Introduction to Engineering - Engineering - ثاني ثانوي
1. Engineering Fundamentals
2. Electrical Engineering
3. Digital Circuits
4. Circuit Simulation with Tinkercad Circuits
5. Simulating a microcontroller- based system
1. Engineering Fundamentals In this unit, students acquire basic knowledge about engineering. More specifically, they will learn the basics of engineering, its history, its different fields, and its purposes. Finally, students will learn the importance of engineering, how engineering can be used to improve quality of life, and the differences between a computer engineer and a software engineer. ونا Ministry of Education 8 2024-1446 Learning Objectives In this unit, you will learn to: > Define what engineering is. > Describe the fundamentals of engineering. > Outline the history of engineering. > Understand the different fields of engineering. > Identify career opportunities in engineering. > Understand future challenges for engineers. > State the purposes of engineering. > Understand the improvement in quality of life through engineering. > Recognize the importance of jobs related to computing. > Classify the differences between a computer engineer and a software engineer. Python programming prerequisite The Data Science and Engineering curricula in the pathways system require knowledge of Python programming basics. You can scan the QR code on the right to access Python introductory content. To find out what topics are available and for quick access to each unit, you can see pages 230-231.

. Engineering Fundamentals
Learning Objectives
Python programming prerequisite
Lesson 1 Introduction to Engineering Link to digital lesson The Fundamentals of Engineering The fundamental principle of engineering is the use of mathematics, science and creative thinking, in diverse professional settings, to solve complex multidisciplinary problems to benefit people and society. Almost all engineers need to have a good grasp of mathematics and physics. Depending on the engineering field, they may also need to have more specialized knowledge of chemistry, biology and medicine, electricity and magnetism, or computer science and Information Technology. Apart from technical knowledge, engineers need to have good oral and written skills. A great amount of their time is spent explaining and promoting their ideas to their colleagues and superiors. Some of the greatest engineers in history have also been great communicators with excellent social skills. The History of Engineering Engineering The application of science and math to solve problems. Engineering, which is the process of using our thinking brain to solve problems in our environment, has been a part of human life since the invention of agriculture. Until that time, humans lived in nomadic tribes of hunter- gatherers. Their problems included inventing new ways to hunt, clothe themselves, and protect themselves from hazardous environments and violent wildlife. When humans started gathering and growing crops, many new problems were created. They needed to prepare the soil, provide water through irrigation, use livestock for more efficient work, harvest the grown crops and store them in a secure site where they were safe from the weather and thieves. These new problems created a new dimension in how people think and interact in their environment. Figure 1.1 reviews the history and eras of engineering. 3000 BCE وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Water Screw Archimedes Mechanical Clock Ismail al-Jazari Flying Machine Leonardo da Vinci Steam Engine James Watt Assembly line Henry Ford 500 700 1450 1800 1900 Today Ancient Era Middle Ages Renaissance-Enlightment Era Industrial Era Islamic Golden Age Figure 1.1: The History of Engineering Modern Era 9

