Since When - Super goal 3 - ثالث متوسط
Term 1
Life Stories
When are you Travelling
What Do I Need to Buy
Term 2
Since When
Do You Know Where it is
It's Good Deal, Isn't It
Drive Slowly
EXPANSION Unuits 5-8
Term 3
all kinds of people
Who Used My Toothpaste
Making choices
Culture Shock
EXPANSION Units 9-12
Term 1
نشاط 1 Lifestyles
نشاط 2 Life Stories
نشاط 3 When are you Travelling
نشاط 4 What Do I Need to Buy
نشاط EXPANSION Unuits 1-4
Term 2
نشاط 5 Since When
نشاط 6 Do You Know Where it is
نشاط 7 It's Good Deal, Isn't It
نشاط 8 Drive Slowly!
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5-8
Term 3
نشاط 9 all kinds of people
نشاط 10 Who Used My Toothpaste
نشاط 11 Making choices
نشاط 12 Culture Shock
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9-12
5 Since When? وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 A O Complete the sentences about the photos. Use the words in the box. brick household printer microwave oven clumsy image conventional device huge light My aunt was at my house yesterday. She and my mom made cookies. I noticed that my mom never uses the (1) make the cookies. My mom says that some things bake better the old-fashioned way, in a (2) today have both types of oven. to oven. That's why a lot of (3) Cell phones are very small today. And they have always been small. Well, that's what I thought! Then my older brother showed me one of the very first cell phones. My father had one in a box in the garage. It was not small at all! It was big and (4) And when my brother handed it to me, I almost dropped it because it was so heavy. And that's why people called it the (5) amazing how our cell phones today are so small and so (6) My new laptop computer is really amazing. It is so small and fast. I love it. I really only needed one other (7) it. I needed a (8) It's to go with But I didn't have to buy it. The store gave me one when I bought the laptop. What a deal! My parents just bought a new TV. It's a big screen TV, and that means that the screen is (9) awesome! The (10) ! It's on the screen is crystal clear and the sound is amazing. SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 197 Term m2 kitchens Unit 5 197 30/4/24 12:34 AM

5 Since When? Complete the conversations. Use the simple past. B 1. Mona: Sabah: | When did you arrive at school this morning? at school at 8 o'clock. 2. Ahmed: Where did Yahya eat lunch yesterday? Faris: He lunch at the mall. 3. Sultan: What time Imad you last night? Fahd: Imad called me at 10:30 p.m. 4. Amina: Fadwa: 5. Asma: Nawal: When did Noura and you finish your homework yesterday? We our homework just before dinner. Who passed the history test last week? No one 6. Jabir: Ismail: When I was at the park yesterday during the football game. that test! you at the park? C Write complete sentences. Use the present perfect. I see the Great Wall I've seen the Great Wall. 1. my brother / play tennis / in the new park 2. Saeed/try / to learn French 3. we go camping / in the mountains 4. my parents / eat / at the Indian restaurant by the bookstore D Write questions for the statements in C. 1. 2. 3. 4. PH 198 Unit 5 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 198 30/4/24 12:34 AM

5 Since When? LUI E Complete the paragraph with the verbs in parentheses. Use the present perfect or the simple past tense. LL F وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 My uncle (1. make) a lot of inventions. Some of his inventions (2. work), and others (3. not be) very successful. When I (4. be) 12 years old, I (5. walk) to school every day. That year, my uncle (6. give) me one of his new inventions—a hat (7. call) it his hat umbrella. with an umbrella. He (8. be) it one of his successful inventions? Let's just say that we talk) about it in years! Well, that's not completely true. Last year, my uncle (9. not (10. wear) one of his hat umbrellas to my graduation. It (11. be) really funny! And after dinner, he the world who (12. give) it to me. I think I'm the only person in (13. receive) two hat umbrellas as gifts! Complete each sentence with for or since. 1. Robert got sick two days ago. He has been sick two days. 2. Daniel got his new car three weeks ago. He has had his new car three weeks. 3. Carlos started to play tennis in 2017. He has played tennis 2017. 4. My brother last spoke to his friend two hours ago. He hasn't spoken to him two hours. 5. My uncle moved to New York City in 2019. He has lived in New York City SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 199 2019. Unit 5 199 30/4/24 12:34 AM

5 Since When? G Write a question and two answers for each photo. Use How long, for, and since. chicken / be / in the microwave / three o'clock // 15 minutes Q: How long has the chicken been in the microwave? A: The chicken has been in the microwave since three o'clock. A: The chicken has been in the microwave for 15 minutes. 1. Tom and Kenneth / use/laptops/ four years old // almost their entire lives Q: A: A: 2. Chris/play football / eight years old // seven years Q: A: A: 3. Alex and Sam/play video games / this afternoon // forty minutes Q: A: A: 4. Omar/go/ to this dentist / 2018 // many years Q: A: A: 5. Grandma have / her tea set / get married // over forty years P200 Unit 5 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Q: A: A: SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 200 30/4/24 12:34 AM

H READING 5 Since When? Since the 1700s, people have tried many different ways of traveling over land. They wanted to move more quickly and more comfortably than they could on horseback. Inventors have produced several different kinds of car engines since 1760. First, they tried steam engines. But they were noisy, and the driver had to stop frequently to get more water. Then they tried gasoline engines. The inventor of the modern gasoline-powered automobiles was a German named Karl Benz. He made his first car in 1886. His company later became Mercedes Benz, and it is still making cars today. Automobile companies have added many improvements to cars over the years. Have you been in a car in rainy or snowy weather? Was it difficult to see the other cars on the road? A hundred years ago, it was almost impossible to drive in bad weather. People had to get out of their cars and wipe the windshields of their cars every few minutes. However, today, we have Write T for True and F for False. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. windshield wipers. M. Anderson invented the windshield wiper in 1903, and by 1913 almost all American cars had them. And today you can't buy a car without them. Another invention that has become very popular is the bucket seat. Steve McQueen, a famous American actor, invented this type of seat. McQueen worked on cars and was a race car driver. He needed a seat that was comfortable when his car was going very fast. Have you ever sat in a bucket seat? It's lower than a regular seat, and most people say it's more comfortable. Manufacturers have put bucket seats in cars for over forty years now. Auto manufacturers have improved cars. They've added things that make driving easier and more comfortable for drivers. Windshield wipers and bucket seats were only the beginning. Now many cars have GPS devices and even computers to help drivers park. Cars have come a long way in one hundred years! There have been cars with engines since 1760. The first cars had gasoline engines. Most American cars had windshield wipers in 1903. An actor invented the bucket seat. American cars have had bucket seats since 1913. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 201 Unit 5 201 30/4/24 12:34 AM

5 Since When? I Complete the chart. List inventions that have been important to you. Tell why each one has been important. 0 1617 Caviol Credit Card 1234 5678 9012 3456 01/22 CARDHOLDER NAME 0080 What inventions have changed my life? cell phone How have they changed my always able to talk to friends life? J WRITING Now write about the inventions you listed in the chart above. Write how each one has made your life better or worse, easier or harder. P202 Unit 5 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 202 These Inventions Have Changed My Life 30/4/24 12:35 AM