Writing - Mega goal 3 - ثالث ثانوي
Term 1
Unit1: Two Is Better Than One
Unit2: influential people
Unit3: What Will They Think of Next
Unit4: The World of TV
Term 2
Unit5: Do You Really Need It
Unit6: The Gender Divide
unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
unit8: Against the Odds
Term 3
unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
unit10: They Said, We Said
unit11: Express Yourself
unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط unit1: Two Is Better Than One
نشاط unit2: Influential People
نشاط unit3: What Will They Think of Next
نشاط unit4: The World of TV
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-4
نشاط unit5: Do You Really Need It
نشاط unit6: The Gender Divide
نشاط unit7: Everyone Makes Mistakes
نشاط unit8: Against the Odds
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5–8
نشاط unit9: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
نشاط unit10: They Said, We Said
نشاط unit11: Express Yourself
نشاط unit12: Lost and Found
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9–12
O 6 The Gender Divide 10 Writing رابط الدرس الرقمي www.ien.edu.sa A. 1. How do we communicate? Do we mostly communicate through verbal or non-verbal language? 2. Try communicating these to your partner without speaking. • Can I have your pen, please? • Are you going to call me after school? • I went shopping yesterday. 3. Now write two of your own messages on a piece of paper, fold it, and set it aside or give it to your teacher. Use non- verbal language to communicate your message. Check. How successful were you? 4. "A picture is worth a thousand words." Explain. 5. Read the text and find: • • the main thesis statement • the supporting paragraphs the arguments used Verbal and non-verbal communication When people talk about communication, the first thing that comes to mind is words or language. Language is our primary means of communication as human beings, which sets us apart from other species. However, as studies have shown, it is not the only means of communication. Think about a photograph taken in the center of a town. It provides information about the buildings, stores and services, people and cars, plants, and all kinds of details if you choose to take the time to look at it more carefully. Now try describing the picture and everything you have identified in it to your friend or write about it. How long do you think it's going to take you? Certainly a lot longer than it takes a photo to convey the same amount of information. Suppose that you have just acquired the latest electronic gadget. Would you choose to tell your friend about it or show it to him or her? Usually, we choose to do the latter, i.e. show it to somebody and point out all the new, amazing features. In other words, pictures and objects can "speak for themselves" more efficiently and effectively than we can through verbal language. However, there are situations where a different type of interaction is required, when, for example, you run into somebody you have not seen for some time. You probably want to talk about everything that has happened, ask him/ her questions, and talk about people you know, and so on. This is definitely a case that requires verbal language. On a partly different note, you see a friend you have not seen for some time at a distance, e.g. different escalators at the airport leading to different lounges. You have both checked through security and cannot go back; and you certainly don't want to start shouting across the airport building. You want to get his/her cell phone number. You probably resort to gesturing by holding your hand next to your ear and pretending to talk; you point to the "phone," point to your friend and use a hand gesture to signal “What?” pointing back to the imaginary phone. Your friend signals each number by holding up the appropriate number of fingers. In other words, although language is important and allows us to communicate facts, feelings, thoughts, experiences, and practically everything and anything that we are interested in, it is not the only way we communicate with each other. As studies have shown, about 60 percent of human communication is carried out through non-verbal means, e.g. facial expression, gestures, or illustration. Maybe we should keep this in mind. when we are "at a loss for words”: our eyes and overall expression can convey what we cannot express through words. وزارة التعليم Ministry cation 2024-1446 MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 90 30/4/24 3:05 AM

O B. 1. Think of an Arab man or woman and a non-Arab man or woman you know personally or from TV. 2. Think about the way these people communicate. Research and collect information about culture-specific features of communication. Do you think they communicate in a way that is typical of their culture? Write your ideas in a chart. 3. Write an essay about the communication approaches used by each person. Give examples to support your ideas. Culture-specific communication features Communication features that are not culture- specific Arab person's name: Non-Arab person's name: encourages A Friend from Sweden and a Friend from Poland as researchers on an educational My two friends are also colleagues. We work together schools to communicate online with schools in other countries. Although project that they come from different cultures, both of them are not really what you might consider typical according to national stereotypes. my my quiet manner. Janek, Erik, Swedish friend, is a very friendly, outgoing person in a quiet Polish colleague, on the other hand, does not look very friendly at first but ... Writing Corner When you write a comparative/contrastive essay: وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 . consider the different sides of the issue. • develop a list of similarities and differences. • establish your basis for comparison. • create a thesis for their relative importance, e.g. similarities outweigh differences. structure your essay using an alternating or a block structure: a. an alternating structure involves a point by point discussion and can be quite systematic and analytical. b. a block method allows you to discuss each aspect or topic in distinct blocks and then conclude. MG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 91 91 30/4/24 3:05 AM