Lost and Found - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Two Is Better Than One
Unit2: influential people
Unit3: What Will They Think of Next
Unit4: The World of TV
Term 2
Unit5: Do You Really Need It
Unit6: The Gender Divide
unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
unit8: Against the Odds
Term 3
unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
unit10: They Said, We Said
unit11: Express Yourself
unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط unit1: Two Is Better Than One
نشاط unit2: Influential People
نشاط unit3: What Will They Think of Next
نشاط unit4: The World of TV
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Do You Really Need It
نشاط unit6: The Gender Divide
نشاط unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
نشاط unit8: Against the Odds
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
نشاط unit10: They Said, We Said
نشاط unit11: Express Yourself
نشاط unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
12 Lost and Found A Write the missing letters. e e r n ge 1. su de 2. au h n i 3. 4. pr 5. t 6. t 7. a 8. CD (D S iou ve re mp al ab D B Write the words from exercise A next to their definitions. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. authentic : real; genuine priceless; very useful and precious. give in; give up .: try to do something : hypothesis; speculation : punishment for a wrong done : infamous; known for a negative reason : money; riches; something valuable 8. : keep in good condition MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 349 Unit 12 349 30/4/24 3:09 AM

12 Lost and Found C Complete the sentences with where or when. Then rewrite the sentence an alternate way using which or that. Winter is the season when it snows. Winter is the season in which it snows. 1. School is a place we learn. 2. Dusk is the time of day. 3. My bedroom is the one place in our house 4. The restaurant. 5. Morning is the time of day 6. Fall is the time of year 7. Cities are places the sun sets. I can be alone. we had dinner last night was wonderful. we wake up. we rake leaves. many people live and work. D Combine the two sentences. Use the second sentence as an adjective clause. Then write the sentence an alternate way. ? A library is a place. You can borrow books there. A library is a place where you can borrow books. you can borrow books from. A library is a place that you 1. Summer is the time of year. It's hot then. 2. Childhood is a time in a person's life. It is easy to make friends at this time. 3. The city was crowded. We spent our vacation there. 4. Germany is a country in Europe. They speak German there. 5. Dinner is a time of day. Our whole family gets together to talk. P350 Unit 12 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 350 30/4/24 3:09 AM

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 F O 12 Lost and Found E Combine the two sentences with whose. Use the second sentence as an adjective clause. Thomas is a boy. His experiment won first place at the Science Fair. Thomas is the boy whose experiment won first place at the Science Fair. 1. The family moved to Abha. We bought their house. 2. The girl was disappointed. Her cell phone was stolen. 3. Ahmed is my cousin. His brother is a pilot. 4. The people were crazy to sell them. We bought their tickets. 5. Gandhi is the person. His work and life are most interesting to me. 6. My mother is the person. I love her cooking the most. 7. Bill is the guy. His father won the prize. Correct the errors in each sentence. If the sentence is correct, write correct. where The Louvre is the museum in where the Mona Lisa is displayed. 1. The person whose giving the next presentation is me! 2. Evening is the time of day which we eat dinner at. 3. I was very surprised when I heard the news. 4. The auditorium the Holy Qur'an Verses were recited was very nice. 5. The girl who's essay won the contest was very excited. 6. Summer is the time of year where we get vacation. 7. The person whose phone number she always forgets is Sabah. Welcome to achi https://www.facebook.com 8. Facebook is a social networking platform who's enables millions of people to connect. facebook Facebook helps you conne do in your life. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 351 Unit 12 351 30/4/24 3:09 AM

12 Lost and Found G Write a sentence about each picture. Use an adjective clause with where, when, or whose in each sentence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 2 3 4 H Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. bent out of shape eating down in the dumps hit the roof vanished into thin air what a shame Fatima: Where's Tara? Maya: She went for a walk. She's all (1) phone. She's really upset about it. Fatima: Oh, (2) 5 6 because she can't find her cell ! That would make me mad, too! Did she retrace her steps? She should really look everywhere she can think of. Maya: She was looking for over an hour, and she couldn't find it anywhere. It's like it (3) We can't think of anywhere else to look. Fatima: Maya: That's so disappointing! She must be feeling (4) It's just (5) at her. She feels like she should remember where it is, but just can't find it. It's really irritating her. Fatima: Well, that's too bad. And her parents are probably going to (6) when she asks them to buy her a new one. That's true! That'll probably make her feel even worse! Maya: P+352 Unit 12 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 352 30/4/24 3:09 AM

