Writing - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
How will the episode end ? Work with a partner and make notes Write a short description of the final scene
زهرة العامر
(4) 3 التقييم 6 التعليقات المشاركة

What is a sitcom? 1. Read the text and find out about sitcoms.

شرح What is a sitcom? 1. Read the text and find out about sitcoms. حل What is a sitcom? 1. Read the text and find out about sitcoms.

Read the message and say who has left the message and why

شرح Read the message and say who has left the message and why

Scene Three: Bill has left a message for at Read the message and explain why Bill has left the message. How does Bill feel? In pairs, write the voicemail message Kevin leaves for Mr. Jackson

شرح Scene Three: Bill has left a message for at Read the message and explain why Bill has left the message. How does Bill feel? In pairs, write the voicemail message Kevin leaves for Mr. Jackson

How will the episode end ? Work with a partner and make notes Write a short description of the final scene

شرح How will the episode end ? Work with a partner and make notes Write a short description of the final scene حل How will the episode end ? Work with a partner and make notes Write a short description of the final scene
ahmeed hail
منذ 6 أشهر
Kevin will feel a mix of emotions when he receives the voicemail messages. The first two messages from his dad and brother will make him feel proud and happy about his achievements. However, the third message from Mr. Jackson will likely shock disappoint him as it reveals that there might have been a misunderstanding or mistake regarding his university acceptance. Bill will come back home at 6 p.m. and they will have a conversation about what happened . on Monday in October The episode will end with Kevin calling Mr. Jackson to explain the situation and clear up the misunderstanding about the university offer. Kevin will feel embarrassed and frustrated about the mix-up, but relieved that he can set things straight So everyone decided to go to the beach and called their friend Ahmed to join them Everyone had a fire pistols when Ahmad was coming everyone was fired at him but he did not hurt for him because he was wearing bullet proof suite

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