The Fundamentals of Engineering
The history of Engineering
The Ancient Era The great turning point was when people started using written language and arithmetic. Some of the earliest writings that have been found are records and ledgers of supplies and provisions for towns and cities. People then started developing mathematics to better describe and process the new information created. After that, people wanted to visualize the problems they faced and the solutions they were designing. Hence geometry was born, ushering in a new golden era of innovation. in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. In 300 BCE, in the region which is now modern Greece, Euclid wrote his book Elements, which is considered one of the most influential scientific textbooks of all time. Figure 1.2: Archimedes' water screw II Figure 1.3: Al-Jazari's famous elephant clock The Middle Ages - Islamic Golden Age In the European region, until the fall of the Roman Empire, engineering as a scientific methodology was further developed, and was used to advance all aspects of life, from city planning to warfare. At the start of the medieval period, most of Europe was declining into the Dark Ages. However, the situation in the Middle East was completely different. Arab and Muslim scientists and engineers made significant advances in math, physics, chemistry and biology. As a result, a myriad of new devices and solutions to the most prominent problems of the time were invented by pioneering Muslim and Arab engineers. Great feats of architecture and urban planning were made by pioneering Arab Islamic engineers, which can still be found and admired to this day. The period between the 8th and 14th centuries is known as the Islamic Golden Age. The Arabic mathematician and engineer Ismail al-Jazari (1136-1206), best known for his mechanical devices, is considered the "father of robotics". He designed and built automated machines, clocks, and water-raising machines, in which the camshaft was used for the first time. The Renaissance - Enlightment Era While all this was happening in North Africa and the Middle East, engineers in the Far East and the Chinese kingdoms were also producing inventions which were slowly brought west along the Silk Road. The most important of these are often called the Four Great Inventions: the compass, papermaking, printing, and the invention of gunpowder, which would forever alter history when brought to the West. With gunpowder, warfare was completely changed, and the compass and printing increased the movements of people and ideas across the globe. This ushered in the Renaissance Age, where engineering and art were brought again to the forefront of human endeavor. The needs of war and trade pushed engineers of the time to invent new weapons and design better protection for cities, which led to significant advances in architecture. One of the most prominent figures of the time was Leonardo da Vinci. While best known as an artist, he was a brilliant engineer who designed inventions and complex machines. Pl many inventio ليم Ministry of Education 10 2024-1446 Figure 1.4: Da Vinci's flying machine

The Ancient Era
The Middle Ages - Islamic Golden Age
The Renaissance - Enlightment Era
He made a prototype for a helicopter, which testing has shown would be capable of flight if manufactured with modern materials. During the same period, invasions carried out by the Mongol and Timurid empires blocked the Silk Road, so it could no longer bring goods and materials from India and China. The Industrial Era European engineers had to advance naval travel and navigation to find new routes to India and China to solve this problem. Great ships designed for long journeys were built, and expeditionary forces were sent searching for new trade routes. However, something else also happened. In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent and so dawned the Colonial and Imperialist ages. Gold and silver mined from the American continent fueled the advance of even more engineering feats in Europe, which had its engineers create even more efficient weapons, giving European kingdoms a technological edge over the rest of the world. With this power, these kingdoms colonized most of the world, and another revolution soon began. In 1776, James Watt invented the Watt steam engine, a machine which had the greatest capacity to produce motion through energy. This invention started what is now called the Industrial Revolution. Factories started being built, which created a new set of problems to solve. There were constant innovations in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, and biomedical engineering. Goods and medicine that only 100 years before were only used by royalty were put in the hands of the common people. Industrialization started a chain reaction of technological and societal changes occuring faster than ever before. Figure 1.5: A drawing of the steam engine by Boulton & Watt The Modern Era The 20th century, although an era of global conflicts, brought advances in manufacturing, chemistry and most important of all, the advent of computing and nuclear engineering. Although Henry Ford didn't invent the automobile, he changed the manufacturing process forever by introducing the moving assembly line in 1913. The Space Race after World War II brought together scientists and engineers to build nuclear weapons and rockets to venture out into space. During these years, engineers laid the foundations for almost all the modern technologies that we use today. In the 90s, globalization started taking shape, and a new era of global cooperation between engineers began to reshape almost all aspects of life. Every decade the quality of our lives in almost every part of the world has improved exponentially. We now live in the Information Age. Artificial intelligence is processing big data to aid engineers in most fields. However, they will need all the help they can get because, despite all the advances, the next generations face some of the greatest challenges to date, namely climate change and the energy crisis brought forth by the depletion of natural resources. As it has always been throughout history, these modern problems require innovative solutions. It is a recurring cycle, with scientists and engineers right at the forefront, helping humanity confront new challenges. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Figure 1.6: Ford Motor Company assembly line 11

