Project - Engineering - ثاني ثانوي
1. Engineering Fundamentals
2. Electrical Engineering
3. Digital Circuits
4. Circuit Simulation with Tinkercad Circuits
5. Simulating a microcontroller- based system

Let us say you need to decide on an engineering field specialization that you have learnt about.
Wrap up Now you have learned: > what engineering is. > what the fundamentals, history and different fields of engineering are. > what the opportunities, purposes and challenges of engineering are. > how engineering has improved our lives and the importance of jobs related to computers. > what the differences between a computer engineer and a software engineer are. KEY TERMS Acoustical Engineering Aerospace Engineering Architectural Engineering Automotive Engineering Biochemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Environmental Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Industrial Engineering Instrumentation Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Municipal Engineering Nuclear Engineering Power Engineering Process Engineering Software Engineering Telecommunications Engineering Transportation Engineering Ministry of Education 2024-1446 25 25

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