Vocabulary - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي
After-School Fun
Outdoor Fun
House Accidents
Workbook: Welcome
Workbook: Family Events
Workbook: Chores
Workbook: Stories
Workbook: After-School Fun
Workbook: Outdoor Fun
Workbook: House Accidents
Workbook: Wildlife
Vocabulary 1 (7.8) Listen and number. a Be careful! It's not safe to stand too close to the lion! DANGER b It's OK. I'm brave! Plus, he looks friendly! 2 7.9 Listen, point, and say. The giraffes are really tall. Look! And they're very pretty! C رابط الدرس الر www.ien.edu.sa That owl is very smart. And the turtle is slow. 3 Read and complete the words. 1 Elephants and giraffes are ta l l. 2 My cat is very s ____ It knows a lot of tricks. 3 Dr. Sullivan says we have to be c with animals. 4 Gorillas are b __. They are not afraid of people. 5 The fish in the tank are colorful and p - 6 Snails are s 7 My parrot is chatty and f 8 It is not s __ to cross the busy street when the lights are red. 4 Act out and guess with your partner. Ministry of ducation 24-1446 Are you slow? Are you a tortoise? You are a slow tortoise! 88 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 88 Yes, I am. Yes, I am. Yes. Good job! 14/4/24 3:27 PM

Listen, point, and say.
Act out and guess with your partner
Grammar 1 Read and complete the chart. Horses are more friendly than cats. The white rabbit is the cutest pet here! And the parrot is the most intelligent bird. It can talk! J Yes, but cats walk more quietly than horses. Horses are friendly. Long and Short Adjectives / Adverbs Horses are 1 more friendly than cats. Cats are quiet animals. Cats are 2 horses. Cats are Horses are the most friendly animals in the world. 3 pets. Rabbits are 4 Rabbits are cute. Rabbits are cuter than parrots. animals in the animal shelter. 5 cats. Tortoises walk 6 Tortoises walk slowly. Tortoises walk 2 Look and write a comparative sentence. 1 The mouse is faster than the frog. 4 (fast) (friendly) 2 5 (slowly) (brave) 3 (cute) 3 Complete with the superlative forms. 1 Giraffes are the tallest 2 What do you think the 3 This monkey is the 4 Aisha is the student who is the 5 Lions are one of the animals on the planet. (tall) animal is? (friendly) animal in the zoo. (smart) in the class. (intelligent) animals in the world. (quick) 4 Write your own sentences about different animals with the words given. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 89 careful smart friendly safe 89 7 14/4/24 3:27 PM