Form Meaning and Function - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Two Is Better Than One
Unit2: influential people
Unit3: What Will They Think of Next
Unit4: The World of TV
Term 2
Unit5: Do You Really Need It
Unit6: The Gender Divide
unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
unit8: Against the Odds
Term 3
unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
unit10: They Said, We Said
unit11: Express Yourself
unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط unit1: Two Is Better Than One
نشاط unit2: Influential People
نشاط unit3: What Will They Think of Next
نشاط unit4: The World of TV
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Do You Really Need It
نشاط unit6: The Gender Divide
نشاط unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
نشاط unit8: Against the Odds
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
نشاط unit10: They Said, We Said
نشاط unit11: Express Yourself
نشاط unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
O 2 Influential People 11 Form, Meaning and Function Present Perfect Simple Tense رابط الدرس الرقمي Use the present perfect to talk about actions that started at an indefinite time in the past. It is often used to talk about time from the past to now in a person's life. Q: Have you been to Kuwait? A: Yes, I've been to Kuwait. I have visited many places in the Middle East. Use the present perfect to talk about recently completed actions. Mohammad Abdul Latif Jameel has contributed greatly to the government's Saudization program in the Kingdom. Use the present perfect simple to emphasis an action that started in the past and has continued until now and may continue in the future. Li Ka-shing has lived in China for all his life. Time Expressions with For and Since Use the present perfect simple tense with for to indicate the duration of the action: for two months, for a year, for a long time. Use the present perfect simple with since to indicate when the action began: since yesterday, since last June. Questions with How Long Q: How long has the clothing store been in operation? A: It's been in operation since 1975. It's been in operation for about 50 years. A. Complete the sentences with for or since. 1. Hameed has had the same TV 15 years. 2. I've had my laptop last June. 5. We haven't used our car 6. I've been drinking tea a long time. years. 3. We've worked on this project 4. My friends haven't visited me a month. 7. Tariq has worn glasses my graduation. 8. the age of seven. when have you had that beautiful watch? B. Complete the paragraph with the verbs in parentheses. Use the present perfect or simple past tense. Amancio Ortega The son of a railroad worker, Ortega is now Spain's richest man. When Ortega was (1. be) 13, he shirtmaker and later store. He (2. work) as a delivery boy for a (3. become) the manager of a clothing (4. begin) making clothing in his living room and selling it to local stores. Ortega (5. have) an ability to predict what styles were going to be popular and to create these styles with inexpensive materials. Over the years, the clothing store (6. gain) a reputation for selling designer fashions at reasonable prices. Today, Ortega's company has more than 2,850 stores in 88 countries. وزارة التعليم Ministry 30ucation 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 30 SALE 30/4/24 3:04 AM

O Past Simple versus Present Perfect Use the present perfect to talk about an action that happened in the past when the exact time isn't known or isn't important. Use the simple past tense when the exact time is given. Present Perfect A: Have you ever met a billionaire? B: No, I've never met a billionaire. Simple Past A: When did he start the company? B: He started the company in the late 70s. Note: Time expressions we can use with the present perfect are: yet, so far, ever, never, already, recently, lately, once, twice, etc. Asking and Telling about Personal Experiences: Have you ever ...? Have you ever ordered books online Yes. So far this year. I've ordered 25 books online. No. I've never ordered books online, but I've bought other products through the Internet. I haven't bought books online yet. I buy them from the bookstore on the corner. C. Complete the conversations. Use the present perfect and simple past. Then practice with a partner. 1. A: Have you ever to charity? B: No, I Have you? some clothes and books. A: Yes, I B: That's great! I want to make a donation, too. 2. A: | tacos in Mexico years ago. B: What did they taste like? A: They spicy. Sheikh Sulaiman bin Abdul-Aziz Al- a billionaire? 3. A: Rajhi always B: No, he hasn't. A: B: Yes, he he ever He money to charity? some of his wealth to charity in 2011. 4. A: I've never in a helicopter. B: I have. I in one over the Red Sea. A: I'd like to do that one day. D. Make some notes in the chart below. Work with a partner. Ask and answer about your personal experiences. People I have met Places I have been Events I have attended E. Tell your partner's experiences to the class. 11 31 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 31 30/4/24 3:04 AM