Grammar - Super goal 3 - ثالث متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط

Verb + Infinitive

شرح Verb + Infinitive حل Verb + Infinitive

Make sentences Use infinitives Add it,s where necessary

شرح Make sentences Use infinitives Add it,s where necessary حل Make sentences Use infinitives Add it,s where necessary

Complete the following sentences with infinitives

شرح Complete the following sentences with infinitives حل Complete the following sentences with infinitives

Look at the photos. What do you think is the polite/not polite thing ar the right/wrongg thing to do in your country?

شرح Look at the photos. What do you think is the polite/not polite thing ar the right/wrongg thing to do in your country? حل Look at the photos. What do you think is the polite/not polite thing ar the right/wrongg thing to do in your country?

Complete the sentences with the correct form

شرح Complete the sentences with the correct form حل Complete the sentences with the correct form