Going Green - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit6: Going Green

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit6: Going Green

Going Green

Write the words from the box next to their definitions. 1. This is the water that you get right out of the sink.........

شرح Write the words from the box next to their definitions. 1. This is the water that you get right out of the sink......... حل Write the words from the box next to their definitions. 1. This is the water that you get right out of the sink.........

Answer the questions. 1. Why do farmers use pesticides? What is one problem with using pesticides to grow food?

شرح Answer the questions. 1. Why do farmers use pesticides? What is one problem with using pesticides to grow food? حل Answer the questions. 1. Why do farmers use pesticides? What is one problem with using pesticides to grow food?
Going Green

Read the letter Circle the gerunds. Dear Editor, I am writing because I have a concern about our community and our environment

حل Read the letter Circle the gerunds. Dear Editor, I am writing because I have a concern about our community and our environment

Write the verbs in the correct column of the chart Can only be followed by a gerund

حل Write the verbs in the correct column of the chart Can only be followed by a gerund
Going Green

Write the verb in either its gerund or infinitive form. 1 The Smiths are considering....... (get) solar panels

حل Write the verb in either its gerund or infinitive form. 1 The Smiths are considering....... (get) solar panels

Look at the pictures White three sentences that you think each person would say Be sure to use a verb followed by a gerund or infinitive.

حل Look at the pictures White three sentences that you think each person would say Be sure to use a verb followed by a gerund or infinitive.
Going Green

Write a sentence using each verb followed by a gerund or an infinitive. If the verb can only be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive, then write only one sentence. If the verb can be

حل Write a sentence using each verb followed by a gerund or an infinitive. If the verb can only be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive, then write only one sentence. If the verb can be

Complete the conversation with the words and phrases from the box. Really? It seems like such....... to always have to carry the stainless steel bottle around with you

شرح Complete the conversation with the words and phrases from the box.  Really? It seems like such....... to always have to carry the stainless steel bottle around with you حل Complete the conversation with the words and phrases from the box.  Really? It seems like such....... to always have to carry the stainless steel bottle around with you
Going Green

Read the article and answer the questions. Buying Locally Grown

شرح Read the article and answer the questions. Buying Locally Grown حل Read the article and answer the questions. Buying Locally Grown
Going Green

Answer the questions. Write sentences 1 Why are products packaged in a particular way? Think of examples.

حل Answer the questions. Write sentences 1 Why are products packaged in a particular way? Think of examples.

Consider the type of packaging that is used for different products and write which is environmentally friendly and which is harmful to the environment.

حل Consider the type of packaging that is used for different products and write which is environmentally friendly and which is harmful to the environment.
Going Green

Look at the picture Take notes on the things and people (nouns) you can see and what is happening (verbs) Write words to describe the picture (adjectives) Write sentences to tell peopie fow t

حل Look at the picture Take notes on the things and people (nouns) you can see and what is happening (verbs) Write words to describe the picture (adjectives) Write sentences to tell peopie fow t
Going Green

Where does food come from?

حل Where does food come from?
Going Green

Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the simple present or present progressive 1 Trees....... (grow) more quickly in colder climates than in the desert.

حل Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the simple present or present progressive 1 Trees....... (grow) more quickly in colder climates than in the desert.

Complete the sentences. Use the simple present and the present progresSive of the verb parentheses for the permanent or temporary situations. 1 Water ....... at 100 C, but don't touch it when

حل Complete the sentences. Use the simple present and the present progresSive of the verb parentheses for the permanent or temporary situations. 1 Water ....... at 100 C, but don't touch it when
Going Green

Complete the sentences about facts. Use the simple present or will in the second clause 1. if you...... (heat) ice, it ...... (melt).

حل Complete the sentences about facts. Use the simple present or will in the second clause 1. if you...... (heat) ice, it ...... (melt).

Complete the sentences to say what will/might happen in the following situations Use your own ideas 1. If we don't find alternative sources of energy......

حل Complete the sentences to say what will/might happen in the following situations Use your own ideas 1. If we don't find alternative sources of energy......