EXPANSIONUnits - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي


كتاب النشاط


كتاب النشاط
Writing Prompt Write a personal narrative about a problem or difficult situation you have experienced
عين 2024
(0) 0 التقييم 1 التعليقات المشاركة

A. Complete each sentence with the correct form

شرح A. Complete each sentence with the correct form حل A. Complete each sentence with the correct form

B. Change the active sentences to passive sentences

شرح B. Change the active sentences to passive sentences حل B. Change the active sentences to passive sentences

C. Complete each sentence with the past perfect

شرح C. Complete each sentence with the past perfect حل C. Complete each sentence with the past perfect

D. Rewrite each sentence using the adverb

شرح D. Rewrite each sentence using the adverb حل D. Rewrite each sentence using the adverb

E. Circle the best sentence adverb for each sentence

شرح E. Circle the best sentence adverb for each sentence حل E. Circle the best sentence adverb for each sentence

cirche for or to complete

شرح cirche for or to complete حل cirche for or to complete

change the positon

شرح change the positon حل change the positon

Complete each sentence about yourself.

Share your answers from H with a partner. Choose three of your partner’s answers and ask questions to find

What do you and your partner have or not have in common? Share with the class.


Computer Viruses: A Headache for Humans

شرح Computer Viruses: A Headache for Humans حل Computer Viruses: A Headache for Humans

Do all you can to avoid exposing your computer to a virus.

شرح Do all you can to avoid exposing your computer to a virus.

After Reading Complete each sentence with one of these words 1. How did the spy..... the government building? Weren't there security guards on duny?

شرح After Reading Complete each sentence with one of these words 1. How did the spy.....  the government building? Weren't there security guards on duny? حل After Reading Complete each sentence with one of these words 1. How did the spy.....  the government building? Weren't there security guards on duny?

Has your computer or a friend's ever been infected by a virus?

شرح Has your computer or a friend's ever been infected by a virus? حل Has your computer or a friend's ever been infected by a virus?

the psychlogy of color

شرح the psychlogy of color

after reading

شرح after reading حل after reading


شرح discussion حل discussion

with one of the words shown.1 A ....... of supplies has arrived to help the victims of the earthquake

شرح with one of the words shown.1 A ....... of supplies has arrived to help the victims of the earthquake حل with one of the words shown.1 A ....... of supplies has arrived to help the victims of the earthquake

Tools for Writing Capitalization

شرح Tools for Writing Capitalization حل Tools for Writing Capitalization

Writing Prompt Write a personal narrative about a problem or difficult situation you have experienced

شرح Writing Prompt Write a personal narrative about a problem or difficult situation you have experienced حل Writing Prompt Write a personal narrative about a problem or difficult situation you have experienced

Write Your Personal Narrative 1. Choose a problem or difficult situation you have experienced

شرح Write Your Personal Narrative 1. Choose a problem or difficult situation you have experienced حل Write Your Personal Narrative 1. Choose a problem or difficult situation you have experienced
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