Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Introduction to Cryptography

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Applications of Cryptography

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Blockchain and Digital Currencies

Symmetric Key Cryptography

Asymmetric Key Cryptography

Types of Cryptography

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Hash Functions

Symmetric Key Cryptography

Validation of Public Keys

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Webs of trust

Certificate Authorities

Cryptography Attacks

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Implementing Cryptographic Algorithms

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Encrypting the message

Decrypting the Message

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

# Iterate through each character in the encrypted message

Testing the Cipher

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Vigenère Cipher

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

"L" (shifted by 24 places) becomes "J"

Encrypting the message

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

plaintext_int = [ord(i) for i in plaintext]

Decrypting the Message

Testing the Cipher

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

The Diffie–Hellman (DH) Key Exchange Algorithm

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Preparing the Algorithm

Implementing the Key Exchange

Generating the Secret Shared Key

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Blockchain

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Read the sentences and tick True or False.

Describe the core principles of cryptography and how it works.

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Outline the various applications of cryptography in the modern digital word.

List the three main types of cryptographic algorithms.

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Design a representation of asymmetric key cryptography.

List the advantages and disadvantages of the three main types of cryptographic algorithms.

Lesson 2 Cryptography in Cybersecurity

Analyze how webs of trust are used to validate public keys in cryptography.

Explain how hackers can use cryptanalysis to gain access to encrypted data.