He made a prototype for a helicopter,
The Industrial Era
The Modern Era
Engl Engineering Fields 01010 Chemical Engineering 1. Biochemical Engineering Biochemical engineers work in the pharmaceutical, energy, and food and drink industries. They work to develop new drugs and treatments for pharmaceutical companies, they invent new methods to produce and preserve food and drinks, and they design new ways for fossil fuels to be refined into purer, cleaner and more efficient gasoline to help reduce emission of pollutants. 2. Environmental Engineering Environmental engineering is an extremely relevant field nowadays, because climate change has started taking its toll on the global population and natural resources are being depleted worldwide. Environmental engineers specialize in finding optimal solutions to problems while minimizing their negative impact on the environment. Many companies and governments have started new projects with sustainable development in mind. This is where environmental engineers come in. 4. Process Engineering 3. Nuclear Engineering Nuclear engineers are tasked with developing safe and efficient means of producing electricity through nuclear energy. Now that fossil fuels are becoming ever more expensive, nuclear energy can be a clean and powerful alternative. However, nuclear energy has been catastrophic when used for military purposes. The new generation of nuclear power plants will be safer, generate less dangerous waste and cannot be used to produce weapons. Process engineers are specialized in designing and optimizing the processes that take raw materials and energy and convert them into other materials and other forms of energy. The transmutation of materials and energy sources into suitable forms is one of the most fundamental elements of every engineering solution. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 12 2024 -1446 Figure 1.7: A petrochemical plant in Saudi Arabia

Biochemical Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Process Engineering
petrochemical plant in Saudi Arabia
Civil Engineering 1. Construction Engineering Construction engineers have responsibility for managing the construction of a building or a building complex, which could be anything from a simple warehouse to an international airport. They coordinate and manage large teams of other construction engineers, electrical engineers, and materials engineers. Through well-developed project management skills, they communicate information with clarity to their superiors and pass down the necessary information to their co-workers. 2. Geotechnical Engineering Geotechnical or geological engineers are responsible for analyzing construction projects and ensuring that they are developed safely and securely. They analyze and prepare the soil and rock surfaces where the main structures will be constructed. One example is deciding where to place the columns of a bridge so that it is as stable as possible in the event of an earthquake. They work closely with construction engineers to ensure that all operations run according to plan. 4. Transportation Engineering 3. Municipal Engineering Municipal engineers are responsible for urban and city planning. They analyze the geographic locations and the needs of the citizens, companies, A and organizations, and decide where to place a city's resources and services. For example, municipal engineers need to consider energy and water supply and waste disposal, as well as the distinction between residential, commercial and industrial areas, all the while following government policies and standards. Transportation engineers need to make sure that the inhabitants of small towns and major metropolitan areas are able to get to their destinations safely and quickly. They are the people who design road networks, bus routes and underground metro systems. They are constantly analyzing traffic flow and trying to optimize it, because less traffic means fewer emissions and less money spent on fuel. They work closely with municipal and geotechnical engineers to coordinate their projects and figure out how their solutions fit into the overall picture. 5. Architectural Engineering Architectural engineers apply engineering principles and creativity to design buildings that are resilient, sustainable, safe and functional. They work alongside architects, who are responsible mainly for the visual elements of the construction. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Figure 1.8: Metro construction in Riyadh 13

