Lost and Found - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit12: Lost and Found

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit12: Lost and Found

Lost and Found

Write the missing letters 1. s u .... .... e .... d e ....

حل Write the missing letters 1. s u .... .... e .... d e ....

Write the words from exercise A next to their definitions 1........ priceless very useful and precious

حل Write the words from exercise A next to their definitions 1........ priceless  very useful and precious
Lost and Found


شرح C.Complete حل C.Complete

Combine the sentences Use the second as an adjective clause Then write the sentence an alternate way 1. Summer is the time of year It's hot then

حل Combine the sentences Use the second as an adjective clause Then write the sentence an alternate way 1. Summer is the time of year It's hot then
Lost and Found

Combine the two sentences with whose Use the second sentence as an adjective clause 1 The family moved to Abha. We bought their house..

شرح Combine the two sentences with whose Use the second sentence as an adjective clause 1 The family moved to Abha. We bought their house.. حل Combine the two sentences with whose Use the second sentence as an adjective clause 1 The family moved to Abha. We bought their house..

Correct the errors in each sentence. If the sentence is correct, write correct 1. The person whose giving the next presentation is me!

شرح Correct the errors in each sentence. If the sentence is correct, write correct 1. The person whose giving the next presentation is me! حل Correct the errors in each sentence. If the sentence is correct, write correct 1. The person whose giving the next presentation is me!
Lost and Found

Write a sentence about each picture Use an adjective clause with where , when , or whose in each sentence

حل Write a sentence about each picture Use an adjective clause with where , when , or whose in each sentence

Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. She went for a walk. She's all ....... because she can't find her cell phone. She's really upset about it

حل Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. She went for a walk. She's all ....... because  she can't find her cell phone. She's really upset about it
Lost and Found

Read the article The Mysterious Explosion at Tunguska from a travel magazine. Then answer true or false 1.The article is about a mysterious event that happened in 1908

حل Read the article The Mysterious Explosion at Tunguska from a travel magazine. Then answer true or false 1.The article is about a mysterious event that happened in 1908
Lost and Found

Complete each sentence with an appropriate word or phrase. Use the reading in exercise I to help you 1. Another word for explosion is........

حل Complete each sentence with an appropriate word or phrase. Use the reading in exercise I to help you 1. Another word for explosion is........

Join the sentences with adjective clauses using who, whose, which, where. or when 1. They employed the person. / The person's father was a famous author

حل Join the sentences with adjective clauses using who, whose, which, where. or when 1. They employed the person. / The person's father was a famous author
Lost and Found

Look at the picture and make a list of words that describe what you can see. Write your words under each heading below Then write sentences about the picture using adjective clauses with when

حل Look at the picture and make a list of words that describe what you can see. Write your words under each heading below Then write sentences about the picture using adjective clauses with when
Lost and Found

Write an informational essay about an important discovery 1 Before you write, research the discovery to answer the following questions What was found? Where and how was it found lound? When a

حل Write an informational essay about an important discovery 1 Before you write, research the discovery to answer the following questions What was found? Where and how was it found lound? When a
Lost and Found

Read the sentences and circle the correct word. 1 Put your keys in your pocket or you'll (lose / miss / find) them!

حل Read the sentences and circle the correct word. 1 Put your keys in your pocket or you'll (lose / miss / find) them!

Look at the situations in the pictures and speculate how things may have turned out differently situation using hypothetical If-clauses.for the past. 1. boy sleeping/missing the bus

حل Look at the situations in the pictures and speculate how things may have turned out differently situation using hypothetical If-clauses.for the past. 1. boy sleeping/missing the bus
Lost and Found

Complete the story with the words and phrases in the box. Last month I went to the different (1.) in the city I've never been to many museums before last month.

حل Complete the story with the words and phrases in the box. Last month I went to the different (1.) in the city I've never  been to many museums before last month.