Words with bl br fl fr cl cr dr - we can 2-3 - ثاني ابتدائي
Unit1: My House
Unit2: My Things
Unit3: My Day, Animals, Places
نشاط Unit1: My House
نشاط Unit2: My things
نشاط Unit3: My day, Animals, Places
cb2 10 Words with bl, br, fl, fr, cl, cr, dr ● Write the words and read. Phonics Practice flag green fresh black swan frog fruit crayon brown clock 1. a brown crayon 2. a 3. a 4. The 02:00 is on 5. The the is in the basket. > Listen, complete, and chant The wheels the The driver on the bus says, "Move back!" round and round, "Move on back!" round and round, "Move on back!" round and The on the bus The on the bus says, "Move on back!" go and round, all the town. all the way to town. وزارة التعليم E WC_02_TERM³ COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 29 OO 29 20/3/23 4:37 PM

GDE 11 Long vowel sounds Read and circle the words that don't belong. Then listen, check, and write them in the correct cloud. دارة التلس E go show Long O sound no tomato shoe snow two SO Long U sound glue blue you toe to So who too shoe Long i sound pie bye dry taxi kind line field rain. 30 8 Long e sound spaghetti ski piece me eight donkey sky space taxi Long a sound able tie shake apron break neighbor ceiling steak weight WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 30 20/3/23 4:37 PM