◉READING Read the article from a travel magazine. Then answer true or false. 12 Lost and Found Siberia Tunguska event - Yakutsk The Mysterious Explosion at Tunguska Krasnoyarsk Irkutsk In the early morning of June 30, 1908, an extremely bright object zoomed through the atmosphere above Siberia. Passengers on a train saw the flaming object-like a tower of fire-fly above them at an incredible speed. It was possibly flying at about one and a half kilometers per second, and it caused a sonic boom that shook the train, the tracks, and everything in the nearby surroundings. Almost 565 kilometers to the north, people felt the ground shake violently as they saw what appeared to be the sun flying across the sky. The temperature became unbearably hot. They heard sounds like thunder, though there were no visible clouds. About 240 kilometers farther north, in the Tunguska valley in Siberia, the object exploded about eight kilometers above the ground setting fire to the forest and destroying trees, animals, and everything else around it. The blast was heard 1,207 kilometers away. Halfway around the world, seismographs registered the explosion as if it were a massive earthquake. Later that day, a black rain began to fall in the Tunguska valley. In the following days, people all over Europe began reporting that the sky had a strange luminosity at night, and it was even possible to read or to take pictures without flash at four in the morning. The sunset had unusual colors. It wasn't until almost 20 years later that someone decided to investigate. The area was sparsely populated and difficult to access, and the political situation at the time was complicated. It wasn't until February of 1927 that the first daring expedition arrived in the area. Mineralogist Leonid Kulik went to look for the strange object which had impacted Siberia. He had read newspaper accounts of the explosion, and he speculated that it must have been caused by a meteorite. When he finally reached the site of the mysterious explosion, Kulik was amazed. Twenty years later the signs of devastation were still very clear. There were large areas of forest where everything had been destroyed and where new trees were beginning to grow again. He saw evidence of giant trees broken as if they had been matchsticks. It is estimated that the explosion knocked down around 80 million trees in an area ranging over 1,940 square kilometers. Later studies by geochemists found dust that was of extraterrestrial origin, but there was no evidence of a crater— meaning that it exploded in the air. Scientists have calculated that the force of the explosion was the equivalent of three to five megatons of TNT. This is a greater force than an atomic bomb! If the explosion had occurred over a city, it could have caused tremendous damage, but in the forest, the only victims were trees and animals. Scientists have speculated that the explosion was caused by a comet exploding over Earth, or perhaps a meteorite or an asteroid. Whatever the truth may be, over 100 years later people still continue to write and comment about it on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media. 1. The article is about a mysterious event that happened in 1908. 2. Nm People heard the explosion 565 kilometers away. The explosion occurred in the air. 3. 4. An expedition was sent to investigate shortly after the explosion. t G B f وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 353 Unit 12 353 30/4/24 3:09 AM

12 Lost and Found J Complete each sentence with an appropriate word or phrase. Use the reading in exercise I to help you. The instrument used to measure the strength of an earthquake is called a seismograph 1. Another word for explosion is 2. When we refer to the of something, we're talking about how bright it is. 3. When there are very few people living in an area and their houses are spread out, we say the area is K populated. 4. When scientists make guesses about an object they can't identify, they about it. 5. When we talk about the severe destruction that happened over a large area, we refer to the in that area. 6. are very thin wooden sticks that are used to start a fire. 7. Meteorites are examples of on Earth. pieces of metal or rock from space that land 8. When meteorite hits the ground, it creates a very large hole called a Join the sentences with adjective clauses using who, whose, which, where, or when. The man has a brother. / His brother is a lawyer. / The man recommended a different type of contract. The man, whose brother is a lawyer, recommended a different type of contract. 1. They employed the person. / The person's father was a famous author. 2. They visited the site. / The excavation took place at that site. 3. Do you remember the time? / It was the time they told us that we would be in the same class. 4. She would never badmouth someone. / Someone had helped her in the past. 5. The book was reprinted. / It had been sold out. P+354 Unit 12 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 354 30/4/24 3:09 AM

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. 2. 3. O 12 Lost and Found ✓ Look at the picture and make a list of words that describe what you can see. Write your words under each heading below. Then write sentences about the picture using adjective clauses with when, in/on which, and where. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 355 when in/on which where Unit 12 355 30/4/24 3:09 AM

PL356 Unit 12 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 356 12 Lost and Found O M WRITING Write an informational essay about an important discovery. 1. Before you write, research the discovery to answer the following questions: What was found? Where and how was it found? When and how was it lost or hidden? What makes it important or unique? Use the chart below to record information and organize your ideas. Discovery: What was found? Describe it. Where and how was it discovered? When and how was it lost or hidden? What makes it important or unique? 2. Now use your notes from the chart to write your essay. 30/4/24 3:09 AM

N Read the sentences and circle the correct word. 12 Lost and Found 1. Put your keys in your pocket or you'll (lose / miss / find) them! 2. If you don't leave now, you will (forget /find / miss) your train. 3. They (forgot / left / lost) their finest art collection in the fire last month. 4. I think we're lost. Do you (forget / remember/lose) the address? 5. The Jones family are always so busy that they never (miss/find / lose) time to have a vacation together. 6. Ahmed is so conscientious and hardworking that he has never (found / remembered / lost / missed) a day of work. 7. I've booked an appointment for Tuesday at 6 p.m. Write it in your diary so you don't (lose / forget / remember). Look at the situations in the pictures and speculate how things may have turned out differently. Re-write the situation using hypothetical If-clauses for the past. 1. boy sleeping/missing the bus 2. umbrella/woman in rain 3. camera/couple at zoo وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 830 1. If 2. If 3. If MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 357 BUS Unit 12 357 30/4/24 3:09 AM

12 Lost and Found P Complete the story with the words and phrases in the box. artist breathtaking piece of art art museums famous paintings Hanan: Last month I went to the different (1.) museums before last month. in the city. I've never been to many Norah: You probably saw some really (2.) Hanan: I did! But there was one (3.) and pieces of art. that I had never seen before. Norah: Was it in the Nouveau Art Museum? Hanan: Yes! How did you know that? Norah: Was it a tall, silver tree? Hanan: Well, I think so. Norah: And the (4.) hung clothes on all the branches? Hanan: I think you definitely saw the same piece of art. Can you believe it was in a museum?! Norah: Oh, absolutely! It was (5.). Hanan: Norah: 358 Unit 12 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 358 The artist has so much talent. I'm a huge fan of his. Really? I didn't like it at all. The artist has no talent. I can't even remember his name, can you? Oh, yes. He's my uncle! 30/4/24 3:09 AM