Update - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي


كتاب النشاط


كتاب النشاط
Listen and find examples for rising or falling intonation in the conversation Identify attitude, feeling if relevant e.g. enthusiasm regret, question, etc.
السيد ابو اسماعيل
(0) 0 التقييم 2 التعليقات المشاركة

?what do you think What is a slouch detector? Do animals laugh?

شرح ?what do you think What is a slouch detector? Do animals laugh? حل ?what do you think What is a slouch detector? Do animals laugh?

Hagfish, according to fossil records, have existed for over 300 million years

شرح Hagfish, according to fossil records, have existed for over 300 million years

Discuss the points raised at the end of each text. Express your ideas and agree or disagree Use language you know and phrases from the box

شرح Discuss the points raised at the end of each text. Express your ideas and agree or disagree Use language you know and phrases from the box حل Discuss the points raised at the end of each text. Express your ideas and agree or disagree Use language you know and phrases from the box

Match functions and expressions/excerpts from the conversation. Actions that are done for one

شرح Match functions and expressions/excerpts from the conversation. Actions that are done for one حل Match functions and expressions/excerpts from the conversation. Actions that are done for one

Listen and find examples for rising or falling intonation in the conversation Identify attitude, feeling if relevant e.g. enthusiasm regret, question, etc.

شرح Listen and find examples for rising or falling intonation in the conversation Identify attitude, feeling if relevant e.g. enthusiasm regret, question, etc.

Role-play with a partner Choose a celebrity to welcome at the airport.

شرح Role-play with a partner Choose a celebrity to welcome at the airport.

Talk about professional falcon hunters. equipment

شرح Talk about professional falcon hunters. equipment

You are going to listen to an interview with a professional falcon hunter. Answer True or False. Mr. Ali used to be a successful store owner

شرح You are going to listen to an interview with a professional falcon hunter. Answer True or False. Mr. Ali used to be a successful store owner حل You are going to listen to an interview with a professional falcon hunter. Answer True or False. Mr. Ali used to be a successful store owner

Listen again and make notes about falcon hunting trips. Transport

شرح Listen again and make notes about falcon hunting trips. Transport حل Listen again and make notes about falcon hunting trips. Transport

How much do you know about falcon hunting?

شرح How much do you know about falcon hunting? حل How much do you know about falcon hunting?
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