Rhythms and Listening Fun Time - we can 2-3 - ثاني ابتدائي
Unit1: My House
Unit2: My Things
Unit3: My Day, Animals, Places
نشاط Unit1: My House
نشاط Unit2: My things
نشاط Unit3: My day, Animals, Places
CDI 15 Rhythms and Listening Chant and point. Things on My Desk Pens and pencils, Pens and pencils. Paper and glue, Paper and glue. Scissors and erasers, www.mand CD1 Le Scissors and erasers. Candy for you, CANDY A Candy for you. Sounds and Letters Listen, say, and match. Then write the missing letters. حرارة التعليم B-12 E smile snail small snack dils are all and quiet. WC_02_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 12 20/3/23 4:37 PM

CD1 17 ** Fun Time! Borrowing Things Relay Ask to borrow things. وارة التعليم E Let's do it again! I Can ... Can I use your scissors? Here you go. Can I use your eraser? Here you go. chant the Things on My Desk chant. ask to borrow some things in class. WC_02_TERM3_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 13 GOLL GOLL 13 Unit 2 20/3/23 4:37 PM

I Can ... chant the Things on My Desk chant .