Peter and his Sisters Playing at Home - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Read and complete What are your plans for today, Fouad
Top Goal
(102) 3.1 التقييم 6 التعليقات المشاركة

4 After-School Fun Peter and his Sisters Playing at Home 1 Look and choose the correct option. 1 2 3 play video games / play take photos / go shopping make a model / catch board games 4 LO 5 a ball 6 趾 texting/vlogging 2 Read and write. dress up/play board games 1 You need a camera to do this. t p. go shopping/make a model 2 When you aren't outside, you are i 3 When you write short written messages with a cell phone you are t 4 When you aren't in a building, you're o 5 You need lots of fun clothes to do this. d. 6 You do this when you don't want people to see you. h. it. u_ 4 Min 2004-1446 160 acion TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 160 14/4/24 3:31 PM

Peter and his Sisters Playing at Home

Look and choose the correct option play video games / play board games

شرح Look and choose the correct option play video games / play board games حل Look and choose the correct option play video games / play board games

Read and write You need a camera to do this

شرح Read and write You need a camera to do this حل Read and write You need a camera to do this

3 Read and complete. Mom: What are your plans for today, Fouad? Fouad: I want to go shopping with my friends. Mom: And what do you want to buy? Fouad: I want to buy a new 2 m ____ plane. Mom: Vocabulary Another one!? Why don't you buy a new 3b. g _ _ _ ? g_ Fouad: You know I prefer 4v_. Mom: Alright. Remember to 5t g__ __ me when you come back home. Have fun! Fouad: Sure, Mom! 4 Follow the lines and write what Fouad and Sahar like. Sahar Fouad 1 Sahar likes to go shopping 2 Sahar 3 Sahar 4 Fouad 6 Fouad 5 Fouad 5 Read and check (✓) or cross (X) for you. Then write sentences. 1 go shopping 3 play video games 2 take photos 4 play board games 1 234 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 161 161 4 14/4/24 3:31 PM

Peter and his Sisters Playing at Home

Read and complete What are your plans for today, Fouad

شرح Read and complete What are your plans for today, Fouad حل Read and complete What are your plans for today, Fouad

Follow the lines and write what Fouad and Sahar like.

شرح Follow the lines and write what Fouad and Sahar like. حل Follow the lines and write what Fouad and Sahar like.

Read and check (What are your plans for today, Fouad) or cross (false) for you. Then write sentences.

شرح Read and check (What are your plans for today, Fouad) or cross (false) for you. Then write sentences. حل Read and check (What are your plans for today, Fouad) or cross (false) for you. Then write sentences.
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