3: Real Life Applications

How a Potentiometer Varies the Voltage

3: Real Life Applications

Add components:

3: Real Life Applications

Connect the potentiometer to the micro:bit:

3: Real Life Applications

1.5V battery and LED connections:

3: Real Life Applications

Write the code to program the microcontroller and start the simulation.

3: Real Life Applications

A Basic Transistor Circuit

3: Real Life Applications

Add and connect the 1.5V Battery and Pushbutton:

3: Real Life Applications

Add the LED and make the connections:

Add the first resistor and make the connections:

3: Real Life Applications

Add the transistor and make the connections:

3: Real Life Applications

Add the second resistor and make the connections:

3: Real Life Applications

Start the simulation and when you press the Pushbutton, the LED will light up.

3: Real Life Applications

Build a DC Motor – Resistor Circuit

3: Real Life Applications

Add the potentiometer and make the connections:

3: Real Life Applications

Create a two battery case:

3: Real Life Applications

Add the transistor and the resistor:

3: Real Life Applications

Add the DC motor and make the connections:

3: Real Life Applications

Connect the battery:

3: Real Life Applications

Finally, write the code below and start the simulation.

3: Real Life Applications

What is a linear potentiometer?

Find the most common example of a device with linear potentiometers. Why do you think we use this type of potentiometer for this device?

3: Real Life Applications

What do you need to do to fix it?

3: Real Life Applications

why do we use the functions pins.analog_write_pin

How are NPN transistors used in an electronic circuit?

3: Real Life Applications

How does this change affect the DC Motor?