Construction Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Metro construction in Riyadh
Architectural Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering 1. Power Engineering Power engineering is a very specialized field tasked with optimizing how generated power is transmitted and distributed. Power engineers need to find ways to convert all kinds of energies, whether from renewable sources or fossil fuels, into electricity that is ready to use through power distribution grids. Engineers are now developing smart grids, a promising technology that will save energy and money for households and industry. 2. Electronics Engineering Electronics engineers research, design, develop, and test electronic components and systems for commercial or scientific applications. They create electronic circuits and components for telecommunications, aerospace guidance, acoustics, and instruments and controls. 4. Telecommunications Engineering With the ever-growing adoption of loT technologies, telecommunications engineers now at the forefront of technological progress. Telecommunications engineers design solutions that allow devices and systems to communicate and work together. Nowadays, with the advent of 5G networks, Edge Al and neuromorphic chips, telecommunications engineers are faced with many challenges and opportunities to change our lives. 6. Software Engineering 3. Instrumentation Engineering Instrumentation engineers have one of the most important jobs in manufacturing production. They plan, design and monitor the automation systems in a manufacturing environment. This career involves working with metering devices, instrumentation systems and process control software. 5. Computer Engineering Computer engineering combines electrical engineering, electronics and computer science. Computer engineers are responsible for a wide range of computer technology like microchips and servers or even experimental technologies like quantum computers. They also work with almost every industry, from healthcare to manufacturing and transportation. Software engineers provide the solutions to real-world challenges through software development. Behind the functionality of every digital device or network, mission critical software is operating in the background. Today, software engineering is a crucial field. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 14 2024-1446 Figure 1.9: A telecommunications engineer

Power Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Instrumentation Engineering
Telecommunications Engineering
Computer Engineering
Software Engineering
A telecommunications engineer
Mechanical Engineering 1. Mechanical Engineering Mechanical engineers apply engineering principles and problem-solving techniques from design to manufacturing for any object. They use the principles of motion, energy, and force to find solutions to a problem, ensuring that their designs are efficient, reliable and cost-effective. 3. Industrial Engineering Industrial engineers are tasked with designing and optimizing complex industrial environments while considering ergonomics guidelines and manufacturing capacity. They must balance a wide variety of interconnected social, economic, and manufacturing variables to achieve optimal results. 5. Automotive Engineering 2. Manufacturing Engineering Manufacturing engineers focus on the processes that create the products in a manufacturing unit. They aim to optimize cost, quality, and production capacity to create environmentally sustainable and commercially competitive products. 4. Materials Engineering Materials engineering is one of the most important engineering professions. Materials engineers are responsible for designing and producing new materials with properties not normally found in nature. New materials mean new environments for experiments and devices that would not have been possible under normal circumstances. Their research concerns materials and components like metals, plastics, ceramics, and nanomaterials. Automotive engineering is the field that specializes in the design and production of vehicles. Through innovative research on smart roads and autonomous driving technologies, automotive engineers develop safer and more efficient vehicles. With renewable fuels and the rise of smart cities, transportation will be an integral part of city infrastructure modernization. Currently, automotive engineers are working on designing future transportation methods with sustainable development in mind. 6. Acoustical Engineering Acoustical engineers work in the arts industry, and they are responsible for handling sound equipment designing the most efficients theaters, auditoriums and concert halls to ensure the clearest possible sound can be heard by everyone present. 7. Aerospace Engineering Aerospace engineers are involved in building aircraft for sky and space missions. It is a profession that is in high demand nowadays, mainly because aviation companies are investing in hypersonic flight and low-consumption planes. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Figure 1.10: Drone engineer 15

Mechanical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
Materials Engineering
Automotive Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Acoustical Engineering
Engineering Career Opportunities Engineering provides an array of career opportunities. Engineers that work in the same field and specialty can have different job roles and daily activities. Below are the most common positions that you can pursue. Research and Development When working in the research and development (R&D) department, you must take an idea and figure out how to make it into a tangible product. To accomplish this, you research potential new materials, improve existing processes, invent new ones, and make sure that the product is built and sold at competitive prices. Your finished product must be intuitive and appropriate for its purpose. Design As an engineer, you are tasked with taking the information derived from the R&D department and designing a product that serves its function and is financially sustainable, and commercially competitive. You will produce schematics and prototype models made with Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and simulation tools. Planning Planning is the final step before the manufacturing of the product begins. You will be responsible for defining the materials and manufacturing equipment required, and you will plan all the steps needed to build a reliable and cost-effective product. Production As a production engineer, you utilize the work of your colleagues in R&D, design, and planning to implement the production stage. You need to ensure that the correct materials are provided, the schematics are correct, the appropriate tooling equipment is acquired, and that the product can be manufactured within the financial and time constraints. Installation In cases where the equipment or the system is very complex, as an installation engineer your work will be focused on its proper installation and setup. Machinery needs to be carefully integrated into an industrial or construction environment. You will manage this process and test and maintain the product's installation. Quality Control Quality control or quality assurance is a critical part of a product or system lifecycle. At every stage of product development, several tests are run. As a quality control engineer, you will inspect materials, check that dimensions and measurements are precise, and perform stress tests to record the product's behavior under unfavorable or extreme conditions. Furthermore, monitoring helps you analyze usage data and predict the product is sold. Quality control is a costly and time-consuming process, but it is financially beneficial because it saves the organization money and faults even after pil time spent on repairs. Ministry of Education 16 2024-1446 Figure 1.11: Electronics R&D workbench

