Update - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Two Is Better Than One
Unit2: influential people
Unit3: What Will They Think of Next
Unit4: The World of TV
Term 2
Unit5: Do You Really Need It
Unit6: The Gender Divide
unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
unit8: Against the Odds
Term 3
unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
unit10: They Said, We Said
unit11: Express Yourself
unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط unit1: Two Is Better Than One
نشاط unit2: Influential People
نشاط unit3: What Will They Think of Next
نشاط unit4: The World of TV
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Do You Really Need It
نشاط unit6: The Gender Divide
نشاط unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
نشاط unit8: Against the Odds
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
نشاط unit10: They Said, We Said
نشاط unit11: Express Yourself
نشاط unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
Update 1 Listen and Discuss Read and find out what each text is about. • human behavior • a clever business decision . an accidental discovery • a breakthrough in space exploration Rocking Chairs...where? Usually, people expect to see them on front porches, in living rooms, bedrooms, and cozy places where one is likely to have the time to relax. One of the last places where you'd expect to see rocking chairs is a busy airport, right? Wrong! Rocking chairs have caught on as a special touch in about 40 airports in the US. The trend started in 1997 at an international airport that was hosting a photography exhibit called Porch Sitting. There were photos of porches with rocking chairs, with actual rocking chairs placed in front of the photos as props. When the exhibit was over, and the rocking chairs were being removed, people started protesting. So the airport manager was quick to respond. He kept the chairs and ordered more. From then on, rocking chairs spread as a trend at more airports. Is Europa similar to Earth? A re-processed, high resolution, photo of Jupiter's moon Europa was released in 2014, showing the largest proportion of the satellite's surface. Scientists claim that there is water underneath Europa's icy shell that could host life, under the right conditions. This has provided an additional incentive to push forward with the exploration of this amazingly colorful moon. A new study, also suggests that there are big plates of ice sliding over and under each other within Europa's shell. This effectively means that the Earth is not the only solar system body that possesses plate tectonics, as was formerly believed!* وزارة التعليم Ministry of 34ation 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 134 * *Adapted from: AccessScience Editors. (2014). Evidence found for plate tectonics on Europa. AccessScience. Available at: https://www.accessscience.com/content/briefing/aBRO916141. Did you know that? Safety glass, which is widely used in windshields, safety goggles, and more, was invented by accident over a century ago. In the early 1900s, a French scientist accidentally knocked a glass flask off his desk. The flask fell to the floor but only cracked instead of shattering into pieces. Having inspected the broken flask, he realized that it had contained plastic cellulose nitrate, which had coated the glass and prevented it from shattering upon impact. 30/4/24 3:06 AM

Read and find out what each text is about human behavior
Term3 And did you know that? The first synthetic dye was accidentally created in 1856, by William Perkin, an 18-year-old chemist. He was carrying out an experiment in search of a cure for malaria when it all went very wrong resulting in a murky mess in the petri dish. Upon closer examination, William noticed a brilliant color radiating from the petri dish. It was the beginning of synthetic dyes that would change the world of fashion and manufacturing forever. * Would you gossip about a friend? Gossip and rumors can destroy a young person's self- confidence and affect their self-esteem. It can also lead to serious conditions such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Betraying the trust of a friend by talking behind their back reflects very badly on the person gossiping. People instantly assume that if one is capable of gossiping about a friend, then he/she is capable of doing it about anyone and keep their distance. Talking about a friend with negative intent does not make one stand out or help him/her become more popular. It is the surest way of isolating oneself and gradually losing one's friends altogether. * Adapted from: Accidental Discoveries That Changed the World [Video]. (n.d.). AccessScience. Available at: https://www.accessscience. com/content/video/an400048. 2 Pair Work وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 A. Before you discuss each issue, brainstorm and think of language you can use: • to express your opinion/view . to agree or disagree • to present arguments • ask for and give clarification, confirmation • to make suggestions • to summarize/recap B. Which topic/s would you like to find out more about? Why? C. Present similar examples that you know about. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 135 135 30/4/24 3:06 AM

