Vocabulary - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي
After-School Fun
Outdoor Fun
House Accidents
Workbook: Welcome
Workbook: Family Events
Workbook: Chores
Workbook: Stories
Workbook: After-School Fun
Workbook: Outdoor Fun
Workbook: House Accidents
Workbook: Wildlife
Vocabulary 1 1.6 Listen, look, and number. a strong man a helpful brother ☐ a chatty mom a tired dad D a 04 C d g h 2 Listen, point, and say. 1.7 3 Read and complete. f b chatty helpful kind shy -weak 1 My aunt is not strong. She is weak 2 Lucy likes to talk a lot. She is 1 3 My mom is very nice and polite. She is 4 My sister loves to help. She is 5 My cousin doesn't talk a lot. He is Mistry of fucation 24-1446 16 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 16 رابط الدرس ا www.ien.edu.sa a lazy boy a kind woman 1 a weak grandma a shy girl 14/4/24 3:23 PM

1 Read and complete the chart. Whose dress was that? Was it yours, Suzie? Yes, it was mine! Whose daughter was this? Was No, I think it was this your bike? our little brother's. Grammar Yes, it was his. Whose house was this? It was your aunt's. It was hers. It wasn't ours. Was it our grandparents' old house? Yes, it was theirs. Questions Whose dress was it? Whose teddy bear was it? It was Whose bag was it? Possessive Pronouns It was 1 mine (1) 2 (you) It was 3 . (she) Whose bike was it? It was 4 . (he) Whose car was it? Whose house was it? 2 Read and complete. It wasn't 5 It was 6 (we) (they) 1 Is this your bag? No, it isn't mine 2 Can I borrow that pen? Ask Saeed. It's I don't know whose it is. 3 Whose new bike is that? I think it's Rana's. Yes, it's 4 I think those are my books! No, they aren't Maha's and Fatima's. They are 5 Are you sure they are Maha's and Fatima's? Yes, the books are 3 Play a game with your partner. Student A Choose two objects in the classroom. Ask your partner about them. Whose book is this? Student B I think it's yours. Answer your partner's questions. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 17 17 1 14/4/24 3:23 PM