Engineering Career Opportunities
Research and Development
Quality Control
Electronics R&D workbench
Marketing and Sales Whether the organization has an internal marketing department or marketing is outsourced, communication with the engineering department is paramount for an effective marketing and sales campaign. You will be tasked with explaining the product's qualities and the competitive advantages for potential customers to the marketing professionals. Future Challenges The main challenges that engineers will face in the coming years are multidisciplinary problems requiring innovative thinking and cooperation, as shown in Table 1.1. Customer Service and Support During the use of a product or system, damage and malfunctions may occur. Many products are complex machines that need to undergo maintenance operations at specific time intervals. Customers will need support to diagnose and fix issues. As an engineer who has an in-depth knowledge of the product or system, you will need to plan appropriate maintenance procedures and work with the technicians involved in this process. Table 1.1: Future challenges Climate change has started affecting the Earth in the recent decades. Natural resources are not infinite. Modern globalized society is vulnerable to pandemics that may affect all aspects of life. Securing cyberspace and protecting privacy. Food shortages occur due to overpopulation. Healthcare needs to be accessible to everyone. عن التعليم Figure 1.12: An electrical engineer working on renewable energy Rising temperatures and sea levels are endangering coastal cities and threatening transportation networks. Engineers will need to work on solutions that halt the rate at which these problems are advancing and provide society with the necessary tools to adapt to changing conditions. The use of renewable energy resources has proven to be effective, and some countries have achieved the target of covering energy consumption through renewable energy sources. Engineers need to invent energy-efficient systems and extend renewable energy infrastructures. The solutions to these problems also reduce emissions which may slow down climate change. Suitable medical units must be deployed rapidly, and laboratory devices must support innovative vaccine development. In both hospital and laboratory, engineers will have to create solutions. Modern IT applications are interconnected and form systems that exchange critical and confidential data. Computer, network and software engineers need to ensure that these systems are secure and not vulnerable to cybercriminals. The global population is increasing at a steady rate, which creates a need to provide huge amounts of food at affordable costs. Chemical engineers need to contribute to improving food production and processing and ensure adequate food supply to all people. While average life expectancy is rising, treatments for many illnesses and diseases are becoming more expensive, which may cause a greater divide in access to healthcare treatments. Engineers are tasked with inventing and developing medical equipment and treatments to provide accessible healthcare to people of all socioeconomic statuses. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 17

Customer Service and Support
Marketing and Sales
Future Challenges
Future Challenges
The Importance of Engineering Problem Solving with Engineering We live in challenging times, where environmental and societal changes are taking place faster than ever before. Engineering professions cover a wide spectrum of specialties, and engineers need to work together to find optimal solutions to complex problems. Throughout history, the greatest problems and challenges have led to advances in science and technology, and it was engineering that provided the solutions. Becoming an engineer is one of the best ways to positively impact communities, countries, and the whole of global society. Improving Quality of Life with Engineering People's lives has improved since we first started using engineering to solve small and large problems. However, the rate of progress has varied accross the ages. The advent of the Internet in the last 30 years, global cooperation among scientists and engineers, and widespread knowledge have enabled the rapid creation of even more inventions. A person living 100 years ago could never have imagined the average person's quality of life today. Modern transportation has allowed the movement of people all around the world. A trip that used to take weeks or months is now completed in hours. People can now live in countries with harsh winters or hot summers, with unfavorable conditions mitigated by temperature controlling devices. People can communicate with one another from anywhere in the world through chat or video calls. Many work remotely through advanced video conferencing applications, bringing an evolution to the work environment. Hunger, one of humanity's most prominent problems, has been almost eradicated, with biotechnologies bringing an abundance of food. Modern-day medical devices and telemedicine save lives. With the latest and upcoming advances in technology, our quality of life will only improve from now on. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 18 2024-1446 INTELLIGENT DRIVING XP D AUTONOMOUS BUS ZERO Figure 1.13: Electric minibus

