PROJECT - CONNECT PRIMARY 6 Term 2 - سادس ابتدائي

Check the words with the /f/ sound
هبة رجب
(0) 0 التقييم التعليقات المشاركة

DESIGN AND MAKE A BOARD GAME Work in pairs. Think and plan

شرح DESIGN AND MAKE A BOARD GAME Work in pairs. Think and plan

Answer the questions How many players are there?

شرح Answer the questions How many players are there?

Read and do Make your board game using materials such as cardboard, paper, and colored pens.

Check your game works. Do you need to change anything?

Swap games with another pair. What do they think of it?


Complete the sentences with the expressions from the box You can go quite fast on

شرح Complete the sentences with the expressions from the box You can go quite fast on

Circle the correct answer Shaimaa very / really enjoys playing marbles.

شرح Circle the correct answer Shaimaa very / really enjoys playing marbles.

Check the words with the /f/ sound

شرح Check the words with the /f/ sound

Think about Unit 8. Write in your notebook Write two things you enjoyed and two things you learned.

شرح Think about Unit 8. Write in your notebook Write two things you enjoyed and two things you learned.
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