Project - Engineering - ثاني ثانوي
1. Engineering Fundamentals
2. Electrical Engineering
3. Digital Circuits
4. Circuit Simulation with Tinkercad Circuits
5. Simulating a microcontroller- based system
Project 1 2 3 Microcontrollers are used to implement autonomous electronic systems. An example is a fire alarm system that detects a fire and emits an alarm signal for evacuation. Design and implement an electronic circuit with a microcontroller such as micro:bit, that can be used as a fire alarm system. Write the code required for the microcontroller to activate the alarm under specific conditions such as a temperature increase. In addition to indicating with an alarm sound, indicate the danger of fire with a visual signal. Use appropriate symbols or text for hearing-impaired people. 4 Extend your design to check for unsual light intensity levels in the environment. High temperatures and extreme brightness are indicators of a fire inside a building. 5 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Simulate and troubleshoot your circuit design with Tinkercad Circuits. Are you using the minimum electronic components required? It is important to design electronic circuits with the minimum number of components for simplicity, cost efficiency and low power consumption. 227

Wrap up Now you have learned: > about external components used in a microcontroller circuit. > how different components affect circuit logic. > to program the micro:bit microcontroller with Python. > to use temperature and light sensors in micro:bit. > to design microcontroller circuits to implement in real-life scenarios. > how a potentiometer regulates voltage in an electronic circuit. > to implement circuits with transistors. > how to use a transistor to amplify voltage in an electronic circuit. > how to use a DC motor as an actuator for movement. KEY TERMS DC motor Microcontroller Potentiometer FOV (Field Of View) Piezo buzzer Servomotor LED matrix PIR sensor وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 228 ZU24-1446

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