What Would You Do - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit12: What Would You Do

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit12: What Would You Do

What Would You Do

Unscramble the word and phrases 1. y o m r l a l

حل Unscramble the word and phrases 1. y o m r l a l

Write the word from exercise A next to their definitions below 1........ wanted to do something (usually wrong)

حل Write the word from exercise A next to their definitions below 1........ wanted to do something (usually wrong)
What Would You Do

White the verbs in the correct tense to finish the hypothetical or past hypothetical conditional sentences 1 If he ........ (have) a fast car, he would drive at high speeds all the time

حل White the verbs in the correct tense to finish the hypothetical or past hypothetical conditional sentences 1 If he ........ (have) a fast car, he would drive at high speeds all the time

Finish the sentences. Use hypothetical conditionals or past hypothetical conditionals 1. If I spoke English perfectly,.......

حل Finish the sentences. Use hypothetical conditionals or past hypothetical conditionals 1. If I spoke English perfectly,.......
What Would You Do

Complete the sentences with the correct verb from for unreal situations 1. They behaved as though they ...... (know) each other for years

حل Complete the sentences  with the correct verb from for unreal situations 1. They behaved as though they ...... (know) each other for years

Write a sentence about each picture Use the subject and verb give with as if or as though

حل Write a sentence about each picture Use the subject and verb give with as if or as though
What Would You Do

Imagine you were in these situations. Answer the questions using hypothetical conditionals or past hypothetical conditionals

حل Imagine you were in these situations. Answer the questions using hypothetical conditionals or past hypothetical conditionals
What Would You Do

Read the article Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning Then answer the questions 1. Read the Heinz dilemma What would you do if you were Heinz? Why?

حل Read the article Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning Then answer the questions 1. Read  the Heinz dilemma What would you do if you were Heinz? Why?
What Would You Do

Read Carl's dilemma and answer the questions What did the mother assume?

حل Read Carl's dilemma and answer the questions What did the mother assume?
What Would You Do

Study the picture and imagine how the students feel about the test. Write notes on the cause and effect of their actions before writing the test Then write sentences to describe what they cou

حل Study the picture and imagine how the students feel about the test. Write notes on the cause and effect of their actions before writing the test Then write sentences to describe what they cou
What Would You Do

Write about a time you faced a dilemma. How did you make a decision about what to do? 1. Before you write, make notes in the chart. Describe the dilemma.

حل Write about a time you faced a dilemma. How did you make a decision about what to do? 1. Before you write, make notes in the chart. Describe the dilemma.
What Would You Do

Complete the online blog about 'Ethics and Technology'. Use the verb in parentheses and future progressive or future perfect tense. The technology is ready now, but are we ready for it?

حل Complete the online blog about 'Ethics and Technology'. Use the verb in parentheses and future progressive or future perfect tense. The technology is ready now, but are we ready for it?

Answer the question about the text 1. What will have happened by 2025?

حل Answer the question about the text 1. What will have happened by 2025?
What Would You Do

Complete the conversation using the correct form of used to, would, was/were going to.

حل Complete the conversation using the correct form of used to, would, was/were going to.

Write a similar conversation between you and your best friend about the situation below. White your conversation in your notebook. Use used to, be used to, would and was going to.