Form Meaning and Function - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Two Is Better Than One
Unit2: influential people
Unit3: What Will They Think of Next
Unit4: The World of TV
Term 2
Unit5: Do You Really Need It
Unit6: The Gender Divide
unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
unit8: Against the Odds
Term 3
unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
unit10: They Said, We Said
unit11: Express Yourself
unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط unit1: Two Is Better Than One
نشاط unit2: Influential People
نشاط unit3: What Will They Think of Next
نشاط unit4: The World of TV
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Do You Really Need It
نشاط unit6: The Gender Divide
نشاط unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
نشاط unit8: Against the Odds
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
نشاط unit10: They Said, We Said
نشاط unit11: Express Yourself
نشاط unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
O 4 The World of TV 11 Form, Meaning and Function Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives The Comparative Use more/less + adjective, or adjective + -er to make the comparative. Detective stories are more/less popular than stories about space travel. Goldfish are smaller than clownfish. رابط الدرس الرقمي Use words such as: a little, slightly, much, a lot, considerably, definitely, and certainly to express how much something differs, or to add emphasis. Children's TV films are considerably better than they used to be. Use as+ adjective + as to compare things that are equal or similar. Dora and the Lost City of Gold is as good as Sonic the Hedgehog. Use not as + adjective + as to compare things that are different. The Lion King and Jurassic Park are good TV films but not as good as Star Wars. Use the + comparative, the + comparative to describe two actions. The second action happens as a result of the first. The more I hear about the Giza Pyramids, the more I want to know. The harder he works at speaking English, the better he becomes. The Superlative Use the + adjective + -est or the most/least + adjective to make the superlative. The Nobel prize is the most prestigious award a scientist can win. RIME LONDO Visit The company director agreed that it was the least attractive offer, but he was obliged to take it. We can use the expression by far to add emphasis. Pirates of the Caribbean is by far the best TV film of all. A. Write sentences about the animals using comparative and superlative structures. camel • cat • cheetah • • • • • • donkey eagle elephant goldfish horse ostrich snake tiger ⚫lion • • 1. Both cheetahs and tigers are big cats. Lions are the biggest of the cats. The biggest tigers are as big as lions. Cheetahs are a lot smaller and more slender in comparison. The cheetah is by far the fastest land animal on Earth. 1. cheetah/tiger/lion 2. camel/donkey/horse/elephant 3. ostrich/eagle 4. bear/snake 5. Your own idea B. Imagine you are a contestant on a TV Quiz show. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. 1. What's the most widely spoken language? 2. What's the tallest mountain? 3. What's the largest desert? What's 4. What's the deepest ocean? 5. What's the most populated city? 6. What's the largest lake (by size)? 7. What's the hottest place? 8. What's the driest place? وزارة التعليم Ministry 58ication 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 58 30/4/24 3:04 AM

O Words Connected with Space and the Planetary System: Part 2 Look at this information about the planets in our solar system: Name of Planet Distance from the Sun (km) Radius Number Geographical Features or Special Facts (km) of moons Mercury 57,909,227 2,440 None rocky Venus 108,209,475 6,052 None rocky, high mountains, volcanoes, poisonous air Earth 149,598,262 6,371 1 rocky, inhabited, mountains, volcanoes Mars 227,943,824 3,390 2 rocky, mountains, volcanoes Jupiter 778,340,821 69,911 68 cold, rings Saturn 1,426,666,422 58,232 62 cold, rings Uranus 2,870,658,186 25,362 27 cold, icy rings Neptune 4,498,396,441 24,622 14 cold, icy rings Note: Our Solar System used to be described as a group of nine planets, but scientists now consider Pluto to be a dwarf planet. Irregular Comparative and Superlative Adjectives In most cases we make comparative and superlative adjectives by adding -er/-est, or we use more/most or less/least. However, a small number of adjectives are irregular. well (healthy) – better – the best - - far (distance) -farther or further – the farthest or the furthest - old (people in a family) - older or elder - the oldest or the eldest bad - worse - the worst good-better- the best C. Use the chart above to find information about the planets. Choose the correct word to make true facts about our solar system. Some planets are much bigger and farther away from the sun than others. Jupiter is by far the (1. biggest / hottest) and Mercury is the (2. smallest / coldest) in our solar system. Mars is (3. closer / farther) from the sun than Earth. Mercury is the (4. closest / farthest) planet to the sun. It is so (5. close / far) to the sun that if you stood on the surface of the planet, the sun would appear at least three times (6. larger / smaller) than it does on Earth. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are all rocky planets, but Earth is the only one that is (7. inhabitable / uninhabitable), which means that people, animals and plants live on it. Venus is only (8. slightly / almost) smaller than Earth and has many high mountains and volcanoes. Venus is so (9. close / far) to the sun that the land is (10. hotter / colder) than boiling water. Mars is a (11. rocky / icy) planet and is known as the Red Planet because of the red color of the planet's surface. Mars is (12. almost / considerably) half the size of Earth. The four planets (13. farthest / closest) away from the sun are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They are very (14. hot/cold) and (15. green / icy) places. Jupiter has the (16. least / most) number of known. moons. Jupiter's four (17. largest / smallest) moons were observed in 1610 by an Italian astronomer called Galileo Galilei. Saturn has the (18. least / most) spectacular ring system of all the planets. There are 7 rings made up of dust, rocks and ice. (19. Most / More) than 40 spacecraft have explored Saturn, but only one has visited Uranus and Neptune. Neptune is the (20. farthest / closest) from the sun and makes a complete orbit around the sun in about 165 Earth years. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 59 59 30/4/24 3:04 AM