Connected by Technology - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit1: Connected by Technology

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit1: Connected by Technology

Look at the pictures. Write what you think each person is saying. Use auxiliary verbs
السيد ابو اسماعيل
(3) 5 التقييم 6 التعليقات المشاركة
Connected by Technology

Read the descriptions of different people. Write the best word or phrase to describe each 1. Lee is the kind of person that will always tell you the truth He doesn't like to play games or pre

شرح Read the descriptions of different people. Write the best word or phrase to describe each 1. Lee is the kind of person that will always tell you the truth He doesn't like to play games or pre حل Read the descriptions of different people. Write the best word or phrase to describe each 1. Lee is the kind of person that will always tell you the truth He doesn't like to play games or pre

Match the parts of the sentences to make proverbs 1. .... Silence

شرح Match the parts of the sentences to make proverbs 1. .... Silence حل Match the parts of the sentences to make proverbs 1. .... Silence
Connected by Technology

Read the sentences Tick (T) the type of verb used. Look at the auxiliary verbs to help you. 1.I am sending you a text message right now!

شرح Read the sentences Tick (T) the type of verb used. Look at the auxiliary verbs to help you. 1.I am sending you a text message right now! حل Read the sentences Tick (T) the type of verb used. Look at the auxiliary verbs to help you. 1.I am sending you a text message right now!

Unscramble the questions. Then match the questions and answers 1....... the Internet/ Has / working / been /?

شرح Unscramble the questions. Then match the questions and answers 1....... the Internet/ Has / working / been /? حل Unscramble the questions. Then match the questions and answers 1....... the Internet/ Has / working / been /?
Connected by Technology

Complete the conversation with the correct forms of the auxiliary verbs do, have, and be Jasim: What did you do last night?

شرح Complete the conversation with the correct forms of the auxiliary verbs do, have, and be Jasim: What did you do last night? حل Complete the conversation with the correct forms of the auxiliary verbs do, have, and be Jasim: What did you do last night?

Write a question for each answer Use the correct auxiliary verb and tense. 1. Yes, I do.....

حل Write a question for each answer Use the correct auxiliary verb and tense.  1. Yes, I do.....
Connected by Technology

Look at the pictures. Write what you think each person is saying. Use auxiliary verbs

شرح Look at the pictures. Write what you think each person is saying. Use auxiliary verbs حل Look at the pictures. Write what you think each person is saying. Use auxiliary verbs
Connected by Technology

Messaging Apps

حل Messaging Apps
Connected by Technology

Rewrite the text messages using abbreviations Remember to find the shortest way of representing the way they sound 1. Where are you? Will you be over soon?

شرح Rewrite the text messages using  abbreviations Remember to find the shortest way of representing the way they sound 1. Where are you? Will you be over soon? حل Rewrite the text messages using  abbreviations Remember to find the shortest way of representing the way they sound 1. Where are you? Will you be over soon?

Write if you would call or text message in each situation and give reason 1. You're in a very busy store You want to ask your friend if he/she likes a particular color

شرح Write if you would call or text message in each situation and give reason 1. You're in a very busy store You want to ask your friend if he/she likes a particular color حل Write if you would call or text message in each situation and give reason 1. You're in a very busy store You want to ask your friend if he/she likes a particular color
Connected by Technology

Look at the picture. Take notes on the main objects and actions that are happening Then write sentences that tell what is happening and what may happen.

حل Look at the picture. Take notes on the main objects and actions that are happening Then write sentences that tell what is happening and what may happen.
Connected by Technology

How are talking on a cell phone and sending a text message different? How are they the same Before you wire, fill in the diagram below.

حل How are talking on a cell phone and sending a text message different? How are they the same Before you wire, fill in the diagram below.
Connected by Technology

Complete the chart Fill in the adjective, the comparative adjective, or the superlative adjective

شرح Complete the chart Fill in the adjective, the comparative adjective, or the superlative adjective حل Complete the chart Fill in the adjective, the comparative adjective, or the superlative adjective

Complete the sentences with comparative and superlatives forms of the adjectives in parentheses. Use the before superlatives. 1....... (old) know computer is the Antikythera Mechanism. It is

شرح Complete the sentences with comparative and superlatives forms of the adjectives in parentheses. Use the before superlatives. 1....... (old) know computer is the Antikythera Mechanism. It is حل Complete the sentences with comparative and superlatives forms of the adjectives in parentheses. Use the before superlatives. 1....... (old) know computer is the Antikythera Mechanism. It is

Answer these questions. Give your opinion with some reasons Use comparatives and superlatives 1. What is the most useful gadget that you own?

شرح Answer these questions. Give your opinion with some reasons Use comparatives and superlatives 1. What is the most useful gadget that you own? حل Answer these questions. Give your opinion with some reasons Use comparatives and superlatives 1. What is the most useful gadget that you own?
Connected by Technology

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first 1 Our car is serviced by a mechanic twice a year. We get

شرح Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first 1 Our car is serviced by a mechanic twice a year. We get حل Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first 1 Our car is serviced by a mechanic twice a year. We get

Complete the phone conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses InstantTec Service, how can I help you? it's my new computer I think it's ........

شرح Complete the phone conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses InstantTec Service, how can I help you? it's my new computer I think it's ........ حل Complete the phone conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses InstantTec Service, how can I help you? it's my new computer I think it's ........
مشاري عبدالرحمن
منذ سنة
سيء جدا جدا
فاطمة شبندر
منذ سنة
٥-الكلمه معناتها انه الكمبيوتر يستخدم فكل انحاء العالم هنا الناس اللي فكل انحاء العالم مجهولين هو ماحدد شخص محدد زي محمد، زهراء، الخ هو بس قال بشكل عام فهنا نقدر نقول انه مبني على المجهول لانه بنى كلامه على ناس مجهوله ٧-معنى الكلمه انه اللابتوب حقه انسرق امس مين سرقه؟ مااندري.. مجهول عشان كذا قلنا مبني على المجهول لانه جملته مافيها شخص محدد هو مايعرف مين بالضبط اللي سرقه بس اللي يعرفه انه انسرق فهنا بنى كلامه على شخص مجهول ٨- كلمة Does زي ماقلنا تدل على المضارع او الماضي البسيط (ماعرفت اشرحلكم الماضي التام اللي في تمرين ٦ و٢ لانه تام من اسمه لا فيه شخص مجهول ولا عنده دلالات البسيط او المستمر والجمله واضحهه فماعندنا الا تام)
فاطمة شبندر
منذ سنة
بما انه ماشرح كويس حاقلكم اللي فهمته ص٨٤ تمرين c (ملاحظه: افهم الدرس اول وتعال) ١- اختار انه يكون مضارع او ماضي مستمر لانه في كلمه sending فيه ing لما تلاقي الing في جمله معناتها جمله مستمره سواء ماضي او مضارع ٣-اختار تكون مضارع او ماضي بسيط بسبب انه فيه كلمه doesn't وذي لو تفتكرو القاعده ص٨ كانت فجزئيه الماضي او المضارع البسيط وذا معناته انه الكلمه تدل على المضارع البسيط او ماضي البسيط ٤- مره ثانيه فيه ing في كلمه tring ذا معناته انه في المضارع او الماضي المستمر لانه الing تدل على الاستمرار
ابو عابد الحربي
منذ سنتين
معلم فاشل اتمنى توفرون غيره لانه مو كل الجدول نفس الحل و هو يقول تكملون على نفس الطريقة و فيه شرح له PAGE 2 السؤال C فاشل ايضاً لانه ما شرح شي

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