Amazing Animals - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit11: Amazing Animals

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit11: Amazing Animals

Amazing Animals

Complete the sentences with the word from the box 1. When I go to college next year, I am hoping to get an on-campus ......... because I want to live near all the other students.

حل Complete the sentences with the word from the box 1. When I go to college next year, I am hoping to get an on-campus ......... because I want to live near all the other students.

Answer the question 1. When do you usually embrace someone?

حل Answer the question 1. When do you usually embrace someone?
Amazing Animals

Complete the sentences with the active or passive form of the verb in parentheses 1. some animals shouldn't........... (feed) chocolate

حل Complete the sentences  with the active or passive form of the verb in parentheses 1. some animals shouldn't........... (feed) chocolate

Change the sentences from active to passive voice. Use a passive modal or a passive reporting verb 1. You can use Bear Spray if a bear approaches you in the wild

حل Change the sentences from active to passive voice. Use a passive modal or a passive reporting verb 1. You can use Bear Spray if a bear approaches you in the wild
Amazing Animals

Write two sentences about each picture Use a passive model or a passive reporting verb in each one

حل Write two sentences about each picture Use a passive model or a passive reporting verb in each one
Amazing Animals

Correct the error in each sentences 1. Dolphins considered to be one of the most intelligent animals.

حل Correct the error in each sentences 1. Dolphins considered to be one of the most intelligent animals.

Complete the conversation with the phrases from the box. I didn't call them but they said its tags weren't valid So it was

حل Complete the conversation with the phrases from the box. I didn't call them but they said its tags weren't valid So it was
Amazing Animals

Read the article Then answer true or false 1. Many people think dragons are real

حل Read the article Then answer true or false 1. Many people think dragons are real
Amazing Animals

What do you know about these mythical animals? Complete the sentences with the name of the right mythical beast ......... is a multi-headed serpent with blood and breath so poisonous that it

حل What do you know about these mythical animals? Complete the sentences with the name of the right mythical beast ......... is a multi-headed serpent with blood and breath so poisonous that it
Amazing Animals

Study the pictures and write notes about what you already know about each animal. Use your notes to write sentences about the animals. Start your sentences with It is said, It is believed it

حل Study the pictures and write notes about what you already know about each animal. Use your notes to write sentences about the animals. Start your sentences with It is said, It is believed it
Amazing Animals

Choose a mythical animal to write about

حل Choose a mythical animal to write about
Amazing Animals

Read the text and answer the questions. 1. Which is the world's most dangerous fish?

حل Read the text and answer the questions. 1. Which is the world's most dangerous fish?

Use some of the adjectives in the box below to write about another amazing animal

حل Use some of the adjectives in the box below to write about another amazing animal
Amazing Animals

correct the errors in the sentences 1. I think the most suitable pet is either a cat or a turtle

حل correct the errors in the sentences 1. I think the most suitable pet is either a cat or a turtle

Rewrite sentences about the pictures so the meaning stays the same. Use paired conjunctions both.and, either.or, or neither.nor

حل Rewrite sentences about the pictures so the meaning stays the same. Use paired conjunctions both.and, either.or, or neither.nor