Integrated Skills Review - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي

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كتاب النشاط

Integrated Skills Review O 1 7.3 Listen and complete. Use the words in the box. parrot who that whose This is the gray elephant whose ears are big. That is the big panda that is black and white. This is the small monkey whose teeth are dirty. That is the giraffe that has a loooong neck, that's right. Is that the green say hello? 2 that can Is that the brown kangaroo that jumps and never falls? I think that's the tiger is brave and strong. And that is the vet 4. takes care of them all. Chorus At the zoo, at the zoo. We are having so much fun here at the zoo. 2 Read and choose the correct option. D - <> Chorus (x2) Parrots are one of the most interesting birds in the world. They are birds that are very intelligent. They are more intelligent than cats and rabbits. Parrots can say words. They hear the sounds humans make and they copy these sounds. Parrots can also do basic math and tricks. Parrots are birds that can live as long as humans - some for more than 70 years. There are more than 300 different kinds of parrots. Parrots eat flowers, fruit, and insects. They use their feet like hands to eat their food. Many parrots have beautiful feathers which are different colors like red, blue, green, and yellow. They are very friendly birds and get sad when they feel alone. 1 Parrots are less intelligent than cats / more intelligent than some animals)/ not smart. 2 Parrots live longer than other birds / for a short time / less than ten years. 3 Parrots repeat what other animals do / words they hear / tricks. 4 Parrots can move faster than rabbits/sound like other animals / use their feet to eat. 5 Parrots like to be with people / be sad / eat meat. 7- Mins 2004-1446 206 acion TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 206 14/4/24 3:33 PM

Integrated Skills Review

Listen and complete. Use the words in the box This is the gray elephant whose ears are big.

شرح Listen and complete. Use the words in the box This is the gray elephant whose ears are big. حل Listen and complete. Use the words in the box This is the gray elephant whose ears are big.

Read and choose the correct option Parrots are one of the most interesting birds in the world

شرح Read and choose the correct option Parrots are one of the most interesting birds in the world حل Read and choose the correct option Parrots are one of the most interesting birds in the world

O 3 Write the words. Then write sentences. 1 fast Zebras are very fast. 2 _ u _ _ l _ 3 p_ nd_ 4 a v _ 5 _ ri___ ly 6 rr__ 4 Read and complete the sentences. 1 The zoo in my city is the 2 The vet biggest (big) one in our country. who works at the zoo is famous. 3 Last week, we studied ten of 4 I think the jungle is the place (dangerous) animals in the world. many of these animals live. 5 Monday is the day my pet rabbit comes home. 6 My brother says baby sheep are 5 Read and color for you. (cute) animals. I can use all sorts of words to talk about animals and compare them. I can identify all sorts of words to talk about people, things, places, possession, and time. I can read all sorts of texts about animals. I can complete a fact file with all sorts of information about an animal. I can listen to people giving all sorts of information about animals. I can ask for all sorts of information about people's favorite animals. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 207 207 7 14/4/24 3:33 PM

Integrated Skills Review

Write the words. Then write sentences

شرح Write the words. Then write sentences حل Write the words. Then write sentences

Read and complete the sentences The zoo in my city is the

شرح Read and complete the sentences The zoo in my city is the حل Read and complete the sentences The zoo in my city is the

Read and color for you I can use all sorts of words to talk about animals and compare them

حل Read and color for you I can use all sorts of words to talk about animals and compare them