Would you gossip about a friend?
Before you discuss each issue, brainstorm and think of language you can use to express your opinion/view
O Update 3 Conversation Listen and practice reading Part 1 of the conversation in pairs. Then underline examples of deductions about the past and the present. Adnan: Hey, listen to this. It's about a man who survived a plane crash. Omar: There can't be too many people who've lived to talk about a crash! Adnan: No, probably not. Apparently, the plane had Omar: Adnan: Omar: crashed and burst into flames about 2-4 km from the end of the runway. According to this article, three passengers survived the impact but two of them died in hospital a few hours later. He must have been the only survivor then! Correct! He was thrown off the plane, strapped to his seat and landed upright on the street! You must be kidding! He can't have landed upright on the street! Do you believe it? Adnan: That's what the article says. Here's a picture of the man now. He was only 17 when it happened. It happened in January 1985. You can look it up! Omar: I'll do that! Is there more? Listen to Part 2 of the conversation in pairs and complete the blanks with must have or can't have. Adnan: Here's another story of a man who beat the odds! Omar: Not another plane crash! Adnan: No, this happened in Sweden. The man was trapped inside his car, for two months. Omar: Two months? Why didn't he try to get out? Adnan: He couldn't. His car was snowed over. He must have got snowed in on his way to the next town. Omar: He stayed alive for two months in the cold. What did he eat? Adnan: According to the interview, he ate snow and whatever snacks he had. Omar: But that months. He been enough for two been confused. It been less than two months. Adnan: Yes, well the rescuers felt the same way. They couldn't believe he'd been there that long but scientists confirmed that he gone into hibernation. They also said that an "igloo effect" been created by the insulation of the car, so he was able to survive! Your Turn Role-play a conversation like the one above with a partner. وزارة التعليم Ministry 36ation 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 136 30/4/24 3:06 AM

Listen and practice reading Part 1 of the conversation in pairs. Then underline examples of deductions about the past and the present.
Listen to Part 2 of the conversation in pairs and complete the blanks with must have or can't have Adnan: Here's another story of a man who beat the odds!
Role-play a conversation like the one above with a partner
O 1. Read about people who realized their dreams against all odds. What do you think motivates some people to persevere and make the most of their lives? 4 Speaking Certifi KA Brian is a triple amputee who lost his legs and his right arm in an explosion. Three years later, with three prosthetic limbs, he enrolled in one of the most competitive schools of architecture in the U.S. and was due to graduate in 2014. He didn't think he should settle for anything less since his head had not been injured and his brain could function as well as it did before! Mark has been working as a janitor at a prestigious university for two decades. He has worked from early afternoon till 11:00 at night mopping floors and emptying garbage cans and then stayed up after midnight studying for his classes. He signed up for one or two classes per semester and managed to graduate with honors in 2012, at age 52. He is not planning to give up his job, as it offers an irresistible benefit, namely free tuition. Instead, he is planning to study for his post-graduate degree next! Martha earned two college degrees while living in an iron lung. She was paralyzed by polio at the age of 11 in 1948 and was confined in a metal tube, 23 hours a day. But she never gave up. She kept reading and attending classes without fail through her custom- built intercom system. This is what she said in a documentary about her life: “Something happens to all of us. Mine is more visible than yours, but you have to deal with your things, too. None of us are exempt from things that would make us extraordinary people if the world knew the story." 2. Work in pairs. Discuss and make notes. A. What motivated Brian and Mark to carry on and pursue their dreams in learning? B. How do you think Brian's life might have developed, if he hadn't been as determined? C. How do you think Mark's life might have developed, if he hadn't taken advantage of the employee benefit that had been available to him? D. How do you think Martha's life might have developed, if she had given up? 3. Now use your notes to present and compare ideas in class. 4. Do you know or have you heard of other stories of courage and perseverance? Talk about them in class. 5. Try to find more amazing stories like the ones above and make notes. Present them in class. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 137 137 30/4/24 3:06 AM

Read about people who realized their dreams against all odds. What do you think motivates some people to persevere and make the most of their lives?
Work in pairs. Discuss and make notes. A What motivated Brian and Mark to carry on and pursue their dreams in learning?