Jack and his Sisters Enjoy the Four Seasons - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي
After-School Fun
Outdoor Fun
House Accidents
Workbook: Welcome
Workbook: Family Events
Workbook: Chores
Workbook: Stories
Workbook: After-School Fun
Workbook: Outdoor Fun
Workbook: House Accidents
Workbook: Wildlife
8 Weather Jack and his Sisters Enjoy the Four Seasons 1 Look and match. 1 rain b а 2 windy 3 sky d C 1 4 cold 5 sun f e g i k f 2 Look and write. 1 6 ice 7 cloud 8 snow 9 cloudy 10 rainbow 11 sunny 12 hot h j l 2 3 4 5 6 O 7 2 r_in_o_ 4 S_O_ 6 C _ _ d _ dy 8 C _ _ _ y 8 Minst 2004-1446 1 sunny 3 r__n 5 h 7 W- 208 acion TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 208 8 00 14/4/24 3:33 PM

3 Read the text and choose the correct option. The weather changes every day. It can be sunny and warm or cloudy and cold. When it's 2 ., there are many clouds weather, wear warm clothes in the sky, and it might rain. In 3 like a jacket, hat, and gloves. You might feel the 4 blowing, which can make you feel colder. On windy days, hold onto your hat! 5 They After it rains, you might see a happen after rain. So if you see a rainbow, it means the rain stopped and the 6. shining again! is 1 a sunny b sun 2 a cloud b clouds 3 a warm b cold 4 a wind b windy 5 a cloud b rainbow 6 a sunny b sky وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 209 c shining c cloudy chot c sun c sky c sun Vocabulary 4 Look and write. I took this photo this morning. It was very early, and it was very 1 cold to the lake. You can see that the 2 ,but I decided to walk is low in the sky. It is coming up over the lake. The lake is deep, but it has 3. on it. looks pink, and The 4 there are a lot of 5 There's snow at the edge of the lake. I like snow and days. 209 8 14/4/24 3:33 PM