Purpose of Engineering
Improving Quality of Life with Engineering
The Importance of Jobs Related to Computing Technological advances in computing have created numerous jobs in engineering roles related to computers and computer networks. As computers are literally everywhere in our lives, the importance of these roles is significant. Some of the most common computer-related engineering jobs are: > Telecommunications engineer > Software engineer > loT engineer > Cybersecurity engineer > Systems architect Database administrator > Systems engineer > Technical support engineer Some of these roles refer to hardware and some to software, but all of them require the skills and mindset of an engineer. Computer Engineer versus Software Engineer There is an assumption that computer and software engineers do the same thing. Their studies may have a common basis in the key concepts of computer science, but their roles are different in practice. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Figure 1.14: Software engineer Computer engineer Computer engineers are mainly focused on designing hardware and planning computer infrastructure and communication processes. Software engineer Software engineers are tasked with the development and implementation of software applications and platforms. 19

The Importance of Jobs Related to Computing
Computer Engineer versus Software Engineer
Computer engineer
Software engineer
Exercises 1 Read the sentences and tick ✔ True or False. 1. Engineering is the application of science to solve problems. 2. The basic principle of engineering is the use of mathematics, science, and creative thinking to solve complex multidisciplinary problems. 3. Engineering has been a part of human life since agriculture was invented. 4. The four great inventions are the compass, papermaking, printing, and the computer. 5. The next generations face some of the most significant challenges, namely climate change, the energy crisis, and vulnerability to pandemics. 6. Materials engineering is a field of mechanical engineering. 7. Power engineering is a field of electrical engineering. 8. An engineer in a design position has to produce schematics and prototype models made with Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and simulation tools. 9. Quality control is a time-consuming and costly process, but it is financially beneficial because it saves money and time spent on repairs. 10. Database administration is a computer-related engineering profession. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 20 ZU24-1446 True False

Read the sentences and tick True or False.
2 Explain your understanding of the term "Engineering". 3 Describe and compare the fields of electrical engineering. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 21

Explain your understanding of the term "Engineering".
Describe and compare the fields of electrical engineering.
4 Create a table with the main challenges that engineers will face in the coming years. 5 What influence do you think the Islamic Golden Age had on the evolution of engineering? Search the Internet for information on the invention of horizontal plane windmills associated with this period. 6 From what you have learned, name three occupations that are in danger of disappearing in the next few years, and three professions that you think are more important than those. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 22 2U24-1446

Create a table with the main challenges that engineers will face in the coming years.
What influence do you think the Islamic Golden Age had on the evolution of engineering? Search the Internet for information on the invention of horizontal plane windmills associated with this
From what you have learned, name three occupations that are in danger of disappearing in the next few years, and three professions that you think are more important than those.
7 Which future challenge do you think is most urgent and which engineering profession do you think can overcome it? Research online and find universities that offer this engineering field specialization and related information for graduate and postgraduate studies. 80 Describe the role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 in solving global challenges. How do you think Saudi engineers can help make things better for society? وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 23

Describe the role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 in solving global challenges? How do you think Saudi engineers can help make things better for society?
Which future challenge do you think is most urgent and which engineering profession do you think can overcome it?