Reading - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Work in pairs or groups. Think about a story you have heard or read about, or an incident you have experienced where an animal helped person.
جاسم العقيلي
(23) 4.3 التقييم التعليقات المشاركة

Animal Heroes

شرح Animal Heroes حل Animal Heroes

In what way do animals have sixth sense?

شرح In what way do animals have sixth sense? حل In what way do animals have sixth sense?

Work in pairs or groups. Think about a story you have heard or read about, or an incident you have experienced where an animal helped person.

شرح Work in pairs or groups. Think about a story you have heard or read about, or an incident you have experienced where an animal helped person. حل Work in pairs or groups. Think about a story you have heard or read about, or an incident you have experienced where an animal helped person.
لم يتم إضافة أي تعليقات حتى الآن.

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