Story - TopGoal - سادس ابتدائي

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كتاب النشاط
Look at the pictures. Check (true ) what is true The children are in the classroom
(228) 4.7 التقييم 132 التعليقات المشاركة

Story 1 Look and check (✓) or cross (X). 1 The students are on the playground.. 2 The girl sitting alone looks happy. 2 3.3 Listen and read. Write T (true) or F (false). The New Kid رابط الدرس The children are playing on the playground. A girl is sitting alone. "Who is that?" Izzy asked. "I think she's a new student," Julie answered. "Oh, no! She's crying! Let's go and say hello." "Hello, I'm Julie." "Um... I'm Samantha." "It's nice to meet you, Samantha. Are you new?" Liz asked. "Yes, my family moved here two weeks ago," Samantha answered. "Why are you sad?" Izzy asked. "I'm alone. I don't know anyone." Samantha answered. "Don't cry. Do you want to play with us?" Liz asked. "Yes, please. What are you playing?" Samantha asked. "We're looking for monsters. If you find a monster, you score a point," Julie answered. "That sounds fun." Samantha joined them. The children laughed and played looking for monsters. They climbed the trees and jumped in the leaves. Samantha picked up some leaves and shouted, "Look! Here's one!" Liz laughed. "That's not a monster, Samantha. That's just a worm." Samantha dropped the worm. Everyone laughed. 3 24-1446 1 A girl is sitting alone. T 2 The girls ask about Samantha. 3 Samantha lives with her grandma. 4 Samantha moved to town two years ago. 5 Liz and Julie were nice to Samantha. 6 Samantha decided to play with the other children. 7 Samantha picked up a real monster. 8 Only Liz laughed at Samantha. 38 Social and Emotional Learning Read and answer. 1 How do you know if a friend is sad? 2 How do you know if a friend is happy? 3 What other ways can you tell how someone feels? TopGoal 1 Combo_2024.indb 38 14/4/24 3:24 PM


Listen and read. Write T (true) or F (false) A girl is sitting alone

شرح Listen and read. Write T (true) or F (false) A girl is sitting alone حل Listen and read. Write T (true) or F (false) A girl is sitting alone

Look and check ( true)) or cross (false) The students are on the playground

شرح Look and check ( true)) or cross (false) The students are on the playground حل Look and check ( true)) or cross (false) The students are on the playground

1 Look at the pictures. Check (✓) what is true. Gourlay Mouse and CAY Mouse Listening and Speaking Izzy Liz Samantha Julie 1 The children are in the classroom. 2 They are playing a game. 3 The teacher is reading a book. 2 3.4 Listen and choose the correct word. 3 1 The children liked / didn't like the story. 2 Liz cried laughed when the mice were scared because a cat meowed. 3 Julie thinks the City Mouse was polite / nice to invite her friend. 4 Izzy thinks the Country Mouse liked / didn't like the city. 5 Samantha thinks the Country Mouse wanted to leave / visit the city. 3.5 Read about the story. Correct the mistakes. Then listen and check. My favorite story is The Country Mouse and the City Mouse. One mouse lives in the country, and one mouse lives in the city. The City Mouse visited the country, but didn't like it very much. She then invited food the Country Mouse to visit her in the city, where there is a lot of water, but they were 2tired because there was a lot of noise. My favorite part of the story is when they climbed on a 3 chair to eat a lot of food, but then the Country Mouse decided to leave and go back home where it's noisy. 4 Tell your partner your favorite story in your own words. 1 What is the name of the story? 2 Who is in the story? 3 What happens in the story? 4 What is your favorite part of the story? وزارة التعليم 39 3 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 TopGoal_1_Combo_2024.indb 39 14/4/24 3:24 PM


Look at the pictures. Check (true ) what is true The children are in the classroom

شرح Look at the pictures. Check (true ) what is true The children are in the classroom

Listen and choose the correct word The children liked / didn’t like the story

شرح Listen and choose the correct word The children liked / didn’t like the story

Read about the story. Correct the mistakes. Then listen and check.

شرح Read about the story. Correct the mistakes. Then listen and check.

Tell your partner your favorite story in your own words What is the name of the story?

شرح Tell your partner your favorite story in your own words What is the name of the story?
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