Clothes Shoes Socks - التربية الفكرية - ثالث متوسط

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Lesson Twelve Clothes (Shoes- Socks) Practice Listen and Repeat: XXXX< Shoes Socks رابط الدرس

Lesson Twelve: Clothes (Shoes-Socks)

Listen and Repeat: Shoes Socks

Practice 2 Color: وزارة التعليم --------- LED

Lesson Twelve: Clothes (Shoes-Socks)

Color: Shoes Socks

زارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Practice 3 Match: Socks Shoes 0000 ٥٠٢

Lesson Twelve: Clothes (Shoes-Socks)

Match: Shoes Socks

وزارة التعليم Practice 4 Circle the shoes: Practice 5 Trace then write: Shoes Socks

Lesson Twelve: Clothes (Shoes-Socks)

Circle the shoes

Trace then write: Shoes Socks