project Smart gardens are complex systems that accommodate various types of plants in the same environment, monitored by a single system. Design an Arduino circuit in Tinkercad Circuits that builds upon the circuit you just created to monitor and water more plants. 2 Use the remaining analog pins of the Arduino to connect 3 more plants using soil moisture sensors. 3 Extend the Python cade to get the moisture values from the new plants and create different environmental conditions for the watering of each plant. وزارة التعليم JID3-1445 Build the physical circuit and extend the Python code to accommodate the new plants.

Smart gardens are complex systems that accommodate
Design an Arduino circuit in Tinkercad Circuits that builds
Use the remaining analog pins of the Arduino to connect 3
Extend the Python code to get the moisture values from the new
Build the physical circuit and extend the Python
Wrap up 32177 Now you have learned to: > Install pyfirmata and use Python to program Arduino microcontrollers. > Build practical Internet of Things applications with a physical Arduino microcontroller. > Use cloud platforms to send and evaluate collected data > Identify how data collected from Internet of Things solutions can affect the decision making process. > Understand how large Internet of Things solutions start from simple applications which are then expanded. KEY TERMS Comma Separated Values Javascript Object Notation Web API Communication port Protocol Web request Firmata Pulse Width Modulation Web service 165

Now you have learned to: